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Buffalo Chip Promotes 2024 Concert with Kid Rock/Kristi Noem Write-In Campaign

But maybe Governor Kristi Noem realizes she doesn’t have to leave Pierre to campaign for Vice-President. After all, she’s got Sturgis Rally magnate Rod Woodruff campaigning for her to be Vice-President… on a write-in ticket with Kid Rock:

Buffalo Chip swag for Kid Rock and Kristi Noem, retrieved from 2023.12.06.
Buffalo Chip swag for Kid Rock and Kristi Noem, retrieved from 2023.12.06.

The Sturgis Buffalo Chip is celebrating Black Friday by announcing it is the Official Unauthorized Headquarters of the Rock ‘n Noem presidential campaign, as well as a performance by Kid Rock on The Largest Music Festival in Motorcycling’s Stage on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024 during its 34thannual Freedom Celebration.

While supplies last, every person who purchases a pass will receive a free Rock ‘n Noem campaign sticker, bumper sticker and button. Those who purchase a premium pass or VIP upgrade for Aug. 8 will get a limited-run Rock ‘n Noem campaign T-shirt. The Chip is also offering the free complete campaign kit to standard reservation holders, they just have to pay for shipping, while supplies last.

…“I’ve been more than a little disappointed with the American political scene in recent years; Kid Rock and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem are leaders who believe in freedom, have backbone, love America, and can carry a tune!” said Sturgis Buffalo Chip President Rod Woodruff. “I officially announce my endorsement for the 2024 candidacy of Kid Rock for President and Gov. Kristi Noem for Vice President. Kid Rock already built the new White House, we just have to move the capital to Nashville now! They might not be running yet, but if they decide to, then we’ll be ready for one heck of a campaign kickoff party on August 8!” [Buffalo Chip, press release, posted by Iron Trader News, 2023.11.24]

Carry a tune? Woody, do you mean something other than the siren song of fascism?

But hey, yeah, absolutely: Sturgis Rally-goers, motorcycle enthusiasts, and fans of redneck noise everywhere, do please skip all the lines on your official Presidential ballots and write in Kid Rock and Kristi Noem in November 2024! You’ll be doing your country a great service!


  1. larry kurtz 2023-12-06

    It’s difficult to imagine Nikki Haley choosing Mrs. Noem as her Veep but maybe Secretary of Agriculture.

  2. sx123 2023-12-06

    Free dumb is isn’t free. You have to buy a pass.

  3. C 2023-12-06

    Hard pass…

  4. All Mammal 2023-12-06

    Official Unauthorized Headquarters? Sounds seriously silly.

    If this were made into a joke by AI, it would go something like- what is hairy, boney, leathery and loud that falls off a hog? Kristi and Kid, the other white meat:/

  5. Arlo Blundt 2023-12-06

    Good idea, Rodney!! Anything to make Governor Noem relevant.

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