Among the ironies of American politics that we may celebrate on this glorious Independence Day is the mainstream conservatives PACkers at South Dakota Strong celebrating big government:

Yes, because what makes America great and free is the great armed Leviathan. That’s why we call July 4th Order and Safety Day, right?
“If You Are White” appears to be the missing tail end message of thses signs.
Hear, hear Mr. Onion.
I just noticed a trite old “all lives matter – support law enforcement” poster lately, but I cannot remember where. I definitely have CRS syndrome.
I, for one, am glad to see they are First Amendmenting in front of a wholesome, American-style breakfast joint.
Grudz, have you eaten at the Millstone lately? Food is much more expensive and quality isn’t close to what it used to be IMO. If you want a good breakfast I highly recommend Uncle Louie’s in Sturgis.
Big fan of Uncle Louie’s in Sturgis and Spearfish also. Sturgis is better.
Sanborn chides his Faceberg “friends” to keep their comments free of profanity because he says his grandkids visit there (yeah, right) but makes his living peddling soft porn on billboards and to the Buffalo Chip. What a slime ball.
The American War for Independence was a tax protest led by the oligarchy and little else. George Washington was a warlord because enslaved people afforded him cannon, muskets, powder and ball. And, if they were alive today he and President Jefferson would be horrified to learn the US is operating on a manual written in the Eighteenth Century. Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt would be putting American Indigenous in concentration camps arguing it’s for their own protection.
South Dakota is home to numerous sculptures that idolize genocide visited upon American Indians.
Mount Rushmore is the state’s premier example of racist ideology. Its sculptor was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Calling him a rapist some twitter accounts are calling for the removal of Rapid City’s statue of Bill Clinton. Fact is: most of the downtown statuary depict slave owners, a child rapist, war criminals and figures in history that ordered the murders of Natives.
Thomas Jefferson began raping Sally Hemings when she was fourteen. Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren drove thousands from their lands and to their deaths over the Trail of Tears. Harry Truman dropped two atomic bombs on civilians.
The United States was founded on the backs of slaves as systematic genocide became a way of life for white christians quoting scripture as they slaughtered their fellow humans. After colonizers realized enslaved American Indians had no resistance to diseases brought from the Old World, Africans were imported to do the dirty work.
In the early twentieth century after President Theodore Roosevelt invited Booker T. Washington to the White House white supremacists began erecting statuary commemorating and celebrating treason in the United States.
Confederate flags routinely fly in Rapid City showing support for racism in like-minded states, South Carolina and Mississippi. Many more come out during the Sturgis Rally.
Moody and Pennington Counties struggle with racism on a local level.
As bikers in the Black Hills can still be seen flaunting their racist bents flying the flag of slavery from their machines Gettysburg, South Dakota remains a white supremacist stronghold.
Helena, Montana has removed its Confederate shrine after outcry from the state’s American Indian legislative caucus.
George Custer, Phil Sheridan, George Crook and William Harney all committed crimes against humanity yet their names still besmirch numerous government and geographical features.
Right to life? Not if you’re non-white in South Dakota.
Gutmenschen virtue-signaling once more
keep our communities safe . . . except for Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Fort Worth, Texas, where mass shootings claimed the lives of 10 people ahead of the Fourth of July holiday.
Take a closer look. That’s not the Mudhole. :-)
I think we may need to take about two steps back and examine our words and intent. The term “Police State” is a real thing but hyperbolic as used in this context … much like “Killer Cops” and “School-to-Prison Pipeline”.
Calling a club a club is triggering, init?
I’ve never lived in a police state but I imagine it starts out looking like what I saw at the Pennington County Jail today. I arrived hours after the NDN Collective demonstrators were long gone and there were a couple dozen or so officers within the two block vicinity hanging out. I was the only civilian around and was met with caution tape cordoning off the entire campus. The police refused to let me through to get inside to the 24 hr commissary kiosk. An inmate told me the folks were just gathered outside marching to end racistass police abuse. The cops obviously weren’t about to listen so they suit up in !Riot Gear and greet the folks with aggression, wishing a Native would get out of line…..the way Rapid City has flouted such racism, misogyny, disdain and disregard for the freedom of others is worsening. There is always a police state where this train is headed.
The scale of the disparity is frightening and growing, taking us ever further from America’s founding ideal that “all men are created equal” and its continuing journey toward equal rights for all.
The Supreme Court, conservative governors and gerrymandered state legislatures are racing to shrink our fundamental rights and freedoms.
Remember, the two biggest election issues are still 1.) economic inequality and, 2.) climate change
Like covid, these things are not going away.
That whole good guy with a gun dealio? It’s a myth.
That SDStrong has incurred the wrath of the DFP is not surprising. They are quite unprepared to address any group holding traditional values and principles They are more accustomed to associating with law breakers and socialist dissidents.
John, who is this “they” at DFP to whom you refer? I will embrace the label of socialist dissident myself, but what knowledge do you have of my ever associating with socialist dissidents or law breakers? And what makes you think I am unprepared to address any group holding “traditional values and principles”? I am prepared to address any group seeking honest dialogue, and I am prepared to point out where that group’s “traditional” values and principles are right or wrong, or logical or illogical, or Scriptural or anti-Scriptural, or helpful or harmful.
And I’m not even sure “traditional” values (a definition for which I would welcome, just to be sure we’re talking about the same things) are relevant to the fundamental contradiction I point out about SD Strong’s advocacy. As I understand conservatism (having practiced it myself avidly once and occasionally still), the philosophy warns of the danger of unchecked government power. Yet SD Strong’s conservatives praise the armed arm of the state, the group that the government can use to wreak the most immediate and severe oppression on its citizens. That praise seems to serve to allow SD Strong members to say (as you seem to be saying here in turning the discussion on the critics rather than that which is criticized) that anyone questioning the authority of the police is un-American, unprincipled, and not worthy of attention in public debate. That’s not a question of “traditional” values; that’s a question of basic philosophical consistency and fair rhetoric.
grudznick is assuming, I hope correctly, that “they” does not include me, Mr. H. Otherwise, “we” will have to set Mr. Santana straight.
Take that, John Santana, you ignorant slut.
I was joking the other day, and it was a joke, because I have several family members who are veterans, but I asked the question, “Why has every holiday become about veterans?” We should start a holiday in SD called ‘Not Veteran or Police Day’ for the rest of us who just want to open presents, look for eggs or trick or treat in peace.
The 4th is a holiday that celebrates our military victory over Britain, so I get the veteran element, but it is holiday about the freedoms we all enjoy, and we haven’t always picked up a gun to achieve those freedoms.
John Santana is another out of state name caller who languished on the public dole in a blue state then parachuted into South Dakota to hole up where the absence of cultural diversity props up white privilege but now has the temerity to tell locals how to live. Pathetic, indeed.