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Republican Hurd: Trump Will Lose to Biden, Deserved Second Impeachment, Threatens National Security

Former Texas Congressman and current Republican candidate for President Will Hurd stunk up the Iowa Republican Party Lincoln Dinner last Friday by speaking the truth about their self-serving fascist and likely unelectable leader:

“One of the things we need in our elected leaders: To tell the truth, even if it’s not popular,” Hurd, a candidate himself, said at the Iowa GOP’s Lincoln Dinner.

Donald Trump is not running for president to make American great again. Donald Trump is not even running to represent the people that voted for him in 2016 and in 2020,” Donald Trump is running for president to stay out of prison,” Hurd continued, eliciting boos and heckles from those in attendance.

“I know, the truth is hard,” he added, echoing comments he made on Thursday. “But if we elect Donald Trump we are willingly giving Joe Biden four more years in the White House” [Brett Samuels, “Hurd Booed by Iowa Republicans After Saying Trump Is Running to ‘Stay Out of Prison’,” The Hill, 2023.07.28].

Hurd spoke in the same vein today on NPR:

Hurd: Trump has a group of voters that are not going to leave him… but there’s more people that dislike him. That’s why I think it’s crazy that some of my opponents in this race are kissing his butt, because, guess what? You’re not going to get his supporters.… Being a crappy clone when the real thing is in… you’re not going to get movement.

Interviewer: You left Congress before the second impeachment…. Do you think you would have voted for that impeachment based on the standard that you’re saying, that an actual crime had to be committed?

Hurd: Yes, because the very specific thing of the phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State, asking the Georgia Secretary of State to knowingly violate the law. And then when you look at some of the evidence that the January 6 Committee produced about Donald Trump knowing… that he lost the election.…   that meets the requirement of a violation of the law, just that conversation with Brad Raffensperger would have been enough for me to vote.

Interviewer: Do you think Donald Trump himself is a threat to U.S. democracy?

Hurd: Yes, Donald Trump is a threat to national security… and guess who loves all this drama?… Our adversaries… are super-excited about this. They also know how terrible Donald Trump was when it came to our alliances around the world. They also know that some of his trade policies were terrible, the fact that he upended agriculture in the United States so bad that the government had to bail out a bunch of farmers because of terrible trade policies, and he changed the geopolitical, the global supply chains when it came to industries like sorghum in the United States.

So, yes, he absolutely is, but the best way to be done with Donald Trump once and for all is to beat him in a primary [Asma Khalid and Susan Davis, “White House Hopeful and Former Congressman Will Hurd on the Race to Dethrone Trump,” NPR: All Things Considered, 2023.07.31].

Stop following the herd, Republicans. Instead, follow Hurd, to save your party and your country.


  1. Jake Kammerer 2023-07-31 19:40

    First one of all of them running to make a series of sensible comments like these. Iowa (full of trumpists) reacted like he knew they would. He’s one of the very, very few GOP that have any guts or backbone to speak such truths. Liz Cheney was another for sure.

  2. larry kurtz 2023-07-31 19:49

    The Republican Party is the most malevolent assembly on the Earth today.

    Two days before Donald Trump’s attempted takeover of the United States in 2021 John Eastman was summoned to the Oval Office to share some exotic extralegal scenarios. As he left a Santa Fe restaurant in 2022 he was frisked by federal agents who seized his iPhone Pro 12 presumed to contain incriminating evidence of Trump’s attempted coup d’état.

    Eastman owns a property at 180 Valley Drive on the north side of Santa Fe not far from the Governor’s mansion.

    Eastman knew Jeffrey Epstein through impeachment lawyer Bruce Castor and through Alan Dershowitz, also believed to be a pedophile. A Florida church has claimed the deed to the isolated Zorro Ranch outside of Stanley, New Mexico that Epstein purchased in 1993 now tied up in a court battle in Santa Fe and languishing on the market for $18 million. In a 2016 deposition Virginia Giuffre told a court that when she was sixteen Epstein madam, Ghislane Maxwell aided and abetted her rapes there. Giuffre went on to work for Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

    Why Herr Trump still has a passport and isn’t under house arrest is a mystery wrapped in concrete overshoes.

  3. grudznick 2023-07-31 20:15


    For you libbie fellows out there who don’t pay close attention to what grudznick types and let your NDS blind your reading glasses, let me reitterate.

    grudznick said:


    Mr. President Uncle Joe Biden is a very daft and wrong fellow, but he is not Ms. Hillary. BAH! We all blame Hillary for Mr. Trump in the first place. Let us fix this mess before it goes too far.

  4. Jake Kammerer 2023-07-31 20:27

    OMG-now grudz (et al) are blaming trump’s malevolence toward American values on Hillary!!!! Had she won, grudz, (if trump hadn’t used Putin to help HIM win, 2020 election, Jan 6, the two impeachments of trump, the chaos in America and the consequential drop of confidence in America by foreign countries would never have happened. She was a far better person by any standard than what was elected in 2016; and she didn’t have to grab anyone by the genitalia to satisfy. Non-narcissitic she was. On the other hand, what is the former POTUS?!

  5. larry kurtz 2023-07-31 20:28

    America has brought this on itself since radical christianity has murdered millions but you know what scares me?

    Since Donald Trump escalated his war on civilians and someone from Yemen, Somalia or some other sh!t hole country seeking retaliation could simply roll a truck bomb into the Monument during the SDGOP’s TrumpFest.

    Republican is not just another word for Earth hater; it’s another word for Nazi. The American Left poses no violent threat to the United States while the hate-filled far white wing of the Republican Party always will.

  6. grudznick 2023-07-31 20:37

    Mr. Kammerer, you have not been paying attention.grudznick has b een blaming the Trump Result on Ms. Hillary for more than 7 years.

    Shape up and pay attention, sir, or people will stop listening to your genitalia writings. And keep your god out of it, or I will put my government in your church.

  7. John 2023-07-31 20:38

    Four state republican parties are about bankrupt. Most of the other states’ republican parties are morally bankrupt.
    Georgia spent (waated) over half a million dollars on the legal defense of its fake electors and party trumpian liars. That is more than 10 times what the Georgia republican party spent on all legal fees in 2022, and 2023 is barely half over.
    “When a political party adopts a mindset that prioritizes loyalty to a particular figure — in this case, Donald Trump — over all other traits, eventually it tends to run low on those other traits. We see the consequences of this mentality in the condition of several state Republican parties.”
    . . .
    “As our Scott Howard observed, “For the price of a new Xbox game, you, too, can own your own state party.” Hey, it’s not like Republicans wanted to compete in Arizona, Colorado, Michigan, and Minnesota in 2024, right? And when has Georgia ever turned out to be key to Republican hopes in an election?

    In these states, we are seeing the self-marginalization of the Republican Party. No outside force came along and forced these state parties to spend money, alienate traditional supporters and donors, pick nasty fights with their own lawmakers, turn loyalty to Trump into the preeminent litmus test on all issues and disputes, and alienate and repel once-persuadable swing voters. No, the people who took over these parties chose this path.”

    A snarling republican party is ‘great fun’ – but incompetent at being a republic democracy.

  8. grudznick 2023-07-31 20:49

    It seems Mr. Trump is going to keep the SD Republican Party at the standard of living to which they are accustomed.
    Mr. Wiik has masterfully seen to that. He’s a mean one, Mr. Wiik.

  9. Donald Pay 2023-07-31 21:05

    South Dakota doesn’t matter, nor does Iowa. We know a crook will be running as their Presidential candidate, and we know the crook will win those states. The last poll in Wisconsin was 50-50 Biden/Trump. Biden/DeSantis was 48-52. The Republicans are going to nominate the candidate who has the best chance to lose the swing states.

  10. P. Aitch 2023-07-31 21:39

    Not one white person who voted against Don the Con Drumpf will change their vote in 2024.
    Black women and Latino’s will carry Joe Steady Biden to another win and liberals will ride again, pilgrims.
    *Joke of the Day – Rhonda Santis is picking the governor of Iowa as his running partner. C’mon, man. He said that putting Indian families on reservations was good for their future skills.

  11. Page James 2023-07-31 22:22

    Nice to hear Hurd’s woke comments but he voted against the first impeachment. Only Romney of all republicans in House or Senate voted against Trump. Even Liz Cheney wore the blinders.

  12. Richard Schriever 2023-08-01 07:16

    grudz, here is the demonstration of your mind-set’s error about what America is ALL about sir. You state, “I will put my government…..” Reality Mr. is that the US is not an I, my state, It is a WE (all of us together) and OUR state. Yours is the mind-set that ENABLES authoritarian, monarchical rule by fiat. You IDENTIFY with such antiquated structures of state. It is OBVIOUS from the very language you use.

  13. Jake Kammerer 2023-08-01 08:51

    Amen, Mr. Shriever; right on!

  14. Donald Pay 2023-08-01 11:06

    Hillary ran a poor campaignin 2016, but it was pretty obvious that thoughtful Republicans, like Grudz, had figured out Trump was a fascist and corrupt ignoramus. The problem is there weren’t, and still aren’t enough thoughtful Republicans kick Trump to the curb. Half of that party is lost to a personality cult that is like Hitler’s. Another 17 percent are looking for an even more extreme candidate. And only about 5-7% would support a common-sense conservative who tells the truth about Trump. There’s a lot to criticize about Biden. He’s too old, some of his policies are not what I’d like, but he’s not corrupt or a sociopath. I’ll be voting for Biden, because the other side can’t put up anybody worth even considering.

  15. leslie 2023-08-01 12:23

    All the above distraction, people!

    Who benefits?

    1. Putin!
    2. Billionaires!

    The election issues ARE Global Warming, and Economic inequality.

    Antarctic ice (the BIG one) is melting.

    And, “36% of the $4.7 trillion shortfall is attributable to wealthy individuals who benefit from rules (or lack thereof) that allow for financial secrecy, making it easy to shield assets in offshore havens from tax authorities.” South Dakota is an “offshore haven” from tax authorities. (We have a lot of central shore-line :)

    This Tax Justice Network estimates countries around the world collectively stand to lose an estimated $4.7 trillion in revenue over the next decade unless substantial reforms are made to global tax rules. “$4.7 trillion is roughly equivalent to a year’s worth of public health spending worldwide.”

    Do you not see wasting time on the GOP who won’t impeach; or, John Eastman, Trump’s lawyer; or, HRC (who was obviously right); or, bankruptcy of the REPUBLICAN Parties of other states (remembering SD Dems are broke too); or, electoral college swing states; or institutional slavery; or, a Wyo or Utah Republican who barely did the right thing?


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