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Noem and Lewandowski Jet to Fun-Filled Friday in Paris!

Kristi Noem is in Paris this weekend with Corey Lewandowski. She and her best boy pal will be speaking at the World Freedom Initiative hosted by Republicans Overseas France and Republicans Overseas Worldwide. ROF/ROW (sounds so Scooby) puts the South Dakota Governor at the top of their speaker list, ahead of even the proving-feckless theocrat Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, and headlines her as “on Trump’s Vice President short list“:

Republicans Overseas France/Republicans Overseas Worldwide, World Freedom Initiative speakers, screen cap of top of page, retrieved 2023.11.10.
Republicans Overseas France/Republicans Overseas Worldwide, Worldwide Freedom Initiative 2023 speakers, screen cap of top of page, retrieved 2023.11.10.

The Big Lew is kept a discrete distance from his close advisee, squeezed in at ten between two Frenchmen (make up your own Mel Brooks scene there):

ROF/ROW, WFI 2023 speakers, retrieved 2023.11.10.
ROF/ROW, WFI 2023 speakers, retrieved 2023.11.10.

Remember, Kristi, this is Paris. Even the Republicans there will expect you to wear something more formal than the camo hoodie and fun bun you wore to “Marathon Budget meetings” this week.

Governor Kristi Noem, relaxing before her trip to Paris, FB, 2023.11.07.
Governor Kristi Noem, regular business attire already packed for Paris, at budget meeting in Pierre, FB, 2023.11.07.

And be sure to break the ice with your new French friends with friendly chat about all the towns with French names in South Dakota and how well we pronounce them!

Related Republican Rutting: Jacob Newton notes other unseemly company Noem will be keeping in Gay Paris today:

Noem will be joined on the stage by some controversial figures. Dorin Iacob for instance, the Romanian politician and talk show host, was arrested in the UK in 2016 for sexually harassing a woman during a massage session.

A handful speakers also have a history of Islamophobic remarks.

Poisson has been on record as wanting to suppress the French Council of the Muslim Faith and has supported existing restrictions on Muslims being allowed to wear certain religious garb.

Dupont-Aignan stirred controversy when he expressed his belief that teaching the Arabic language in French schools leads to Islamic terrorism.

Zemmour, meanwhile, the French politician who ran a failed bid for the presidency, was found guilty of hate speech in a Paris court, having called unaccompanied migrant children “thieves”, “rapists” and “murderers” in a TV appearance.

Zemmour also has two previous convictions for hate speech, which were overturned on appeal. He was also acquitted of hate speech charges in 2008, twice in 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2019 [Jacob Newton, “Gov. Kristi Noem Headlines Right-Wing Summit in France,” KELO-TV, 2023.11.09].

Careful, Kristi: you know that’s the kind of talk that really turns the Big Lew on.


  1. Rambler 2023-11-10

    When our Governor passes through the doors of her church, does it occur to her what the 7th and 10th Commandments proscribe for the conduct of all Christians? I think not. What do her fellow parishioners think about acceptable conduct from the self-professed family values candidate? What do her family members think? What does her highway patrol security team think once they get over their amazement of getting a free trip to Paris?

  2. e platypus onion 2023-11-10

    logical progression….. Parishiioners, Parisoners, Prisoners.

  3. sx123 2023-11-10

    Why France? No reeason to have a Republican meeting in France. There isn’t a French Republican party, afaik.

    Is Bryon going?

  4. Donald Pay 2023-11-10

    John has it nailed. The Europeans involved are the modern equivalent of the Vichy regime, and I’d say it’s about the same for the Americans. These are the mini-Nazis, the Hitler-wannabes and Putin buttboys who seek to usher in neo-fascism with a smiling face.

  5. Mary Ellen Emphries 2023-11-10

    Kristi is not a Christian. Everyone knows that by now.

  6. Linda 2023-11-10

    She does us proud.
    A 2nd and forever Trump administration and her as veep is revolting and terrifying. And if the cheeseburgers take him out… one heartbeat!
    Would Corey become First Gentleman?
    Forgive my facetiousness, please, but our girl does get around, and my goodness, the company she keeps, bottom feeders, all.

  7. Lakkan 2023-11-10

    Mary Ellen Emphries
    2023-11-10 10:27
    Kristi is not a Christian. Everyone knows that by now.

    Which, according to more than 70% of South Dakota voters, matters how much? ZERO – much.

  8. larry kurtz 2023-11-10

    Recall that when Mrs. Noem was a congresscritter she posed for intimate selfies at the Great Wall with now-disgraced Aaron Schock but today she’s just another jaded politician doing whatever it takes for publicity.

  9. Mark Patterson 2023-11-10

    Who is paying for this trip and security guard?

  10. All Mammal 2023-11-10

    The collective sigh of relief by her staff stateside can be felt from here. I can imagine how nice it is for her underlings when she is far, far away. The executive’s staff surely dread the few days when the ‘monkey wrench’ saunters through the office doors for her ‘working girl’ photo op.

    Gov Noem must have a hunch her VP job is in the bag. Why else would she slack off in trying to splatter her face on every screen she can muster?

  11. Moses3 2023-11-10

    Yes republicans like getting duped if this is true.

  12. Robert L Ceplecha 2023-11-10

    Who’s paying? You are! Don’t do as I do, do as I say! I believe that narrative fits perfectly into her agenda!

  13. jim 2023-11-10

    Stand aside, Vivik Ramaswamy… COREY LEWANDOWSKI earned the title “scum” well before you did.

    So, Kristi Noem garnered state, national and international press for having an affair with Corey Lewandowski. Yet she still meets him publicly? She joins him on overseas speaking trips? What?

    He is so creepy. He doesn’t give a scat what her family thinks. What anyone thinks. It’s so crazy.

  14. jim 2023-11-10

    It used to be that VP wannabes would pretend to be disinterested in the job.

    Who in their right mind makes the claim that they’re on a candidate’s short list for VP… a year in advance? Huh? Has anyone done this before?

  15. Mark B 2023-11-10

    Kristi is now going full Trump.. does she ever even mention her faith? If you are voting for Trump, odds are you don’t give a f*ck about governing so why not have a hot chick with a flame thrower as VP you can lust after. Let Mike Johnson take the Hands Maid Lane.

    To quote Creed from The Office.. “I’ve been in lots of cults, as a leader and as a follower, lots more fun as a follower”

  16. Arlo Blundt 2023-11-10

    Byron is taking care of the horses.

  17. Janice Grisel 2023-11-10

    Good article. It’s time to see our governor in true facts.

  18. Janice Grisel 2023-11-10

    The real governor needs to be seen.

  19. grudznick 2023-11-10

    grudznick is on the short list for Ms. Nikki’s VP. I just want that out there too.

  20. sx123 2023-11-10

    I will vote for you grud. I dont know you but your writing style won me over.

  21. DaveFN 2023-11-10

    Gnome, alongside the Gaullists.

    Does she even have a clue what a Gaullist is?

  22. grudznick 2023-11-10

    Thanks, Mr. SX123. When President Nikki is in power, she probably won’t blog very much but her VP grudznick will, and I will do it here at Mr. H’s blogging place with you swell fellows and the out-of-state name-callers, who by that point I will have to just call “name-callers from states other than South Dakota.” Since I will represent all states.

  23. DaveFN 2023-11-10


    A nobody suffering from delusions of grandeur.

  24. grudznick 2023-11-10

    grudznick enjoys your Mr. Trump fanboyism, Mr. DaveFN.

    You may continue.

  25. jakc 2023-11-10

    Don’t we pronounce Bon Homme county like the French? Or at least close.

  26. Sam Quentin 2023-11-10

    Any time I hear the name Noem, I just cringe.
    She reminds of exactly why I got out of politics, which has become a wholly self-serving game of Big Money corruption.
    The D.C. crowd (which now includes more state Governors) is the East Coast Hollywood.
    Big Money PR completely displaces truth & reality.
    Image is priority number one.
    Plato was absolutely correct in his Allegory of the Cave.

    Just as “liberals” and “Democrats” have abandoned all semblance of true liberalism (freedom) and democracy, so too have “conservatives” and “Republicans” lost all semblance of true conservatism and republicanism.
    A Marketers dream – all image, no substance.

  27. grudznick 2023-11-10

    You need to check out the Libertarians, Mr. Quentin.

  28. Bill Steinlicht 2023-11-11

    Who accompanied the Snow Queen to Paris? Byron, other family members and the question was asked: who is paying for this trip?
    IMPORTANT QUESTIONS that South Dakota voters would like answered. (yes, I am a South Dakota voter and I WANT ANSWERS!!)

  29. jerry 2023-11-11

    All roads lead to Putin. Marine Le Pen, daughter of convicted Holocaust denier Jean-Marie Le Pen, says welcome fellow travelers, now we are geographically closer to our main benefactor, anti semitic putin. Why else would they meet in Paris? NOem continues to carry the water for the trump/putin coalition. Big Lew is just there to be the bagman, big shoulders and all of that.

    BTW, “In an unprecedented move, in March 2017 the Russian president met with a candidate for the French presidency in Moscow in the run-up to the race for the Elysée that spring.

    The meeting between Vladimir Putin and Marine Le Pen at the Kremlin reignited fears of Russian support for far-right groups in Europe.

    The then “Front National” candidate had already sought party financing from a Russian bank — the loan is still being paid off — and repeated her intention to lift quickly EU sanctions imposed on Russia following its annexation of Crimea.”

  30. larry kurtz 2023-11-11

    Mrs. Noem’s former paramour, Jim Meidinger must be heartbroken that she has moved into somebody else’s bedchamber.

  31. Frank Kloucek 2023-11-11

    Senator Keith Paisley would pronounce Bon Homme in French many times during his speeches on the Senate Floor making some point in agreement with the Senator from Bon Homme County. The common term is Bon pronounced like Bon Bon ice cream and Homme like Home. There are other derivatives and variations as well.
    Bon Homme means “good man” in French.

    You are invited to visit Bon Homme County. Bon Homme county is home of the oldest school house [replica] in South Dakota east of Springfield, Tyndall Hot Dog Night, Tabor Czech Days. Springfields famous 4th of July celebration with bull riding and frog jumping, Scotland’s renown Scotland Rodeo Days, Avon birthplace of George McGovern, Tyndall Bakery, Pietz Kuchen Kitchen in Scotland, the outstanding Avon & Scotland Meat Lockers, the Eiffel Tower replica on the south lawn of the county courthouse in Tyndall and so much more. It’s not Paris and we cannot see it from here, but our county has a lot to offer the tourism industry. Why would anyone want to go to Paris France when they could come to Tabor South Dakota instead???? 

  32. Sam Quentin 2023-11-11

    @grudznick in re: Sam Quentin…..
    Been there done that.
    The “Libertarians” are just as bad.
    Yes Virginia, There are RINO’s, there are DINO’s, and there are LINO’s.
    I gave up on the LINO’s 20+ years ago.
    I gave up on organized politics of any flavor about that same time.
    I have made a career designing, building & maintaining processes & systems.
    I quickly learned that ANY system and process can be manipulated & controlled. And they quickly will be.
    Consider how many countless Philosophers, Political Scientists, Social Scientists, Thinkers, etc., across perhaps countless ages have taken the time to create new systems to replace the old broken systems.
    Yet those new systems always succumb to the same fate as the old broken.
    Don’t we live in a country that was founded & designed with the intent to “form a more perfect union”?
    Where exactly did that get us?
    Plus, I’ve just never been a follower of others.
    Weak minds need strong leaders.
    And Power does indeed corrupt.
    And great freedoms require great senses of responsibilities. And therein lies a major problem.
    There will always exist a human quest for self-preservation, self-fulfillment & self-gain (which are not limited to just humans, as I have spent a great deal of time keenly observing all forms of nature, from amongst the largest to amongst the smallest in true Darwinian style, and that conflict amongst individuals will always exist).
    But humans are supposed to be smarter, more capable of thought, consideration, compassion, etc.
    Yet whatever drives that natural “instinct” overrides those “higher-order” cognitive skills.
    Thus I’ve realized it’s not just habitual felons whom feel they’ve done nothing wrong and/or continue to justify their behaviors, it’s universal. And I can’t explain it.
    I haven’t the solution, but with all due respect, Big Money politics and/or armchair pseudo-partisan politics certainly ain’t it.

  33. grudznick 2023-11-11

    Kuchen of most varieties except prune is tolerable, the meat lockers are dandy, but the Scotland Rodeo Days are always a huge disappointment. The Keg Bar used to be a decent place to fill your belly, but grudznick hasn’t visited in some while.

  34. leslie 2023-11-11

    perhaps the failure of blogs has a lot to do with co-“writers”. and “feeding trolls” as they say.

    “Mike Sanborn’s imminent self-initiated demise will most likely be noted in the Black Hills Pioneer.”

    “I will vote for you grud. I dont know you but your writing style won me over.”

    The same outcome is set to occur in the film business as well.

  35. leslie 2023-11-11

    hahaha— “the oldest school house [replica] in South Dakota”

  36. All Mammal 2023-11-11

    Mr. FN- Mr. G is somebody. So are you. Maybe even a fuddy duddy, too. Don’t be mad-change your pad.

    I’ll stop this rhyming stuff, I mean it. Anybody want a peanut?

  37. DaveFN 2023-11-11

    All Mammal and biscuits and gravy:

    You project I speak of grudznick when I speak of Noem?

    See how projection works?

  38. Bernadette Usera 2023-11-12

    Truly Cory, who paid for her trip to Paris & all the expenses? Will we ever know?

  39. Frank Kloucek 2023-11-13

    Correction: Replica of the first school in South Dakota!
    Also, there is great fishing in the lakes, Missouri river and streams of the county. Pheasant hunting, deer hunting, turkey hunting duck & goose hunting, and even mountain lion hunting is allowed with a license.
    I understand snipe hunting is allowed but it has not happened to anyone since grudznick was a teenager.

  40. All Mammal 2023-11-13

    Mr. FN- I did my best to read your comment as it was clearly written, without my own projection.

    2023-11-10 20:52

    A nobody suffering from delusions of grandeur.”

    If I were to project, I would have said that not only are both you and Mr. G somebody, I’da added you were both two of the coolest sonsabeeches on two legs.

    Relax cactus. Next time you’re on the bike path, keep an eye out for me and my two dogs and say hi. You will know it’s us by the stunning beauty beheld by two of the finest looking creatures ever to roam these parts on four legs. One resembles a Rottweiler, but with ice-blue eyes, and the other one is a funny little cow dog who goes by Pukwana. They are both gentlemen. I mean it, say hi, neighbor (and so we can talk trash on SD politics in person and plot).

  41. All Mammal 2023-11-13

    bearcreekbat- Lu hu hu hu huv

  42. Scott Ehrisman 2023-11-14

    I heard she is going for the John Fetterman look.

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