Brookings resident Mick Jensen tweets this unpleasant ridiculousness sullying the drive to Madison on Highway 81:

These scrawly billboards epitomize the contradictive lies and hypocrisy to which the landowners and their Trumpist ilk are led by their venomous bullying impulses. President Joe Biden is dumb, yet he’s also a criminal mastermind getting by unspecified but surely heinous and enormously profitable crimes. They advocate the incarceration of individuals for baseless and regularly debunked allegations supported only by claims from people against whom the proper authorities have real evidence of nation-damaging criminal activity.
But the people who make signs like these aren’t pushing facts or useful civic discourse. They are pushing inchoate rage… and that’s the sentiment to which the Republican Party now panders to save its declining fortunes.
This dolt must be related to Travis Ismay from Newell.
The petition that he and Dale Simonton from Newell and Katie Hoffman from Belle F. presented to try and remove the Butte Co. commission over cannabis regulations was full of
spelling , capitalization and punctuation errors much like the goofball that made this one.
But these fine Christian Patriots like the Don.
You know, the same brilliant gasbag that didn’t
know that Yosemite wasn’t pronounced
Yo-sem-ite and didn’t know what a Dairy Queen
Blizzard was.
Good grief buy a paint brush, at least put some effort into your idiocy.
Every time I hear a politician say, “But, the voters are smart,” I just shake my head and think, this person is the personification of a good many SD “smart voters.”
You are right, Mr. H. This fellow is not pushing civil discourse and in fact is behaving like some sort of out-of-state name-caller. We all see exactly that behavior here on this very blogging place. Seems selective to call it out from one farmer fellow in your old stomping grounds but not on your current blog.
Like our old friend Bill used to say…just sayin…
I’ll take that fat goat from Mr. H, thank you very much.
Actually the evidence is pretty damning, and has been provided by Hunter Biden.
Hunter’s behavior indicates he is either really stupid or he wants to get caught so he can get off the merry-go-round.
Leaving his laptop and never returning to retrieve it, full of incriminating information, is either really really stupid or an effort to get caught.
The cocaine at the White House was probably his, too. Nobody else would have left it in a locker where it would be found.
Hunter is a troubled soul who has outlived two siblings and his mother. He and Beau were also in the car when his mother and sister were killed, in a car accident just before Christmas 1972, after shopping for a Christmas tree, just a few months short of his 3rd birthday. How about growing up with THAT as an early childhood memory? Then Beau died in 2015 of cancer. How does someone get over that?
It is not surprising Hunter has problems and has engaged in self-destructive behavior. The refusal to acknowledge a 4 year old daughter is just more of the same messed up picture.
Watch for Hunter to spill more beans as he tries to run away from his life.
Cocaine at WH was found on July 2nd. it was likely planted by a drumpf supporter because we have mounds of evidence that magats make up lies about Democratic presidents and their families.
If you are stoopid enough to believe any thing Screwdy Rudy tells you there is no hope for you at alll. Rudy can’t practice law in NY state or in Washington DC because he is a notorious hot air bag.
“Algebra”, do you have solid evidence that the cocaine belonged to Hunter Biden? If you don’t, you shouldn’t write a libelous comment without proof.
That anyone is surprised by the collapse of Republican decency especially in South Dakota remains a mystery.
Someone so damn dumb shouldn’t be called Algebra.
If your political party was riding the tails of George W. Bush’s and Donald Trump’s Presidencies you’d be desperate for a distraction, too.
Not to mention hydroxychloroquine.
Joe “Steady” Biden’s got ’em right where they belong after Bush/Trump.
Just by this sign you can tell they aren’t very smart. If you were smart you would be embarrassed by this ugly sign.
And if you believe everything the republicants tell you without proof. You aren’t very bright.
algebra – what evidence, exactly? sounds like you watch a lot of fox news but you fail to provide any substance behind your accusations, just like fox. Hunter was busted dodging taxes and lying on a gun application – and was then prosecuted by trump’s hand-picked prosecutor. Sounds like the system worked.
And the cocaine at the white house – nobody cares at all whose it was. People of all walks of life do drugs, including trump who did so much amphetamine on set of the apprentice that he was incontinent and had to have special staffers just to change his diapers. Check it out, it’s hilarious: