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Court Docs: One of Dirty Pix in Sanford Case Taken in Sanford House

T. Denny Sanford’s lawyers have claimed that the child porn found in his email account got there because someone hacked his phone.

Gee, someone must have hacked Sanford’s house, too:

The affidavits also provide new information on one of the images of child pornography.

According to an agent with the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office, a GPS tag in the meta data from one of the images shows that the photo was taken at the address of a California home in Sanford’s name at the time. Investigators also noted that the photo had “several lines of deviation visible making the image appear to be a picture taken off another screen” [staff, “New Sanford Docs Detail Data Used in Alleged Hacking Attempts,” KSFY, 2023.05.31].

You’d think a billionaire like Sanford would have better locks on his phone and his La Jolla mansion.


  1. All Mammal

    Yep, people rot in a cell for being too poor to pay traffic fines..While SD smiles and holds the door open for a monster who rapes little kids. South Dakota values are sick and corrupt and willing accomplices Jackley, Kristi Noem, Denny T. – may you rot in piss.

  2. Loren

    Does anyone know how much you have to be worth before you get the “elite justice” treatment rather than the treatment most folks get? I don’t plan to do anything improper, but just in case… ;-)

  3. P. Aitch

    WOW!!! – Good reporting, Cory.

  4. Mike Lee Zitterich

    For all you people complaining, how much EFFORT would you spend to maintain your liberty, your freedom, your innocence?

    I think someone set up him up, maybe someone who hates his business, or someone within his ex-wife’s family who hates him. What if he is telling the truth, his phone was hacked, let someone planted those pictures on his phone…the beauty of American, is you cannot find someone guilty outside a public court room, let alone you have the right to face your accuser in front of a JURY of your PEERS, where all you need to do is convince at least 1, to any # of jurors to maintain your freedom.

    I would be careful what I say, cause if he is found innocent of all charges, he could find ALL of you guilty of slander, mispresentation of the facts, let alone defamation.

    Just let the process play itself out…

  5. P. Aitch

    You DO be careful what you personally say then Mike Lee, if that’s what you personally think should be done.

    And all others who read DFP’s report can do what they think is proper.

    Your advice to those who didn’t ask for it is a deviant psychological tell, by the way.

  6. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison’s office is investigating the proposed merger of an ailing medical giant with the namesake of South Dakota’s richest man, Denny Sanford — the subject of a probe for possession of child pornography.

    AG Ellison has a long history of supporting unions and worker rights. Sanford is a St. Paul native and graduate of the University of Minnesota.

    Republican former State Senator Lynne DiSanto has been raising awareness of the abuses committed by the Children’s Home Society that led up to the 2019 disappearance of Serenity Dennard.

    CHS has been under the regulatory microscope before for violations of trust and one former executive director is none other than Republican former South Dakota Governor Denny Daugaard. Billionaire Republican Denny Sanford, an accused child pornographer, has given millions to the organization that owns a facility outside Rapid City, just for instance. As the story of Sanford’s pedophilia broke Carmel, Indiana-based private investigator Veracity I-I-R confirmed that they were hired by Serenity’s adoptive family to revisit the steps that led to her disappearance and explore likely outcomes.

  7. e platypus onion

    Ravnsborg is the official that could not find a crime to charge Sanford with. Kinda figures a guy who couldn’t find his butt with either hand has/had no business being AG.

  8. Eve Fisher

    It’s definitely good to be a billionaire – you can always claim your phone, and now your home, was hacked, and someone else did it… and they’ll believe you, and won’t press charges. Meanwhile, there’s always someone to defend the billionaires. But they’re never there to defend anyone else…

  9. Arlo Blundt

    It could be that Sanford has deeper pockets than the South Dakota Attorney General’s office. Plus, who in the AG’s office wants to take on this prosecution against a battery of high powered defense lawyers?? Sounds like a good way to blunt one’s career.

  10. All Mammal

    How can AG Jackley investigate his former client, Denny T, for the same crime he defended him for? Oh, that’s right. Silly question. SD child abuse and rape roots run deep. Hey, sx123- this may be another one of those “SD values” you’ve been trying to define…..

    Just before mademoiselle Dennard vanished, Denny T. donated $50,000,000 to the Children’s Home Society of the Black Hills…..

    Denny T. has at least two perverse things in common with the former prophet of the FLDS: one is they both display messages on the tread of their shoes so when they have their feet propped up on top of their desks, their subjects can read their special credo. Warning! Sick facts ahead… The prophet’s read “keep sweet” and Denny T’s reads “WOTA” (world’s oldest teenager). You know the other thing the two have in common:/

  11. Republicans have admitted colossal failures in Serenity’s case.

    Before her disappearance Serenity Dennard spent time in a dozen foster homes in a state where the industry is a pet project of Republican Daugaard’s wife. It’s estimated that the United States foster care industry supplies some 88% of sex-trafficked children some of whom are raped for money at the annual Sturgis Rally.

    Serenity’s adoptive mother has admitted to suicide attempts because of all the Republican bunglings so the SDGOP finger-pointing continues to the present day. The federal center for Medicaid Services intervened in 2019 and excoriated the CHS for its indifference to client protection.

    Another Republican, a former captain in the Pennington County Sheriff’s Office says the failures to locate the young girl still haunt him. Investigators say it’s doubtful she was abducted by strangers but her history of running away means her planning an escape is entirely possible. That Serenity was lured away by Bandidos with help from the Children’s Home Society crossed my mind very early in her disappearance.

    Spokesperson for the department, Republican Helene Duhamel insists the case is still open. In 2020 Republican then-Sheriff Kevin Thom admitted the failures of his department in the case and denied an interview for a recent update. In 2020 a Republican former Rapid City police chief resigned to become a CHS employee.

    Current Republican Black Hills Children’s Home director, Michelle Lavallee insists security at the de facto children’s prison has been tightened but refuses to elaborate.

    Whistle-blower DiSanto was forced from the state’s demonic legislature then changed her name and moved to Montana but has since returned to sell real estate in Rapid City.

  12. $20 says Mr. Sanford’s name in in Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book.

  13. Mike, for someone who supposedly is working with South Dakota’s radical right wing to challenge the powers that be, you are really eager to make excuses for the powers that be. Now you’re positing a conspiracy theory to defend Sanford. Really? Apply Occam’s Razor: which scenario is less complicated and more plausible: a rich and powerful man takes pleasure in child porn and prominent Republicans ensure he faces no charges in the state he heftily subsidizes, or some unknown party who doesn’t like Sanford manages to get access to both his phone and his house to frame him with dirty pix? The latter sounds like the kind of projective scenario we’d expect from a Q-Anonist, the kind of political operative who portrays all of his opponents as sex abusers when in fact it’s a lot of conservative fundagelical kooks who seem to get busted for exploiting children.

    If you find child porn on a guy’s phone, and one of the pictures was taken in the guy’s house, the first logical explanation is that the guy or someone close to him was looking at and sharing child porn.

  14. Bob Newland

    Mike Zitterich is a buddy of kiddy-diddler afficionado Aaron Aylward, SoDak Representative from Harrisburg.

  15. sx123

    If you have enough money and are old enough, chances are you can keep yourself out of prison until after your death.

  16. DaveFN

    Bob Newland

    Aaron Aylward is a kiddy-diddler afficionado??

    Since when?

  17. DaveFN

    When it comes to the life of the human the less complicated scenario is not necessarily the more plausible plausible. Occam’s razor doesn’t even apply to biochemical pathways which have twists and turns established science could never predict in advance. (And no, thermodynamics in its reductionism, doesn’t explain them, either).

    Neither, however, do I endorse Zitterich’ scenario, but not because it is unduly complicated; rather because it presumes knowing what cannot be known in advance of fact. It’s a prediction akin to reading tea leaves. Cute but only that.

  18. LaurenSD1

    Denny Sanford will never be rich enough to redeem his reputation.

  19. grudznick

    Well, I suppose you are right, Ms. LaurenSD1. Mr. Sandford is quickly bleeding his riches, and also dying fairly quickly. grudznick is sure he will croak before he stops the bleeding and gets even richer to redeem his reputation. Did you see some young fellow even quit being a lobbist for the organization named for Mr. T. Denny, probably because of the stigma. There are rookie lobbists like that who can’t handle the stigma and cut and run.

  20. Bob Newland

    Apparently since birth. He regularly posts kiddy-diddler-friendly crap.

  21. DaveFN

    Cory Allen Heidelberger

    When it comes to the life of the human the less complicated scenario is not necessarily the more plausible plausible. Occam’s razor doesn’t even apply to biochemical pathways which have twists and turns established science could never predict in advance. (And no, thermodynamics in its similar reductionism, doesn’t explain them, either).

    Neither, however, do I endorse Zitterich’ scenario, but not because it is unduly complicated; rather because it presumes knowing what cannot be known in advance of fact. It’s a prediction akin to reading tea leaves. Cute but only that.

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