Radical Trumpist meat propagandist Amanda Radke is campaigning for Kristi Noem. But the coffee mug Radke designed for Noem may leave donors wondering who that masked rider is:

Dang, I thought freedom-fighter Noem was against masks. Radke put more detail on the horse’s face than on Kristi’s. Hmmm… maybe Noem is planning to put on a new face for the 2024 campaign and didn’t want her mugs to become obsolete?
How fitting. A mug without a mug. Kinda like a state without a governor.
Horse was likely a more interesting subject. Horses seldumb fly or lie.
Think the artist was avoiding offending the fragile Mrs. Noem with a portrait that did not meet the Governor’s approval.
Hey, Governor Noem! Have you seen what Kari Lake is doing in the Arizona gubernatorial campaign and how popular she is nationally? #grins
If you ride a dusty trail punchin’ dogies, a thinking cowboy or cowgirl will use a bandanna to keep the particulates from clogging the lungs. Thinking cowboys and cowgirls wear such gear when they care about life and health. Maybe in the next phase of this pandemic, Kristi will behave in the cowboy way, and encourage others to do the same.
Maybe she wears her covid mask while riding the horse. Any ones guess.
It’s so you can’t see which face she is putting forward. To say she is “two-faced” would be to underestimate. It’d be like saying a chameleon is “two-colored.” ;-)
So, Amanda embraces the BDE Mrs. Noem seeks outside her own marriage. Who knew?
Meth Mug is Not a Good Look. Take away the lying eyes, the double speak mouth, the crooked smile and the soul. What we have here is a accurate depiction of the shallow lifeless shell of a human.
Only time I’ve seen her with her mouth shut.
Her face has changed so much due to cosmetic interventions that she may not resemble the image on the mug by the time the order is complete. This blank space leaves it up to the owner to decide which Kristi H/e prefers. Surprising they didn’t offer one with her famous motorcycle pic.
Jeez, it’s Etch-A-Sketch Kristi. I guess. That’s some truly bad art I wouldn’t waste bullets on shootin’ off fence posts.
i think the following warning applies to camo-capped Kristi.
maddow: “deep radical ultra-right … happening in the post world war II era leading into the Reagan era (I feel like we are) dealing with pro-authoritarian impulses on the right, as connected to electoral politics. While it feels unprecedented, it is not. There has been real ultra-right pro-authoritarian radicalism adjacent to Republican electoral politics, for longer than we admitted. Looking at that, ending up looking at origins of American holocaust denial.
A weird moment in American Republican Party politics when they were against the Nuremberg War trials. They didn’t want Nazi war criminals being put on trial because that was unfair to the Nazis.
Eighty years to the day, November 17 (1940 when 17 members of the Christian Front militia were arrested by the FBI for sedition— front page news “lost to history” — they were mostly acquitted and Republicans told the slanted story, of course. The witch hunt was whitewashed then!), the Oath Keepers were arrested for sedition for the January 6 attack on our capit…
October 12, (i think) 2022 air date.
(my notes of more random quotes:)
if we can’t be real about American fascism and authoritarianism and support for Hitler in the lead up to Pearl Harbor…
High ranking klan leader collaborated with Hitler…
a liberal democratic open society
enemies are there all the time—columnists, activists, [anti-fascists] (Christian Front pamphlet…)
Boston Catholic Father Couglan’s radical media then…Social Justice, 30 million listeners, anti semitism was not a sin, militancy, Hitler propaganda….
Probably after she had her facial surgery, hiding the swelling.