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Socialist Dusty: Let Babies Eat Reports! Capitalist Joe: Let’s Get More Formula.

Oh, that darned Dusty Johnson, advocating for more socialism:

Rep. Dusty Johnson, tweets, 2022.07.13.
Rep. Dusty Johnson, tweets, 2022.07.13.

Today, U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) introduced the Formula Shortage Reporting Act of 2022 to ensure the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) receives timely information from manufacturers about anticipated disruptions of infant formula supply. Reps. Stephanie Bice (R-OK), Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), and Kim Schrier, M.D. (D-WA) are original cosponsors of the legislation.

“Infant formula is medically necessary. The FDA should be informed of any future delays – but currently, that’s not the law of the land,” said Johnson. “South Dakota was hit hard during this formula shortage – my bill allows us to be better prepared should an issue at a formula plant ever happen again” [Rep. Dusty Johnson, press release, 2022.06.13].

Force businesses to report to the government when they’ve had some interruption in production, what suppliers they use to get their inputs, and what other suppliers might be available? Doesn’t Dusty know such reporting requirements slow businesses down and cost them money? Doesn’t Dusty know that such reports and their dissemination to doctors and moms could cause companies’ stock prices to tumble and hurt stockholders?

Dusty’s bill also requires manufacturers to provide “such other information as the Secretary may require.” Good heavens! Talk about authorizing an open-ended fishing expedition for snoopy government bureaucrats!

Besides, more reports telling moms there’s going to be a shortage doesn’t put baby formula on the shelves or in sweet little tummies. That’s just more of the bureaucracy we’d expect from a career bureaucrat like Dusty.

Thank goodness good capitalist President Joe Biden is pursuing free-market solutions to the American market’s failure to safely meet basic consumer needs. The Biden Administration is trying to get regulations out of the way so more producers can diversify America’s supply chain:

The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday announced plans to help overseas producers that have sent supplies to the United States, under emergency approval to address the shortfall, secure long-term authorization to market their formula in the U.S.

The agency will provide a way for producers temporarily selling in the U.S. to meet existing regulatory requirements so they can stay on the market, providing consumers with more choices and making supplies more resilient against current and future shortages.

…”The need to diversify and strengthen the U.S. infant formula supply is more important than ever,” said the FDA commissioner, Dr. Robert Califf, and Susan Mayne, the director of the agency’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, in a statement. “The recent shutdown of a major infant formula plant, compounded by unforeseen natural weather events, has shown just how vulnerable the supply chain has become.”

…”Today’s announcement by the FDA will help ensure the infant formula supply market is less vulnerable to future supply shocks and will provide families with the confidence of steady access to a variety of safe infant formulas,” said White House spokesman Kevin Munoz [“The U.S. Wants Overseas Producers to Continue Supplying Baby Formula,” AP via NPR, 2022.07.06].

Dusty’s socialist bureaucracy doesn’t feed babies. Let us feed the babies of liberty with the capitalism of Joe Biden!


  1. mike from iowa 2022-07-13

    How hard could under populated South Duhkota get hit? Los Angeles likely has more pregnancies than the entire state of Duhkota. Try harder, ace.

  2. larry kurtz 2022-07-13

    My guess? Howdy Doody Dusty’s campaign donors are mostly ag and chemical Koch fiends. $20 says infant formula is responsible for more babies developing gender dysphoria because we already know that the pesticides used to grow the ingredients cause cancer.

  3. All Mammal 2022-07-13

    Maybe they should revamp the Liquid Gold program. That is what we encouraged when I worked at Youth & Family Services. We educated mothers on the advantages of breast milk and gave incentives to pump extra breast milk for qualified babies whose mothers were unable to produce their own. It was literally considered liquid gold. And the stuff was pretty cheap(: smarter, healthier babies at practically no money cost. Mothers providing liquid gold for other babies is pretty socialist. It was all CACFP certified and regulated and I pushed that program like a nudging lamb to a tough ninny.

  4. Arlo Blundt 2022-07-13

    All Mammel is correct. Human breast milk is nearly an infallible choice to maximize child development. Of course food additives are a threat to the quality of breast milk and expectant mothers should eat healthy.

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