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Noem Releases Poll But Is Losing Food-Tax Argument with Republicans

So are we going to get that big food tax repeal part-time Governor Kristi Noem promised she’d work really hard to get? Noem had her South Dakota Strong Leadership PAC spend some of its $261,088.87 to cook up a poll saying 75% of South Dakotans support repealing the state’s unusual tax on groceries. The last poll on the topic not paid for by a political campaign found last October that 47% of South Dakotans support eliminating the grocery tax and 32% support reducing it.

But Noem’s own mainstream Republican leaders, who care naught for the opinions of the rabble, are balking harder, saying we should invest first and cut taxes later:

…some legislators have grown more cautious about tax cuts since the session began.

Some now believe this is the time to make smart choices with extra revenue and support ongoing programs instead of cutting the state’s largest source of income.

Senate Majority Whip Helene Duhamel, R-Rapid City, said there is “growing sentiment” among the chamber’s Republican caucus in favor of strategic investments before enacting a tax cut.

“There are people in the conservative position saying, ‘Let’s take care of our house, and if we’re still in that position in a few years, then we can take a look at that then,’” Duhamel said in Thursday’s Republican leadership press conference [Makenzie Huber, “Some Republicans Look to ‘Take Care of Our House’ Before Cutting Taxes,” South Dakota Searchlight, 2023.02.18].

Almost five months have passed since Governor Noem made repealing the food tax her central campaign promise. She spotlighted repealing the food tax in her December budget address and her January State of the State address. Yet with the Legislative Session two-thirds done, legislators have “grown more cautious”—i.e., become less convinced that cutting the food tax or any other tax is a good idea.

If Republican Kristi Noem can’t get a Republican supermajority to go along with the supposedly core Republican idea of cutting taxes, how can anyone believe she could go to Washington and get a contentious Congress with two powerful and competing parties to agree on anything>


  1. Richard Schriever

    She’s just a POSiur.

  2. Loren

    “… in favor of strategic investments before enacting a tax cut.”

    When it is a Republican proposal, it is a “strategic investment.” When a Democrat proposes the same thing, it is call “taxi and spend.” More GOP, “I’m rubber, you’re glue,” horse hockey!

  3. She’ll flirt with Drumpt and the shortstop and whoever becomes centerfield she’s under him.

  4. All Mammal

    Shouldn’t the people being taxed decide if they would like to invest their own money or keep it? Our lousy leg has way too much power. Makes the words in my Constitution booklet scream loud and clear, something like: “ Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters”. Benny F.

    Since when has it been the purpose of the government to tax it’s citizens in order to make investments? Come on, South Dakota. Stop acting like this and get a goddamn job by sundown or get shipped off to military school like that goddamn Finkelstein sh¡t kid. Son of a b¡tch!

  5. I never believed Noem truly wanted this tax cut and was probably secretly giddy it failed. I would be shocked if ANY tax cut is approved this legislative session. Why would those who control the coffers want to eliminate a reliable revenue source? The prudent thing to do would have been a step reduction in the food tax (eliminating 1.5% this year and 1 penny the following three years and on the 5th year eliminate the municipal food tax portion). I support the property tax cut. While they contend it will only save taxpayers around $300 a year it is around a $800 savings each year in Sioux Falls (that is the approximate take of the SFSD for a $100K valuation). The food tax cut would only save me about $150 a year. As for helping the poor with a food tax cut that is a false flag (an overall sales tax reduction would have a bigger impact). Since most legitimately poor in our state receive food from food banks, FREE school lunches, WIC, churches and SNAP they pay NO taxes on food so why not give them real savings by reducing the overall sales taxes on anything purchased (especially on cigs and beer their biggest staples *SNARK*) I also think there should have been legislation to eliminate sales taxes on gas and electricity. As I said from the beginning, I don’t think our legislature has the courage to cut taxes. As my stepdad used to say, ‘Gutless Wonders’.

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