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South Dakota, 12 Other States, See GDP Decline in 2021 Q3

Make that eight arguments….

On December 23, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported gross domestic product figures for each state from Quarter 2 to Quarter 3 of 2021. While U.S. GDP in Q3 grew at an annual rate of 2.3%, thirteen states saw economic production decline. South Dakota was one of those shrinkers:

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Real GDP: Percent Change at Annual Rate, 2021:Q2–2021:Q3, 2021.12.23.
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Real GDP: Percent Change at Annual Rate, 2021:Q2–2021:Q3, 2021.12.23.

Maybe Kristi Noem should wash her hands of her claim that “South Dakota has the strongest economy in the nation“… or insert the word she’s missing: South Dakota has the 45th strongest economy in the nation.

Related Data: According to the BEA, 2021 Q3 real GDP (in chained 2021 dollars) for the entire nation was 2.78% higher than 2020 Q1 GDP, just as the coronavirus pandemic wound up to deliver its serious economic haymaker. Since the beginning of the pandemic, South Dakota’s real GDP has increased only 0.73%.


  1. Richard Schriever 2022-01-04

    Oh, come on man!! All the best economies are shrinking, didn’t you know? It’s the latest craze.

  2. buckobear 2022-01-04

    Even Mississippi did better.

  3. Loren 2022-01-04

    We may not be doing that well, but OUR governor has a hot tub, new plane, Faux News booth and make-up kit! So, there! ;-)

  4. jerry 2022-01-04

    3,047 new Covid cases over the weekend. Gotta be a proud moment for the SDGOP. No wonder our GDP is on the decline.

  5. Tim 2022-01-04

    Washing your hands fixes all of this you know!

  6. mike from iowa 2022-01-04

    SD death toll now @ 2498 due to Noem’s Covid malfeasance.

  7. Mark Anderson 2022-01-04

    I think that Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota should secede from the union. No one would care.

  8. John 2022-01-04

    Oh Mark, good DFP friend, the corporations that cheaply bought the senators from ID, MT. WY, ND, and SD would deeply care. As would the GQP party deeply care.

    On the other hand . . . being part of Canada is alluring. Screw the Treaty of London of 1818 and the 49th parallel.

  9. Porter Lansing 2022-01-04

    Well, Mark. We could sell those states to China. We owe China more than USA can ever pay.
    BTW … Did you go to Vermin art school, in the early 70’s, with a college friend of mine, who’s also a sculptor, in Sioux Falls.
    His name is John Jastram and he has a few pieces on public display, on the streets of SooFoo.

  10. Mark Anderson 2022-01-04

    Porter, yes I did go to school in Vermintown in the early 70s, however I was a painter. Became a sculptor later, went back to Vermintown to their new graduate school and became their first graduating sculptor. John Jastram I probably knew but my undergraduate years are blurry, for many reasons, the person teaching sculpture I knew well, he was a young English guy who wasn’t quite 30. I’d have to look him up too. Loyd Menard taught printmaking, Oscar Howe was separate and had his classes at the museum, Robert Aldern was chair and taught figure, he was great, Wick Knaus taught painting and was terrific. Just thought of Nick Ward who taught sculpture, he was very good, left but still has the large steel sculpture in front of their building, the paint must be holding it up. Dan Packard taught a bunch of stuff. He eventually left but his wife and kids are still there. It was a great school became even better. Turned out a bunch of good artists. I was going to have a show in Sioux Falls years ago, basically to visit a friend of mine but he died of cancer so I dropped the idea. I did put up a show in Vermintown and went on a trip over South Dakota with my poet friend Dennis Sampson originally from Pierre, but thats another story.

  11. cibvet 2022-01-04

    Mark A might be on to something with secession.All 5 states are welfare states, so it would probably be a win for the United States since
    repubs are so against welfare. All the whites would become as poor as the rez people that the state governments loathe.

  12. ABC 2022-01-05

    Hawaii up 6%
    Delaware up 4.7%

    Hey, just write a nice letter to the Democratic Governors of those 2 states, ask them how they did it.

    Then, since you are a Governor (though not elected), you will know what to do.

    What we do matters!

    We can change the stage, especially economically, despite whoever gets elected.

  13. larry kurtz 2022-01-05

    White retirees from Minnesota, Colorado and California, even Arizona parachute into South Dakota hoping to isolate themselves from fair taxation and cultural diversity then tap into the state’s culture of federal dependence. My college buddy, Kim said on the phone Sunday that he’s seeing more vehicles with South Dakota license plates this winter in Pinal and Pima Counties in Arizona. He builds and maintains the bike trail system for the Town of Marana. Despite Arizona’s water crisis Scottsdale, Tempe and Chandler are booming and among the best cities in the US to find jobs.

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