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Trumpism Driving Big-Money Donors Away from State Republican Parties

One good thing about having a political party taken over by a bunch of cheap-ass state-wrecking rednecks is that they drive sensible capitalist donors away:

Ronald Weiser made a fortune in real estate and has devoted vast sums to supporting the Michigan Republican Party. He served three separate terms as the state party chair and, in the 2022 midterm cycle, wrote checks to the party to the tune of $4.5 million. At this point, however, he’s cut the party off, angry about its devolution into election denialism.

Losing a major donor is always a blow, but in Michigan it’s particularly bad news, since the party had grown almost wholly reliant on Weiser and the DeVos family (including former federal Education Secretary Betsy DeVos) for its funding. “These state parties are not getting contributions because the traditional big donors do not trust them with their money,” says Ray La Raja, an expert on political parties at the University of Massachusetts. “What you are seeing in some parties is a rejection of the MAGA brand by donors.”

…the Michigan GOP is not the only state party with a treasury running dry. Republican parties in the key states of Arizona and Georgia have also run short of cash. This spring, the Colorado Republican Party was unable to pay its own staff, while this summer the Minnesota Republican Party reported it had just $54 in cash on hand, a sum dwarfed by more than $300,000 in debts.…

“The more populist wing of the party, which used to be in the minority, never had much of a donor class within its ranks,” says Seth Masket, a University of Denver political scientist who’s writing a Substack about the GOP presidential primary. “The more ‘establishment’ donors now find themselves in the minority within the party and are watching the party moving away from their vision” [Alan Greenblatt, “Will State GOPs Run Out of Money?Governing, 29023.12.07].

But don’t get too excited about a Republican deficit in South Dakota. At the beginning of 2023, the SDGOP reported $624,935.54 in income, $803,672.18 in expenditures, and $190,311.28 on hand. The South Dakota Democratic Party reported $85,638.05 in income, $126,780.97 in expenditures, and $31,764.13 on hand. Darn—South Dakota’s crony-capitalists must not be as sensible as the big-money donors exacting their market judgment on other MAGA-soured state GOPs.


  1. sx123 2023-12-08 08:44

    Most rational people, whatever their political views, can only put up with a certain amount of crazy.
    Hopefully most people are rational, eventually.

  2. larry kurtz 2023-12-08 09:03

    Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to the republic.

    Another unnerving finding is a recent increase in the number and frequency of threats to members of Congress and their families during their time in office: 47% of respondents indicated that they receive threats at least somewhat frequently, 49% of Republicans and 46% of Democrats. However, for former members of Congress who are female or a racial minority, that number increases to 69%. The group surveyed also reported an uptick in the number of threats against members of their congressional staff.

  3. O 2023-12-08 09:29

    I am left honestly questioning what material flaw of this nation allowed this monster to rise to such levels of power? Donald Trump is the intersectionality of deep issues that this nation must address. Wealth distribution and the creation of oligarchs, the dissolution of objective fact and a media to report it, basic values of opportunity, entrenchment of the two-party system, trust and accountability of elected officials and institutions . . . Like COVID, Trump has put the magnifying glass to the cracks in our society — then wedged those cracks wider.

  4. larry kurtz 2023-12-08 09:31

    Author David Gelles is making the case that Jack Welch destroyed American democracy with predatory capitalism and through unprecedented fraud. According to Gelles, rabid Republican Welch even ordered GE-owned NBC to call the 2000 presidential election for George W. Bush despite Vice President Al Gore clearly winning the popular vote and an electoral college in crisis.

  5. LCJ 2023-12-08 11:11

    Trupism? Guess you can’t be grading any spelling papers now?

  6. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-08 11:50

    You will never agree with me, and that is fine in my book, but Trump was the best thing to ever happen for the 50 State Republics. Each of the republics, there are 45 of them, the 4 commonwealths, and the 1 plantation organization (Rhode Island), have all rediscovered themselves. The people claiming their citizenship under each of these entities, are redisovering who they are, and that they are above the Federal Government, and that in my opinion is a great thing. We are becoming Individual, Independent, Sovereign again. And that scares the establishment of the Democrat and Republican Platforms. And this can only make us stronger, more unified, and prosperous. The Federal Govt is scared, they are crapping their pants, and they know the end is near, that their reign is falling down. The more the people wake up from the Great Society aka the Great Dumbing Down of America – the Federal Govt loses their grip on the people. The states will eventually begin the process of adopting declarations, ordinances, resolves, to distance themselves from the Federal Govt, while beginning to vote to reign in the federal govt, by placing it back into the box to which we created in 1791.

  7. Mike Zitterich 2023-12-08 12:46

    If Donald Trump is NOT afraid to stand up for the republic, neither am I. I will distance myself from the Federal Government, I will publish and promote my drafted Declaration of Independence, of which I listed out 10 Resolves to which define a list of complaints and abuses against the Federal Government. Asking for each State to adopt by signing onto them, thus dissolving their contract with the Federal Government. The goal is to create a new National Government that is bound to, and remains within the constraints of Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 1-19. It should cease in interfering with the Republics, the Commonwealths, the Plantations, and the Estates, and of the People. I will remain strong, diligent, and remain faithful to the Republic, a Free State, a Sovereign People, Under the House of God.

    You Hateful Words Cannot Hurt Me.

  8. larry kurtz 2023-12-08 12:47

    Donald Trump is a career criminal who should lose his passport and spend the rest of his miserable life under house arrest.

  9. O 2023-12-08 13:15

    Larry, House arrest? Reality Winner didn’t get house arrest. Henry “Enrique” Tarrio did not get house arrest. I don’t know that the fake electors will get house arrest. Billionaire or not, Trump should see a prison cell.

  10. ska sunka 2023-12-08 13:19

    There’s nothing worse than an idiot who thinks he’s a genius.

  11. larry kurtz 2023-12-08 13:59

    ”We agree … that some aspects of Mr. Trump’s public statements pose a significant and imminent threat to the fair and orderly adjudication of the ongoing criminal proceeding. The record shows that Mr. Trump has repeatedly attacked those involved in this case through threatening public statements, as well as messaging daggered at likely witnesses and their testimony.”

  12. Mike Zitterich 2023-12-08 14:33

    Even I will tell that Judge he is a utterly incriminated and unconstitutional, political motivated criminal going afer an innocent private private citizen for poliitcal gain, and the N.Y District Attorney is a fat, racist, pig-faced chocolate thunderous broad who should stay in her home where women are are to make their husbands a meal. I question if that Ms. James is even a woman, she looks like a gorilla. Definately acts like one with her big lips.

  13. Dicta 2023-12-08 14:45

    First the comment about women keeping their legs together, now a “chocolate” broad needs to make her husband a meal. Good thing Mike’s here. Valued contributions.

  14. larry kurtz 2023-12-08 15:07

    ”Our Constitution, as we talked about, it’s just a document. It’s a promise to each other that we must enforce to protect our shared democracy. The rule of law comes with real fragility, because our Constitution commands no armies, has no police force. All it has is very limited self-defense mechanisms that my colleague mentioned, and that is Section Three,” said CREW lawyer Eric Olson.

    Trump’s argument that because he’s popular, that should affect how we interpret Section Three here could not be more dangerous. Jefferson Davis would have gotten a lot of popular support right after the Civil War. And the application of Section Three is at its most urgent when a person who has desecrated their oath to the Constitution already seeks to become our commander in chief again, if we say that this conduct by this person is not enough under the Constitution, what we do is empower Trump and others to use more political violence to attack our democracy,” Olson added.

  15. larry kurtz 2023-12-08 15:11

    The NMGOP is nearly broke, too especially after throwing money at the Couy Griffin case. Recall he is disqualified under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

  16. Donald Pay 2023-12-08 15:22

    Cory, I think we need to think about whether our general tolerance here for free-flowing discussions of various points of view needs some amendment. I hate to even reprint Mike Z.’s racist and sexist words, given that they are so hatefully racist and sexist, but here they are: “…the N.Y District Attorney is a fat, racist, pig-faced chocolate thunderous broad who should stay in her home where women are are to make their husbands a meal. I question if that Ms. James is even a woman, she looks like a gorilla. Definately acts like one with her big lips.”

    This sort of statement is unacceptable. Mile Z. is very well acquainted with Nazi propaganda and American history, so he should know that such demeaning words are unacceptable in human society. I think Mike Z. needs to do a couple things before he is allowed to comment on this blog.

    He should be required to apologize to Dakota Free Press readers for subjecting us to his racist and sexist comments, and retract this statement. Until he does, he should not be allowed to post comments here.

    We all have seen his racism and sexism many times over, and he has repented in the past for such statements. He needs to get a grip on his behavior, and we can help him do that by pointing him the the right direction.

    Also, he needs to be told that he cannot post similar statements here. I have been told there are many such sites he can spew his hatred on. He can go there to spew hate, if he doesn’t seem to want to join the human community.

  17. Bill McClellan 2023-12-08 15:53

    It looks like this Zit guy needs the education his trip through life failed to instill in him. I read to my wife what he wrote above and I can say it would not be a good idea for either of us to meet him face to face.

  18. Nix 2023-12-08 16:14

    Mike Z
    For the love of all that is good, what century are you referring to with your insulting tirade filled with
    misogyny and racism ?
    I have been reading your drivel for quite a while and your post here in reference to an accomplished black woman has made every post you puke out from now on F’ ing irrelevant.
    I really want to toss out an insult to you, but you’re
    already rolling in dog sh*t.
    Go lay by your dish.

  19. All Mammal 2023-12-08 16:19

    Oh, yay. Now I get to be mean. I don’t want to be ugly to people. Mike Z – You should have kept your stupid, trashy trump suck shut. I shouldn’t be ashamed to admit how enjoyable it is to put a sick worm to task. You are a dbag, Mike Z and nobody likes you. You should have kept your dumb thoughts to yourself or at least shared them with other stupid losers. Its your fault, you inbred mofo. Have you ever been slapped right in your pie hole? Ignorant creepy racist orange ball garglers like you are special projects

  20. M 2023-12-08 16:27

    Donald Pay, THANK YOU.

    I come to this site to learn, laugh, and justify my sanity. Since Trump won the primary what seems like 20 years ago, I latched on to this site, met Cory in Aberdeen for the “March for Science” in 2017 and have been an avid reader since. I’ve tolerated some nasty comments from men out there, but Zit takes the cake. May he burn in Dante’s hells forever.

    Cory, please shut this guy up.

  21. O 2023-12-08 16:55

    I have to concur: Mike Z deserves a call-out on this one!

  22. Mark B 2023-12-08 17:59

    Its time Cory.

  23. larry kurtz 2023-12-08 18:00

    Scott Ehrisman allows Zitterich to spray South Dacola with copious vituperative propaganda so go over there and spread the word, too.

  24. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-08 18:03

    If I offended any of you, that is fine, BE OFFENDED. It is a free country.

    Most of you Democrats call Donald Trump, “Fat, Toad, Orange, Oppa Loopa” so I have no idea why you get all bent out of shape done in reverse. you are all cowards…

    I have been called names all my life, and I have taken it all in stride, and walked away and have been fine.

    You are all goofy trolls…

  25. All Mammal 2023-12-08 18:31

    I take that back. You are not a dbag, Mike Z. You are just the floppy douche nozzle. Oh, yeah, and an incel. Someone needs to teach your a55 and beat your a55. I can only do half. Just go away because your racist, demeaning and really low frequency thoughts are really more embarrassing than offensive. You only know cowards so you may be surprised when some of us make you have bad dreams.

  26. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-08 18:41

    I really do not care what you say, I keep our conversations on line. We will do lunch sometime and sit and have a meaningful conversatiokn face to face…I respect all people. NOT a racist.

  27. Arlo Blundt 2023-12-08 18:51

    I think Mr. Ziterich is taking up too much energy and too much head space on this blog. I support free speech but there are limits to our patience. He needs to follow some rules of basic decency and discretion. Suspending him until he makes some effort to behave himself as any other good citizen, would be appropriate.

  28. Dennis litfin 2023-12-08 19:22

    Mr Ziterich is just following the trump template. He has taken the bait trump has laid out by hook, line, and sinker. What you see is what you get when lemmings have bought into a cult. They are in too deep and they do not want, and will not admit that they have made a mistake. It is best to just ignore their rants.

  29. Edwin Arndt 2023-12-08 19:36

    So then, is democracy the main enemy of democracy?
    That’s sort of what I’m getting here.

  30. grudznick 2023-12-08 20:15

    Mr. Zitterich, grudznick has DEEP, MANLY AFFECTION for you.

  31. DaveFN 2023-12-08 21:25

    ““The most hateful and heinous speech is the most protected speech,” the legal expert and former lawyer [Sunny Hostin] explained. “What you heard is them saying what is completely accurate under the law: it depends on the context.” As she explained that what constitutes as free speech differs depending on if its delivered in a crowd or in a one-on-one interaction, Alyssa Farah Griffin piped up to add, “but this is talking about the codes of conduct, it’s not talking about the law.”

    Hostin shot back, “The codes of conduct must adhere to the law,” and told Griffin when she tried to protest, “It really can’t go against the Constitution of the United States.””

  32. Donald Pay 2023-12-08 21:59

    Codes of conduct most certainly can go against the the 1st Amendment, which applies to government. And even government has certain rules of conduct. You can’t get up in a legislative hearing and spew Mike Z. brand of racist, sexist hate speech. It would be gravelled down print.

  33. Mike Zitterich 2023-12-08 22:29

    So, if you are talking Code of Conduct, what about all the hate and negative abuse I have taken on this blog with all the name calling you all spew my way. You people are all full of crap, you are preaching Double Speack. I guess it is ok for you all to bash me, and ridicule me, call me names, however, if someone gives it back to you, you all have a huge fit over it. Interesting. YOU PEOPLE ARE ON DRUGS!

    Anyways, 1968 Federal Court ruled that YOU CANNOT disqualify a Candidate for President due to a Loyalty Oath, and that is the Oath you are trying to claim Trump took, HE DID NOT. Section 3 of the 14 Amendment is clearly pointed @ The U.S Senate, U.S House, Elector for President, and all State Legislators, and Officers of the State government. These people take the 1884 Adopted Oath by Congress, and the PRESIDENT DOES NOT take that oath., In fact, he does NOT even take an oath to “Support the Constitution” – he takes an oath to Preserve, Protect, and Defend the Constitution. HE is elected to protect the States vs the Federal Government, The PResident is above the Federal Govt, and the very people that take a loyalty oath are the people BELOW HIM.


    Oh, and IF I Offended You. Then Be Offended. It is a Free Country.

  34. Dicta 2023-12-08 23:01

    Telling you that you need help isnt hate. I get too mean, I admit it. But this place is terroble for you and, likewise, you are terrible for it. Your presence tears apart discussion because you make things about you at every given opportunity and, when angered, reveal some really concerning tendencies towards women and black people. You’re just not a nice guy, Mike. Whether or not you can be better with some focus on mental wellness is anyone’s guess, but I sure as hell wish you’d try. I dont even know why we bother, to be honest. One of the central features or chronic mental illness is that it screams at you that you aren’t ill. Usually, it takes a person close to you to intervene and help steer you in the right direction. None of us are that person. As a result, we’ll continue this cycle of your eruptions, vanish for a few days, increasingly long and frequent posts, eruption again until Cory gets tired enough of it and prevents you from posting here.

  35. larry kurtz 2023-12-09 06:27

    Even grud wants to poke Zitt in the heinie.

  36. Mark B 2023-12-09 07:13

    Even a technical solution Cory where comments just show the first 2 or 3 sentences and we have to expand to see more would be great. The linear nature of the comment section makes you have to climb around and expose yourself to some of the worst of the worst commenters. It would be helpful to allow us a little more options on what we want to dive into.

  37. Mark B 2023-12-09 07:27

    I dont mind walking by a person with a MAGA hat or a store that puts MAGA merchandise in the window, I just dont stop for conversation or go into the store.

    Sometimes when Mike Z posts its like walking through the whole MAGA store to get to the milk and then finding the milk is spoiled or our of stock because the milk man is arguing with the store owner and forgot or refused to deliver the milk.

    South dakota is already limited on engaging spaces for liberal thought. Mike isnt here for that, he is here to keep the milk from getting delivered. Any way to allow him or all of us to walk in the door and see who’s in the coffee shop and decide which table and conversation we sit down at would be nice.

    Then Mike would likely find not many of us want to sit at his table, and his endorphin rush from getting our goats (sorry grudz) would diminish.

    And his right to free speech maintained if that even applies, and his ideas would get the attention they deserve.. none.

  38. Mark B 2023-12-09 08:20

    And we all pretty much know who Mike is. I have raised a high functioning autistic daughter, have a bipolar employee, and many extended family members on the Autism spectrum. The term in use now in ‘Neuro Diverse’ as opposed to Neuro Typical.

    Certainly hallmarks of Neuro Diversity are challenges with Neuro Typical social norms and cues, combined with twndency to view criticisms on specific behaviors or attitudes as criticisms of their entire being. I.e. “if you dont like the way I completed a task, you must not like me at all.”

    Having a deep fascination with singular narrow interests is also a hallmark. It is no surprise that an adult on the ASD spectrum that has likely lived a socially challenging life finds comfort and energy in the conspiracies and ‘they are evil, you are right’ messaging MAGA reinforces for them, as the linked article above points out.

    So Mike has found ‘loyal’ friends in the drivel of David Fuentes. Why he needs us is beyond me, I guess its part of his mission. His Neuro Diversity is on Full Display when he insults us, we give it back, and then he is upset that we cant all be friends.

    Mike Z, you wont admit it, but we know who you are. I know your life hasnt been great, and Im glad you found a sense of belonging that has eluded you.

    Im not sure what Dakota Free Press represents to you, but for most of us it is a place for centrist and left thinkers, and some moderate right thinkers to keep us honest. It isnt for absolutist far right or far left arguing. Being Neuro Diverse, you may not have picked that up, but thats what it is. Now you know.

    If you want to engage here, you are welcome, but their are social norms we have all been trying to get across to you the past few months. And criticisms of your posts are not criticisms of your entire being.

    At this point, we all want to know why you are here? What does ‘winning’ look like for you?
    I guarantee if you are looking for a group of uninformed and undecided individuals who may appreciate the ‘knowledge bombs’ you deliver, this is the wrong place. If you know that who we are and believe your knowledge bombs are effective, you are wrong. That leaves most of us percieving your participation as some sort of political vandalism. Is that your intent?

    And as a human we want you to be well. You will find that liberals dont for the most part molest children and drink their blood, we are actually trying to work out ‘all men are created equal’ from our constitution.

  39. Mark B 2023-12-09 08:32

    All Men are created Equal… Declaration of Independence.. dont want to get Mike started again on a knowledge bomb

  40. Jeff Barth 2023-12-09 08:35

    Freedom is dangerous.
    Freedom of speech means we sometimes hear stuff we don’t like to hear.
    Freedom of religion means we have cults and crackpots.
    Freedom to have guns means that sometimes the wrong people get shot.
    Freedom is dangerous but so much better than no freedom.

  41. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-09 09:03

    Dakota Free Press allows to get the truth out, and the truth is, America Holds the Holy Blood Line to the Twelve Tribes of Israel…

    The Exploration of the North American Continent began when Thor, the Viking, one of the first explorers of the Norsemen left his homeland in Greenland and traveled into the deep wilderness areas of the continent beginning in the year 1005. They would have first landed on the coast of Newfoundland, and later on traveled and explored the areas that would later on become Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, but many did not stay for long, other than exploring and discovering the Native’s. It was not until a few years later, when Lief Ericksen came and discovered much of the central plains of the continent, discovering an area referred to as Vinland, an area rich in grapes, and vines, to which he settled, and claimed a sizable land along the shores.

    And while the Viking Norsemen, never came further inland, they are the first explorers believed to actually explorer the continent, traveling up and down the northeastern coastline, and further, they traveled up, and into the St. Lawrence River, into the northern tip of what has become today, the State of Minnesota, before returning back to Vinland, and later Greenland.

    It would not be for another 300 to 400 years before the rest of the Europeans came over to begin exploring the North American Continent, first by Spain financing, and sending Christopher Columbus wanted to find a trade route to China, landed on, and explored what became known today as the Caribbean in the er 1492, and over the next hundred years, Over the next hundred years, Spain as sending more explorers such as Juan Ponce De Leon who founded, and explored the coastline of what would become Florida in 1513, and whereas they sent out Vasco Nunez De Balboa a few years later to whom crossed over, the Isthmus and discovered the Pacific Ocean, and while between 1520 and 1522 Ferdinand Magellan sailed around the southern coastline of South America on his way to discover the Philippines. And lastly, the Spanish explorer Hernan Cortez led a small army and sailed to Mexico, and took on and fought the Aztec Empire taking control of the Aztec Gold and Silver Mines.

    The final two explorers named Cabeza De Vaca and Francisco Vasquez De Coronado would between 1530 and 1545 explorer, and discover the North America’s southwest region, and found the area on behalf of Spain, planting their claims to the area.

    While England, France, and Ireland were trenched deep in the Protestant Revolutionary Period of Western Europe, leading to many dominions of people attempting to branch out, and leave the Holy Roman Empire, all taking place over the period of years, beginning in the 1400’s and transpiring over a two-hundred year time period, climaxing during the conquests of North and South America – much of Europe had inherited from the Jews, a powerful prophetic tradition of tradition that drew upon apocalyptic biblical texts in the books of Daniel, Isaiah and Revelations, to which they had been connecting the early form of Christianization of Europe to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, to whom the House of Zarah (one of the houses of Judah), having come to the Southern coastline of Europe, helping to merge the Holy Bloodlines to Western Europe, thus leading to developing Spain, Italy, Greece, and Turkey, and while the ancestors of the Tribe of Dan helped shaped European Cultures of the Northern European shoreline – Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, and Poland all between 700 A.D to 1,000.

    Once these Protestant Revolutions transpired, and took hold all across Europe, beginning with the year 1600, England and France begun removing themselves of these people, and it wasn’t until a Group of People led by the Ulster-Scots, Pilgrims, German-Lutherans, and Moravians, a Germanic Tribal People begun to come, and settle in North America over the next hundred years. It would be this group of people who would now lead, to setting the foundation to what would lead to the Establishment, and formation to what became the United States of America in the years ahead.

    While Spain and France had conquested, laying claims to many parts of North and South America prior, it would be the English to whom staked out claims to small parts of the North American Continent with the intention of sending deplorable men and women to what became English colonies along the coastlines, once discovered by the Norsemen in years prior, enslaving them to charters, to which developed English Colonies in Virginia, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts Bay Colonies.

    By means of these Charters, the English would enslave these men and women to establishing these settlements under the name, Virginia Land Company to whom the City of London held rights and claims thereof, controlling them as Plantational Land Companies, to which allowed the City of London to profit from, and hold title to, maintaining, and holding firm governance over.

    Before long, England began to meddle in, and enter into trade compacts, which would harm the interests of Spain and France, to which leads to the Seven Year War that first began during the year 1750, and ended with the Peace Treaty of 1763, thus changing many of the landscapes on the North American Continent, but gave rise to the Ulster-Scots and German-Lutherans in freeing themselves from their English Charters, as they begun to Declare their Independence from the Monarch this same time.

    This led to the American Revolutionary Period during the years 1763 to 1791 – to whom these American Colonies now began to stand up against the English, to which led to several conflicts, leading to the Mecklenburg County Resolves (1775), later on the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Articles of Confederation (1777), the Second Peace Treaty (1783), the Ordinance of 1788, and finally the United States Constitution (1789), giving birth to the United States of America as 13 Sovereign Republics.

    The very people, who derived from the Early Christians, coming out of the House of Zarah and the Tribe of Dan, claiming to be of the Holy Bloodline of the Ancient Israelites, have tied themselves, and claimed lands within the Northeast, and Northwestern Territories to which today, seemingly have become to be known as the Tribe of Ephraim, to whom God promised to plant their seed in a foreign land, to which would lead them to become the Preserver, the Protector, and Defender of the Israelite Tribes.

    This Group of Men and Women, now making up the United States, and having adopted their United States Constitution, collectively choose their Executive, by allowing the American Citizens to elect “Presidential Electors” to whom by district, would choose their Executive – to whom would Preserve, Protect, and Defend their “Constitution” to which protects the Republics and Commonwealths to which have become to be known as Independent, Sovereign, and Free Groups of People, standing United.

    America today has become New Zion, the Church of Christ, to which has become the Safety Net of All People of the Globe.

    Little do Americans know, they hold within them, the Holy Bloodline to the Ancient Israelites – God’s Chosen People. And seemingly today, while most Americans do not realize who they are, or may possess within them, there seems to be this sinister movement by evil Luciferians, the British Zionists, to whom are dividing, and conquering the People of Palestine today, but the real victims in this holy war, are the American People, to whom are being enslaved, and forced to fund these war efforts, by paying high taxes, and impositions to fund this Zionist Movement in the Ukraine and Palestine today, thus the real goal, is to destroy the Holy Bloodline, and ending forever, the “Nation of Israel” forever.

    This means, the end result is not the destruction of the State of Israel today, but the real goal is to Destroy the American States to whom possess, hold, and claim rightful claims to the Ancient Israel Bloodline – the Protector, Preservation, and Defender of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the real Nation of Israel.

  42. Dicta 2023-12-09 09:04

    Freedom of speech means the government cannot violate your right to say what you want. This is not the government. It’s a small community of people deciding if someone is welcome in their presence based on social mores. How this mistake is STILL constantly made boggles my mind.

  43. grudznick 2023-12-09 09:08

    Mr. Zitterich, your spectrum is sliding. Please don’t stoop to the level of the out-of-state name-callers.

  44. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2023-12-09 09:18

    Mike Z, like Trump, effectively turns people away from constructive political engagement. Neither seems capable of staying on topic; both seem determined to turn every discussion to themselves and their rhetorical hobbyhorses. Run Trump and Zitterich together on the ticket, and more GOP donors will flee the party.

  45. larry kurtz 2023-12-09 09:19

    Perhaps as long ago as 23,000 years human footprints were pressed into the mud along the shore of prehistoric Lake Otero now called Alkali Flat just west of the gypsum dunes of White Sands National Monument in New Mexico. It’s believed the hunters who made that trackway carried spears tipped with the large fluted stone points of the so-called Clovis culture.

    A Clovis site in Alaska dated to about 12,400 years ago has led most archaeologists to believe the culture arose only after their arrival to North America. Exploiting the gap between the Cordilleran and Laurentide ice sheets during the Wisconsin Glacial Episode those Clovis People were the first humans to see the Missouri Buttes and Mahto Tipila in Wyoming. The Clovis culture thrived on the high plains and in the Black Hills before settling the rest of the Mississippi basin but those pioneers had already explored parts of Montana long before they found Clovis, New Mexico where their stone tools were unearthed in the 1920s.

    Before US 14 was widened a team led by Adrien Hannus from Augustana University uncovered evidence of human habitation from over 12,000 years ago in a cave in Boulder Canyon near Sturgis, South Dakota. At one excavation site in Wyoming evidence revealed that humans killed a mammoth with a Clovis pointed spear launched from an atlatl, a type of throwing stick. Nearby Inyan Kara Peak in the Wyoming Black Hills is the bastardization of Amerindian words where chert was quarried for atlatl points.

    The relatively small distance along the Rocky Mountain Front in Montana and the Front Range between the Pecos River in New Mexico and the Missouri at Fort Peck reminds me again how the earliest humans in North America who were thwarted by glaciers, the dire wolf, and Smilodon on everything north of the Sangre de Cristos terminating at Santa Fe blazed the Pecos Trail from west to east into the southern Great Plains and Mississippi Valley to find an inland paradise teeming with prey.

    I believe the ancestors of the Chacoans came up the Columbia and the Snake Rivers then into ancient Lake Bonneville in Utah and down the western slope of the Rocky Mountains into the Four Corners Region. At the southern terminus of the Rockies near Santa Fe interaction with the Clovis culture seems perfectly likely. Numic is an Ito-Aztecan language and the linguistic base for most western slope tribes including Mono, Comanche and even Shoshone.

    In Southern California the success of pre-Clovis humans caused a mass extinction event.

    Indigenous history in the Valles caldera goes back at least 8,000 years and obsidian quarried there for knives and projectile points is found throughout the region. The ancestors of Jemez Pueblo or Walatowa migrated into the area in the late 13th Century after Mesa Verde was laid bare. Some linguists have grouped local Keres speakers with Siouan and Iroquoisian dialects.

  46. All Mammal 2023-12-09 09:26

    Racists deserve rights. And lefts.

  47. Richard Schriever 2023-12-09 09:26

    Barth – Freedom to have guns means that MOST TIMES the wrong people get shot – not “sometimes”. And if you are and actual Christian – the “right people” are NEVER the ones who get shot. NEVER.

  48. Donald Pay 2023-12-09 09:26

    Dicta is correct. Cory, for example, will not allow me or anyone else to spew a lot of correctly spelled eff words here. I’ve tried, and the whole post disappears. Well, to Cory the eff word is verboten. We all live with this restriction on our comment here. I’m just saying that racist and sexist phrases might deserve the same treatment. I’m not sure how it can be enforced except by making the perpetrator take a time out. I’m not saying Mike Z. needs to be banned forever. Sometimes I like to read his screeds just to realize that those folks are absolutely insane. What the Vikings, the twelve tribes of Israel and political donors abandoning state Republican Parties have to do with each other is a mystery. But that, at least, isn’t outright hate. Let’s treat him like the child he is until he can show us he can be an adult. Let’s have Mike Z. take a timeout to think about how his words are hateful, and how Jesus wouldn’t approve.

  49. larry kurtz 2023-12-09 09:38

    In South Dakota local control is Republican control so Trump has created enough violent malcontents like Mike Zitterich and adequate doubt in the democratic process to drive election workers from service.

  50. Richard Schriever 2023-12-09 09:42

    grudz of course would rather the Zit remained in the fold of in-state name-callers of which he, grudz, is the lead representative on this site.

  51. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-09 09:49

    I have not broken any rules, nor committed any code of ethic violations while posting. You people tend to attack everything Trump related, let alone you continue to go down the road to attack the American traditions, belief systems, and Christianity, I am simply acting as the messenger, with the intention to focus on the Real history of America, providing to all people the tools necessary, the mechanisms necessary to return American back to a spiritual, religeous, moral, and upright honest country again. IF the words I say, offends you, you shall look in the mirror, and find the person you truly are, and when you do, you will discover, you yourself are the imperfect person that all of us are. We are in fact, ALL EQUAL UNDER THE HOUSE OF GOD, and God looks at you, the same as he looks at me – His Godly Creation.

    You are a Democrat, while I am a Republican. However, unlike you, I do not claim my loyalty to political party, or faction, nor to any one person. My loyalty, my allegeince is not to the President, nor a King, or a Queen, nor to any Form of Government – for my allegience is only directed to God, the Lord Almighty, to who created me, provided to me my Life, my Liberty, my Rights, my Property, my Prosperity.

    I cannot allow you to steer me off course, nor off topic, for your illegal attacks on my soul, my life, my person, is the biggest crime I see here.

    Perhaps if you are offended by some of choice comments torwards your ilk, then perhaps you should take a deep breath, look in the mirror, and see some of the comments to which you all have made towards myself, and others through your hateful words and manners.

    I will provide to you the same respect as you give me, and if you so choose to attack me, by throwing insults torwards me, then I will in return, throw insults back your way. So it is all in your hands. The message I am providing back to you – Only God Can Will Win in the end.

    In closing, what you all are missing in the points to all my writings on this blog – you all are seemingly way to loyal to your cult, political party. While you claim “WE” Republicans are following a cult leader, what you misrepresent, is that NONE of us follow Donald Trump as a cult leader. “WE” accept that he is perhaps not the best christian, nor is he morally clean. BUT who is?

    What you all forget, none of us are free from sin, and all of us are IMPERFECT Creatures made from God to who have sinned one way or the other.

    In closing, I say to Corey, I thank you for the platform, and if you claim I cannot stick to a topic at hand, you are very much misinformed. I can stick to the topic, but I ask you the very question, can your Blog followers do the same, for where I may post in relation to the topic, your so called followers fall victim to the same falsities as they so claim of my opinions, your followers tend to get off topic due to my opinions, and thoughts related to your topics at hand. So what is the difference if I speak on something totally off topic or not, they will attack me, or insult me reglardless.

    I do not spell my name G-O-D, I spell my name M-I-K-E – I am imperfect, and claim NOT to be perfect, I make mistakes, and I sometimes do NOT say things in a politically correct manner, but then again, I do not claim to be a GOD, and I do not claim to be always right. But what I do not do is intentionally slander people, insult people, make negative comments against others, less of course they attack me first.

  52. larry kurtz 2023-12-09 09:54

    I’m often called a liberal by Trumpettes on Faceberg but liberals want to convert GOPers or convince them to be kinder and gentler. Me? As a progressive I’m actually working to destroy the Republican Party and erase it from the collective cultural memory.

    This time Trump is the asteroid. That Republicans continue to prop up his assault on the courts and stoke his criminal race baiting is the most telling aspect of this march toward the abyss. Unless Republican Earth haters recognize the clear and present danger this president represents doom is imminent and there is nothing, nothing honorable people like Liz Cheney can do about it.

  53. Donald Pay 2023-12-09 10:04

    Mike Z. See, you act like a child, almost, but not quite as chidlish as Trump.. “I have not broken any rules.” Then later you try to accuse others of the exact same thing that you do. That sounds exactly like Trump, another child who should be sentenced to multiple timeouts in the hoosegow.

    I don’t think I missed the point of your racist rantings, and you should stop trying to excuse them. Apologize, repent and don’t do it again.

  54. grudznick 2023-12-09 10:11

    grudznick’s close personal friend Lar is no liberal. He does, however, have much tighter bloggings that Mr. Zitterick. Tighten up your bloggings, Mr. Zitterich.

  55. grudznick 2023-12-09 10:17

    Mr. Zitterich, your last blogging was a chocolate, thunderous turd. This Republican will buy a new jar of your medication if you need it.

  56. larry kurtz 2023-12-09 10:22

    Trump’s propensity to gin up violence has the Zittiots ready to go rogue.

    The poll found that 84% of the former members of Congress said they were concerned about the possibility of violence related to the 2024 presidential election, including 74% of Republicans and 94% of Democrats surveyed. Another unnerving finding is a recent increase in the number and frequency of threats to members of Congress and their families during their time in office: 47% of respondents indicated that they receive threats at least somewhat frequently, 49% of Republicans and 46% of Democrats. However, for former members of Congress who are female or a racial minority, that number increases to 69%. The group surveyed also reported an uptick in the number of threats against members of their congressional staff.

  57. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-09 10:39

    I made NO racist accusation, nor comment. Sometimes you people twist the facts, and comments. I said nothing more, than what refer to DOnald Trump as “The Orange Man”

  58. grudznick 2023-12-09 10:45

    Mr. Zitterich, you did make a racist comment. Many here do, as did you. You also make all us Republicans look bad with your Trumpistic blathers. But hey, nice tight blogging there.

  59. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-09 10:54

    Again, I made no racist comment, and I did not make Republicnas look bad, they, like Democrat Party do that themselves. I am NOT Loyal nor alledged to follow any specific party.

  60. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-09 10:56

    I did NOT choose to become precinct committeeman, the PEOPLE of Precinct chose to nominate me, and get me elected to such position, within the Republican party based on my political and religous beliefs, ideals, and morals. The party chose me to represent the people inside my precinct in committee meetings, etc. I have done the best I can to represent them, and to stay true to my on beliefs, Convictions, and morals. I am not here to make friends, I am here to move America in a direction I feel is best.

  61. larry kurtz 2023-12-09 11:27

    Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington attorney Jason Murray, who argued on behalf of six voters seeking to remove Trump from the ballot, tried to address that and other concerns over any ambiguity perceived in Section III.

    In legal circles, experts and constitutional analysts alike have debated the meaning of “officer” in the provision at length, with a large, if not overwhelming, number of scholars finding that a president would logically be considered an “officer” of the United States.

    The text of Section III is “very clear,” Murray contended, and to exclude the very commander-in-chief who engaged in insurrection as an “officer” was “wrong” for several reasons, he said.

  62. Donald Pay 2023-12-09 12:01

    Mike Z., explain what you were trying to say when you wrote: “…the N.Y District Attorney is a fat, racist, pig-faced chocolate thunderous broad who should stay in her home where women are are to make their husbands a meal. I question if that Ms. James is even a woman, she looks like a gorilla. Definately acts like one with her big lips.”

    Most of us here have been exposed to the history of racial epithets. You, with your knowledge of history, should know that this statement is not just racist, it is also sexist. If you didn’t know, you are sorely in need a refresher course in US history.

    Here’s the thing about Donald Trump, Mike. It’s not his normal skin color. He didn’t inherit his dyed blonde hair from his parents. He is partially bald with graying brown hair. People are born with inherited skin color and facial features. They have no say in the matter, just like you, as most Northern Europeans, have likely inherited some Neanderthal genes. I’m not sure what it is, but Trump layers on tanning fluid to darken his skin. Is it because he is ashamed of being white? I doubt it. It’s probably to look better under the bright TV lights, but it comes out looking fake–a strange orange color. Saying he’s “Orange Man” is not a racial issue.

  63. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-09 12:05

    The “executive” is an OFFICIAL to whom stands Above the Federal Government as the Preserver, the Protector, and Defender of the Republics and Commonwealths (the States), and the very people being spoken of in Section 3 of the 14 Amendment are the Federal Officers, Agents, Employees, Contractors within the Federal Govt itself. Therefore, Courts agree with my interpretation, that the amendment does NOT relate to the President, as he is not part of the government, he is person “WE” place to ensure the government of the united states acts in the best interests of the “States”.

    1968 Federal COURT made the opinion, that the states cannot block or keep from the ballot a Candidate for President based on a “Loyalty Oath” which is what the 14 amendment is, and to which the 1884 Congressional Oath is today. Keep Trying…

  64. larry kurtz 2023-12-09 12:31

    Denver District Court Judge Sarah B. Wallace ruled against the group, deciding on Nov. 17 that Trump should appear on the state’s Republican primary ballot while at the same time finding that he engaged in an insurrection on Jan. 6.

    Wallace cited “competing interpretations” of the constitutional clause but rejected the challenge based solely upon the fact that a president was not considered an “officer” of the United States” because a president’s oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” is not an oath to “support” the Constitution as required by Section 3.

    “The Court is persuaded that ‘officers of the United States’ did not include the President of the United States,” Wallace wrote. “It appears to the Court that for whatever reason the drafters of Section 3 did not intend to include a person who had only taken the Presidential Oath.”

    Most of her 102-page opinion, however, affirmed the petitioners’ claims that Trump had incited and engaged in insurrection and upheld some other of their arguments in favor of disqualification.

  65. grudznick 2023-12-09 12:44

    You make us Republicans look bad, Mr. Zitterich. Very bad. Shame on you, and the Mr. Trump fellow you idolate. Shame.

  66. Dicta 2023-12-09 13:19

    One post to argue. One post entirely about himself. Such valuable contributions. Really challenging the conceot here. Making people think.

  67. e platypus onion 2023-12-09 14:06

    Zit is a racist, a liar, a sexist, a liar, a fake kristian, a liar, an authoritarian muffin, a liar and a liar .liar.

  68. e platypus onion 2023-12-09 14:10

    Is the executive branch the highest?
    In California, as in the federal government, the power to govern is divided among three equal branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. The executive branch of government executes the laws enacted by the Legislature. Supreme executive power of the State of California is vested in the Governor.

  69. Arlo Blundt 2023-12-09 15:43

    Mr. Ziterich parrots the old propaganda of Christian Nationalists like Gerald L.K. Smith, Billy James Hargas, and the Birch Society. I’m been listening to this nonsense since the 1950’s…when he says ” Americans…hold within them the bloodline of the Ancient Isrealies..God’s Chosen People….” total drivel. He has a view of America that is White Supremacist, Protestant to the exclusion of all other faiths, and based on literal belief in myth and a fundamental misunderstanding of American History. It is too much to sort out and too radical to be taken seriously, but these days, you never know.

  70. chris 2023-12-09 16:37

    Mike Z,

    In your above plan to devolve the states, what do you propose you would like to see happen to Federal buildings, and how soon would you do this?

    Comment #9:
    Mike Zitterich 2023-12-08 12:46

    If Donald Trump is NOT afraid to stand up for the republic, neither am I. I will distance myself from the Federal Government, I will publish and promote my drafted Declaration of Independence, of which I listed out 10 Resolves to which define a list of complaints and abuses against the Federal Government. Asking for each State to adopt by signing onto them, thus dissolving their contract with the Federal Government. The goal is to create a new National Government that is bound to, and remains within the constraints of Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 1-19. It should cease in interfering with the Republics, the Commonwealths, the Plantations, and the Estates, and of the People. I will remain strong, diligent, and remain faithful to the Republic, a Free State, a Sovereign People, Under the House of God.

    You Hateful Words Cannot Hurt Me.

  71. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-09 17:11

    Chris, I think you first for the respectful response, so I will provide you a respectful response in return:

    IF, and where the States dissolve the federal union, by terminating the contract made with the national government, they would at the same time have to make plans, most likely a treaty, to take back control of their financial obligations (debts, liabilities, notes payable) to which were agreed upon as part of the 1783 treaty. ALL Federal Englaves owned and operated by the current government would be considered property of that entity, to which would be placed in a public trust. The States then would be independent nations at this point as under the Articles of Confederation – Confederacy of Member-States.

    At this point, the “States” would then adopt a resolution to meet in a national convention to discuss the possibly if creating a New Government to which the transfer of assets – Administration Buildings, Court Buildings, Military Bases, All Properties would be transferred from the Old Government of the United States to the New Government of the United States. The “States” would put forth the plan to transfer all Old Departments, Offices, Agencies carried over into the New Government.

    If you think this has never happened, it happens all the time, even in the United States today. IN fact, it may have already happened in your City Government, as it is quite common for the People of a City to vote to end an old government while transferring their property to a new government. This commonly occurs where people vote to go from a Commission Form to a Strong Mayor/Strong Council Form of Government.

    Most times these are done in a peaceful, seamless transition, othertimes, it may lead to war/conflict or revolution. You will be surprised, many times it is a simply peaceful transition. Remember it has happened twice before in the USA as for the national govt – remember, we once already went from the National Government of the AOC, which transferred over to the New Government under the Constitution. It occurred a 2nd time between 1860 to 1880 as the Central Government seamingly transferred over to the New Central Government which became the Corporate Municiple Government that we now have today.

    For a more closer look, look at how the Town of Sioux Falls (1879-1994) transferred power from the old government to the New Government under the City of Sioux Falls (1995-present day) as we replaced the commission government to the Strong Mayor, Strong City Council Government. Article 9 of the City Charter explains how the transfer took place. It was seamless. Most transfers are seamless, peaceful.

    The goal under my plan would be to “transfer” from the UNITED STATES LAND COMPANY (Corporate Government) back to the Constitutional Government of the United States, thus seamlessly, in a peaceful manner, transfer all ‘assets’ and offices to the new form of government.

    It is also the same process used in France between 1893 and 1903 as the People transferred their government from the Monarchy Form, to the Constitutional Central GOvernment, and it is also the same process used in Russia as the Soviet Government was transferred over to the Russian Federation Form of Central Government they now have today.

    IN my process, the PEOPLE would be voting in their America First Representatives into the U.S Senate and U.S House, they would have their Executive in place in the White House, thus filling those Official Seats, while these officials would oversee, and precide over the “Transfer from The Corporate Government back to the Original Government (1789-1868), thus restarting returning to the Republic.

    It can be done in a peaceful manner.

  72. O 2023-12-09 17:29

    grudznick: “You make us Republicans look bad, Mr. Zitterich.”

    Yea!! That’s grudznick’s job to make Republicans look bad on this blog!

  73. larry kurtz 2023-12-09 17:32

    Much of the road map to restoring treaty lands to the tribal nations trapped in South Dakota and other red states has already been drawn.

    Every federal department and agency already recognize Native America as the 51st State. While the Palestinian homeland looks like holes in the slice of Swiss cheese analogous to the illegal Israeli state, progress toward resolutions of Native trust disputes would have far more political traction after tribes secede from the States in which they reside and then be ratified to form one State, the 51st, sans contiguous borders with two Senators and two House members as there are an estimated 2.5 million indigenous living on reservations.

    It’s time for the State of South Dakota to abandon Bear Butte State Park that it claimed through colonization and remand it to the tribes for governance so they can restore its name to Mato Paha and for the US Park Service to add the name Mahto Tipila to Devils Tower National Monument.

    The South Dakota Democratic Party should advocate for paying the tribes and settling the Black Hills Claim, dissolving the Black Hills National Forest, moving management of the land from the US Department of Agriculture into the Department of Interior; and, in cooperation with Bureau of Indian Affairs Division of Forestry and Wildfire Management rewild it and rename it Okawita Paha National Monument eventually becoming part of the Greater Missouri Basin National Wildlife Refuge. Mato Paha (Bear Butte), the associated national grasslands and the Sioux Ranger District of the Custer/Gallatin National Forest should be included in the move.

    The United States Constitution is the finest instrument ever created by the human hand. The Preamble is the body, the Bill of Rights is the neck, the Amendments are the strings. It is a fluid universal execution of human and civil rights.

    It’s time for all Americans to enjoy the protection of law by being part of one nation: erase the artificial borders and grant Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to all the people of North America…Mexico, Central America, Canada, even the Caribbean if they’ll have us.

    I’m not a New World Order guy, don’t support the North American Union (god bless you. please, mr. roddenberry) and I believe the US Constitution is a big enough canvas in order to paint a more perfect masterpiece, a big enough score for all to sing. No violence. No more drug wars.

    Read Alaska’s constitution some time. The last states ratified are the most egalitarian. Let’s debate it then draft a dream referendum to be delivered by and for the people of Mexico to dissolve their constitution and petition for Statehood as our 52nd State. Quebec could be the 53rd and Cuba, the 54th.

    The United States is the Hamiltonian Empire Thomas Jefferson warned us about. Resistance is futile.

    Sí, se puede.

  74. larry kurtz 2023-12-09 17:38

    David Treuer was born of a Holocaust survivor and Ojibwe mother. He wrote in The Atlantic that he believes that most land held in America’s national parks should be remanded to Indigenous peoples but it’s my view that the most of the land held in the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service should also be part of that trust.

  75. larry kurtz 2023-12-09 17:40

    In 1993, Trump henchman, Roger Stone constructed ad copy and radio scripts depicting the Mohawk Nation as violent criminals and drug dealers so Donald Trump could erect a casino. After losing a lawsuit to the Tribe Trump declared war on Native America then launched a biological weapon attack. Stone convinced George W. Bush to declare himself the winner of the tainted 2000 election despite Vice President Al Gore clearly ahead in the popular vote.

  76. larry kurtz 2023-12-09 17:45

    Donald Trump committed crimes against humanity by slow-walking resources to reservations during a pandemic including in occupied South Dakota.

  77. Todd Epp 2023-12-09 19:58

    I think the Zit needs more cars to work on. He at least needs a new hobby. I suggest stamp collecting.

  78. Arlo Blundt 2023-12-09 20:21

    MAGAs are not known to make cash donations to any political party. They throw a couple bucks in the bucket at their neighborhood meeting of the Proud Boys affiliate and call it good. They are Ammo rich and cash poor.

  79. grudznick 2023-12-10 08:44

    This morning, at the Conservatives with Common Sense breakfasting, after the usual Opening Rant we will have a mock panel to mock Mr. Zitterich’s plan to re-invent the government, with hisownself as the father of the nation. It should be jolly entertaining, with the debates coming from the floor.

  80. BobJ 2023-12-10 08:47

    Mike Lee Zitterich, you need help. Seek it. Trumpism is dangerous. Your support of the career criminal,running for president is also dangerous. Seek Help.

  81. All Mammal 2023-12-11 01:20

    I feel strongly compelled to honor Attorney General Letitia James. She is a hardcore, steaming hot little fighter. According to Wikipedia, she not only took on Trump, she took on the NRA, the NFL, 20 separate nursing homes for COVID-19 related patient neglect and financial mishandling, she went after predatory loan companies, she discovered a discrepancy in NYC’s payroll system, she is a watchdog for the environment and the underdog. She even has the guts to change her mind and the humility to admit when she is wrong and the integrity to make it right.

    It is incalculable how low somebody would surely have to be to treat any woman, especially a regal black woman like AG James, with anything other than the utmost decency and respect.

    Knowing the foul abuse she most definitely endures everyday by guys who aren’t even worthy of calling themselves a flea on the butt of a dog, let alone call themselves men, makes me want to spit my teeth out. She does not deserve racist hate. I don’t want to know what kind of pitiful POS thinks it is ok to threaten or attack a black woman while she is doing her job. And doing it WELL.

    That wasn’t smart to attack her.

  82. All Mammal 2023-12-11 12:26

    She is any little girl’s role model and we can all be proud of her for doing her job and going after the things that matter. AG James- woo hoo, go Sheerah! Then you have the corrupt criminal AG in TX going after women and doctors. What a contrast, yet still, who gets called names and threatened by cowards? Trump is cooked.

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