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Donald Jr. to Trumpists: Following Jesus Gets Us Nothing

Speaking of speaking against Christianity, Donald Trump Jr. is telling his brownshirts that Jesus’s sissy teachings aren’t worth spit:

Trump spoke at a Turning Point USA gathering on December 19. He displayed seething, nearly pathological resentments; playground insults (he led the crowd in “Let’s Go, Brandon” chants); tough guy/average Joe shtick; and a pulsating sense of aggrieved victimhood and persecution, all of it coming from the elitist, extravagantly rich son of a former president.

But there was one short section of Trump’s speech that I thought was particularly revealing. Relatively early in the speech, he said, “If we get together, they cannot cancel us all. Okay? They won’t. And this will be contrary to a lot of our beliefs because—I’d love not to have to participate in cancel culture. I’d love that it didn’t exist. But as long as it does, folks, we better be playing the same game. Okay? We’ve been playing T-ball for half a century while they’re playing hardball and cheating. Right? We’ve turned the other cheek, and I understand, sort of, the biblical reference—I understand the mentality—but it’s gotten us nothing. Okay? It’s gotten us nothing while we’ve ceded ground in every major institution in our country” [Peter Wehner, “The Gospel of Donald Trump Jr.,” The Atlantic, 2021.12.26].

The rich man can’t just move the needle; he has to break it.


  1. Eve Fisher

    Not only that, but the rich man has to always, always, always get Jesus crucified – AGAIN – because they’re not gonna share anything with anybody, no matter who says so. Only losers do that. And they’re not losers. I swear, one of the main reasons Don Jr. hates Hunter Biden so much is because everyone knows that Joe Biden loves his son, no matter what – and Don Jr. is literally dying (inside) for a father like that.
    Meanwhile, this is a confirmation of what I’ve known since Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority – they’re not interested in Christ and his teachings any more – all they want is power and wealth unending.

  2. Porter Lansing

    a pulsating sense of aggrieved victimhood and persecution …
    Such an encapsulating phrase.

  3. Scott

    Let’s go Junior!

  4. Ignoring is better than canceling. Donald who?

  5. As a detailed tactical plan, the Bible may not be the best guide.

    Morality is sometimes situational (King David)?

    I think the ancient Greeks were disposed to quantify value in terms of human suffering..less suffering, more value.

    Seems unambiguous and righteous.

  6. The fruit doesn’t fall far from the turtle on the fence post.

  7. jerry

    The insurrection we know of, was just half of what was planned. They were gonna attack the Supreme Court as well.

    “The same people who organized Trump’s fateful rally on the Ellipse had something else in store on Jan. 6: a separate, previously unreported rally planned in front of the Supreme Court.

    According to text messages and invoices obtained by TPM and provided to the House Jan. 6 Committee, the rally outside of the Supreme Court was set for the afternoon of Jan. 6 with some of the same speakers scheduled to appear.

    The plan for a Supreme Court rally after the event at the Ellipse reveals a new and different perspective on the geography and timing of the attack on the Capitol. ” Talking Points Memo 12.28.21

    The leaders should be prosecuted, simple as that or the next time, we may lose Democracy.

  8. Well John Dale, do you think Donatello’s David is more moral than Michelangelo’s?

  9. By the way Dale the ancient Spartans used to leave any unfortunately born children in the open to meet their fate. I’m sure it was righteous.

  10. DaveFN

    Fareed Zacharia interviewed Doris Kearns Goodwin and John Meacham this Sunday past on his 26 December 2021 GPS. Meacham explained the rabid Republican resentment and rage as a response to a Republican past:

    “ZACHARIA: …what do you think explains this sort of Republican rage about where America is right now?

    MEACHAM: I think it’s about the Republican establishment from Eisenhower through George W. Bush not fundamentally delivering to the base. Who created the Warren Court? Eisenhower. Who appointed the justice who wrote Roe v. Wade? Richard Nixon. Who would campaign on anti-abortion amendments and school prayer and —

    ZAKARIA: ..and on repealing the New Deal and on repealing Medicare, and on, you know, even Ted Cruz’s campaign, we’re going to abolish the IRS. What you’re saying is they kind of make these crazy promises to the base to fire them up and then don’t deliver.

    MEACHAM: And that creates a trust deficit.”

    And now we have Donald Jr. extending this rage to Jesus himself.

  11. Porter Lansing

    Meacham exposes something I’ve been saying since Trump/Putin/Cambridge Analytica cheated and stole a USA election from Hillary Clinton.
    The Republican base will believe anything they agree with.
    No truth necessary.

  12. jerry

    Evangelical Christians (sic) are the greatest threat to democracy ever, much worse than ISIS ever thought it could be They’re a canker sore to religious people everywhere. This is the republican base, but actually, the republican party, Donald Trump Jr. proved it with his words to well receiving ears.

  13. DaveFN

    Turning the other cheek didn’t give me what I want, says Donald Jr.

    Meacham might say that Donald Jr. now has a trust deficit. Fine and good.

    [Donald Jr not only has a trust deficit but has fabricated a justification for it: since when was turning the other cheek to give us what we want? This must surely be a distortion of what Jesus meant, although not in Donald Jr’s mind, or more accurately a deficiency of mind]

  14. Donald Pay

    Mark Anderson brings up an interesting question about art and morality. It’s an interesting question to ponder: which “David” do you prefer from a moral standpoint. Donatello’s “David” is more true to the Biblical account, but is that moral?

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