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Sioux Falls Gives Strizheus Until Next March 31 to Finish Mansion

The bulldozers will not roll on shady online money-maker and tax cheat Vitaliy Strizheus’s long-unfinished mansion in south Sioux Falls. The city and Strizheus have struck a deal:

The first stipulation is that it has to be completed and lived in by March 31st of next year.

Strizheus has to pay the city’s attorney fees of $100,000 by September 30th of this year.

Also as part of the agreement, it says during construction and completion of the residence, all building materials must be stored inside the mansion and the city will be permitted to conduct a pre-inspection of the structure on or before January 15th to assess the progress.

Failure to meet any of these stipulations and a few others will give the city the right to take over the property [Don Jorgensen, “Mansion’s Owner Reaches an Agreement with City,” KELO-TV, 2023.07.31].

Strizheus also has to drop his ridiculous complaint that the City of Sioux Falls was just discriminating against him because he’s Ukrainian.


  1. Scott Ehrisman 2023-08-01 13:32

    Call or email me sometime, there is more to the discrimination part then you know.

  2. Arlo Blundt 2023-08-01 16:29

    Goodness…are we going to discriminate and make life miserable for Ukrainians now?? Aren’t the Sioux Indians enough of a whipping boy to satisfy our need to scapegoat?? I guess any minority for any suspected reason will do.

  3. Edwin Arndt 2023-08-01 18:03

    What? The city of Sioux Falls sets a bunch of arbitrary requirements and if the property owner
    doesn’t meet those requirements the city can take the property? Damned if I would live there.

  4. O 2023-08-01 18:24

    So a completed mansion is better to seize tomorrow than an incomplete mansion is today?

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