Speaking of Pierre turnover, the Noem Administration is losing more top talent. Liza Clark, who has worked for the Bureau of Finance and Management in Pierre since 2005 and served on Noem’s 2018 transition team, is stepping down after five years as BFM Commissioner and Governor Noem’s chief finance officer:
Liza Clark, BFM Commissioner and Governor’s chief finance officer for 2.5 more months.
“I’m honored that Governor Noem asked me to serve on her executive team and lead BFM for the last three years. Due to all the challenges we’ve encountered, nothing about the budget has been normal, but South Dakota is in a phenomenal financial situation as a result of our approach,” said Liza Clark, BFM Commissioner. “My kids are only going to be little for so long, and I’m looking forward to striking a better work-life balance. The team at BFM is second to none, and it’s been such a privilege to work with them over the past 16 years. I’m comfortable moving on because I know the state is in great hands” [State of South Dakota, press release, 2021.10.15].
Well when the guys say they want to spend more time with their family, nobody buys that at all. So what’s the deal here? I’ve worked in government in Pierre, its not a family killing job. Little kids, maybe. It’s the covid response?
Well…could be Liza Clark was just tired of holding her nose and papering over the Governor’s outrageous spending on her whims and fancies.
Well when the guys say they want to spend more time with their family, nobody buys that at all. So what’s the deal here? I’ve worked in government in Pierre, its not a family killing job. Little kids, maybe. It’s the covid response?