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Rapid City Man Opposes Medical Marijuana, Says Trump May Be Antichrist

The mostly irrelevant comments submitted to Attorney General Marty Jackley on his draft ballot explanation of Travis Ismay’s proposed initiative to repeal medical marijuana include one actual letter from Tim Medsker from Rapid City. Medsker, who claims authority from his graduation from DARE 35+ years ago, says he supports the repeal, as the decriminalization of drugs degrades society.

Tim Medsker, comment to A.G. Marty Jackley on draft Ballot explanation, 2023.08.02.
Tim Medsker, comment to A.G. Marty Jackley on draft ballot explanation, 2023.07.29.

Like nearly every other comment in the heap Jackley received on this ballot explanation, Medsker’s argument for the initiative and against medical marijuana has no place in this limited public comment process, as the public comments are supposed to deal with the objectivity and clarity of the Attorney General’s explanation of the initiative, not the merits of the initiative itself. Hmm… given the enthusiasm people show for commenting on the initiative itself and their almost complete lack of interest in commenting on Jackley’s text, maybe Jackley should propose repealing this unnecessary and entirely misused comment period and instead creating a public website that would host discussion of the initiatives themselves.

I do hope Medsker continues to speak up on initiatives. I also hope he shows up next month at the SDGOP’s Trump rally in Rapid City. Medsker appears to be a radical Jesus guy who blogs and broadcasts in anticipation of the Rapture and who thinks Donald Trump may be the Antichrist:

The implications here regarding the Strong Delusion that is sent by God, is the fact that those who are deceived, will remain deceived all the way to the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:15).  Unfortunately President Donald Trump provides a perfect example of how the Antichrist could rise to power and no one would know it.

In fact, President Trump’s presidency is full of evangelical so-called christians who would never suspect President Trump of being a potential candidate for the Antichrist.  Rather than suspecting him of being the Antichrist, they assign him with being sent by God.  President Trump has been compared to numerous biblical figures, including Jesus Christ.  He has been said to be like Elijah, Moses, Jesus, the second coming of God, the King of Israel, as well as having been referenced by the Laodicean church (Rev. 3:14-22) as sent by God or being used by God.  Are not these same people who call themselves christians part of the lukewarm church that WILL be spewed out of God’s mouth, also those who will be deceived by the Strong Delusion?

…President Trump provides the perfect example of how far apostate the condition of the church age is and just how the Antichrist could rise to power.  Furthermore, if President Trump or anyone else like him ever turned out to actually be the Antichrist, it is quite apparent how the Strong Delusion could already be in effect -prior- to the Rapture of those who truly know Jesus Christ.  Take heed! [Tim Medsker, “President Trump—A Perfect Example,” All Will Stand, 2020.01.26]

Never mind campaigning against medical marijuana, Tim—get out there and warn your neighbors of the devilish danger coming to Rapid City on September 8!


  1. larry kurtz 2023-08-17

    All cannabis ingestion is medical.

    But Mr. Medsker is not wrong about Herr Trump. Marjorie Taylor Greene and her Christian Nationalists support Donald Trump because they’re convinced he’s the Antichrist who will enable them to conquer the Seven Mountains. The End Times fulfill a prophesy and welcome a supernatural extraterrestrial to create a one-world government. No higher being could be anything but predatory. It’s dystopian fantasy run amok.

  2. larry kurtz 2023-08-17

    Joe Biden or not that congregation believes their pederastic officiants can transubstantiate bread and wine into the body and blood of a Jew who has been dead for some 2000 years then offer that to a Mass. How is that even normal?

    So, it’s not like Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (NAZI- GA) is always wrong.

    “What it is, is Satan’s controlling the church,” Greene declared. “We are supposed to love one another, but their definition of what love one another means, means destroying our laws,” she continued. “It means completely perverting what our Constitution says. It means taking unreal advantage of the American taxpayer. And it means pushing a globalist policy on the American people and forcing America to become something that we are not supposed to be.”

  3. P. Aitch 2023-08-17

    It’s odd that South Dakotans are so afraid of trying and failing at something new that your state’s rated last in America in “innovation skills”.
    But so many South Dakotans, as displayed by the letters to your AG, aren’t the least bit afraid to fail mentally.

  4. jkl 2023-08-17

    P. Aitch – can you provide your source of innovative skills ranking? Thanks.

  5. P. Aitch 2023-08-17

    This is the WalletHub report where SD is still 45th but I believe Cory had a source where SD was last which is what I was referring to. Even if my memory is wrong, being among the worst five is nearly the same poor ranking.

  6. Algebra 2023-08-20

    so should he be allowed to collect signatures and proselytize on the steps of the Lawrence County Courthouse?

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