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Wittman May Primary District 15 Democratic House Incumbents

One Democratic candidate not invited to the petition-signing party at Senator Reynold Nesiba’s house Saturday is probably Kadyn Elizabeth Wittman. The Phillips Avenue Democrat declared her inclination to run for District 15 House in the campaign finance statement of organization that she filed on the solstice:

Kadyn Elizabeth Wittman, statement of organization, 2021.12.21, p. 1.
Kadyn Elizabeth Wittman, statement of organization, 2021.12.21, p. 1.
Kadyn Elizabeth Wittman, statement of organization, 2021.12.21, p. 2.
Kadyn Elizabeth Wittman, statement of organization, 2021.12.21, p. 2.

Wittman directs marketing and development at the Multi-Cultural Center of Sioux Falls. I’m thus surprised that a practicing marketer wouldn’t come up with a snappier name for her campaign committee than “”Legislative Campaign Committee” to distinguish herself in the crowded District 15 Democratic market. When you ask people to write checks you want to give them a cool name to write in the “Pay to the Order of” blank, something that reinforces the name of the really good cause to which they are contributing their cash—”Cool Cats for Kadyn!” “Wittman Will Win!” “Kadyn in ’22 for You!”

Of course, Wittman could alliterate even more and avoid a tussle with local incumbents if she went after Dusty Johnson—”Kaydn for Congress!” or John Thune—”We Want Wittman in Washington!”

Once Wittman amends her statement of organization to a more distinctive name, she appears ready to compete in the social media sphere. Wittman has spoken up recently on Twitter for trans rights, student debt cancellation, and coronavirus sensibility and against food deserts, Trumpist vulgarians, and corruption in Pierre. Wittman isn’t as vigorous a Tweeter as her potential primary opponent Rep. Linda Duba, but she’s out-Tweeting the pants off her other potential primary opponent, House Minority Leader Jamie Smith, who hasn’t tweeted since November 21, when he cheerfully touted bipartisanship (Smith is very pragmatic like that) and retweeted a Seattle reporter’s observation that he and Republican Speaker Spencer Gosch have a “solid relationship to serve their constituents” and also made “comedy gold” with their banter at the Leaders’ Policy Conference in Naples, Florida. If Tweets were votes, or ability to get out the votes, Wittman would place a strong second behind Duba and unseat the Dems’ House boss.

But we all know how big that if is.


  1. Kadyn is awesome and I would much rather have her in Pierre than Duba. I got moved to District 10 instead of 15 so I cannot vote for her but encourages other Dems and Indys to dump Duba for Kadyn.

  2. She sounds great Cory, but thats grate to the pubs. Here’s a t-shirt for her and South Dakota in general. It takes a Brandon to know a Brandon.

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