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Biden Sending South Dakota $234 Per Person to Connect Everyone to Broadband

President Joe Biden and Governor Kristi Noem agree: Internet access is vital to rural America’s economic survival. President Biden is willing to put some money where his mouth his, announcing Monday that South Dakota will get $207 million out of $42.45 billion he’s spending nationwide to connect everybody to high-speed Internet:

The funds, which will be distributed as grants across U.S. states and territories, are allocated under the bipartisan infrastructure law, passed in 2021, but unveiled as the kick-off for the administration’s three-week tour highlighting infrastructure projects and private sector investment across the U.S.

“What we’re doing is, as I said, not unlike what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did when he brought electricity to nearly every American home and farm in our nation. Today (Vice President) Kamala (Harris) and I are making an equally historic investment to connect everyone in America to high speed internet, and affordable high speed internet, by 2030,” Biden said at the White House event in the East Room attended by guests and members of Congress.

“Because for today’s economy to work for everyone, internet access is just as important as electricity was, or water or other basic services,” Biden continued [Ashley Murray, “South Dakota to Receive $207 Million from New Biden Broadband Plan,” South Dakota Searchlight, 2023.06.26].

In April, Governor Noem rejected $3 million in federal funding to study climate change over fears that an influx of federal cash would cause inflation. However, as with $21 million the state accepted in May to improve airports, Governor Noem appears ready to welcome this $207 million in federal support for fiber, wireless, and whatever else it takes to help every South Dakotan get fast access to Kristi’s cool videos.

President Biden’s $207-million investment in South Dakota’s future allocates $234 per South Dakotan, the 14th-highest per-person allocation among the states. Connecting Alaska will cost the most per person, $1,387. Of the 13 states getting more funding per person than South Dakota, 2 voted for Biden in 2020 (Vermont and New Mexico) and 11 voted for the other guy (Alaska, West Virginia, Wyoming, Montana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Idaho, Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama, and Kentucky). Our Minnesota neighbors are getting $114 per person. Nationwide, the amount allocated per person is $124.


  1. All Mammal 2023-06-28 07:31

    I feel grateful for President B and VP KH to support our cheapass, mean, disrespectful state. Yet, our state is so dishonest and so trifling, I don’t trust the state to get internet to the people in an efficient manner. Our governor is known for sitting on these free gifts to compound her power for so long, by the time she releases any of the loot to her greedy contractor buddies, inflation over time and exaggerated costs will reduce the actual principal to a third or 1/2 of its original spending power, like she did with the federal $200 M in affordable housing.

    It would be wise for the federal government to complete the job in-house. No contractors chosen by states. Sort of like the US Postal Service. No profits should be made off this freebie. These welfare payments cannot be entrusted in limy Republican governors’ mitts.

    Furthermore, all federal welfare should be matched, in part at least, by the sorry broke states with hands out. We should be required to show initiative before given hundreds of millions of blue state tax dollars. Conservative? Accountable? Independent? My arse. Keep telling yourselves that, KN et al. Back in the day, they’d have called you simply: poor, white trash.

  2. P. Aitch 2023-06-28 10:48

    Agreed, All Mammal. The feds should do the job because … history of SD misuse of funds is already public knowledge. Remember the EB-5 termination. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services deemed SD had violated the rules. A private firm was running the program so poorly the plug got pulled. Senator Rounds even agreed with the penalty.
    Also fully agree with your assertion that the money we blue state workers reach into our paychecks for should be matched or we’ll send it to a state that appreciates and accounts for it as if they have a horse in the race.

  3. Bonnie B Fairbank 2023-06-28 12:14

    My internet access through Golden West Telecommunications costs $53.24 monthly; since I do not live on tribal lands nor do I qualify as a Tribal member, I receive a munificent $9.25 discount through the Affordable Connectivity Program that (apparently) applies to both broadband and phone service, but not both. Frankly, I’m just guessing this discount has some connection to the broadband grants.

    My federal pension COLA of 8.7% for 2023 boosted my income just enough I’m no longer eligible for this discount. The ACP is so poorly administered I have had to reapply twice yearly and had three ID numbers to maintain the $9.25 discount.

    I have never been deemed eligible for the $30 discount available for just po’ folks. Ironically, now I make “too much” money to be eligible, I’ve received two emails, two letters with applications, and one automated voice mail urging me not to lose my valuable benefit. I wholeheartedly support Biden’s/Harris’s efforts to provide affordable broadband; the people that administer the plan are undoubtedly well meaning but confused by all the regulations.

  4. grudznick 2023-06-28 16:15

    When do I get my check for $234?
    We all already got the bill for President Mr. Uncle Joe Biden’s burning of cash we don’t have.

  5. grudznick 2023-06-28 16:52

    Ms. Mammal has some good points. grudznick has decided I don’t want my check for $234. Donate it to a homeless shelter in Hot Springs, or a food pantry. President Mr. Uncle Joe Biden should take back all the money. At least South Dakota’s piece, and for sure grudznick’s piece, because grudznick will just splurge for a breakfast for 10 of my friends.

  6. P. Aitch 2023-06-28 17:27

    grudznick – No customers get any money. It’s government money paid to the companies that sell internet to people. Honest companies will charge the people less. Do you trust your internet companies in South Dakota to not just pocket the money and continue to charge the same amount?

  7. grudznick 2023-06-28 18:24

    My internet companies are from out-of-state, Mr. P.h and I do not trust them or the government with all this imaginary money.

    President Mr. Uncle Joe Biden should take it back.

  8. P. Aitch 2023-06-28 19:38

    It was a joke grudz. We all know you don’t trust anything. We are laughing. Goat 🐐 gotten. 😂😂😂

  9. grudznick 2023-06-28 19:49

    Ah, Mr. P.h, you joked ol’ grudz. Good one.

  10. P. Aitch 2023-06-28 20:13

    grudz – Positive P (that’s me) is one blogging friend you’ll always have here. Hope you get to join your Governor Girlza for fireworks at the Demonic Temple.

  11. larry kurtz 2023-06-28 22:19

    Corralling Mrs. Noem in a boxed pen makes sense.

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