How does Sioux Falls solve its workforce shortage? Simple, say the shorthanded landscapers at Weller Brothers of Sioux Falls: raid Aberdeen’s workforce!

I’d be curious to test the cost-effectiveness of placing a want ad on a billboard. That Dakota Avenue location gets thousands of eyeballs a day, more than any local newspaper ad, and it runs for a full month. The total cost for a campaign billboard there in 2018 was around $800.
Weller is starting designer/installers at $18 an hour; sprinkler installers can get $15 to $20 an hour; hardscape foremen can get $20 to $25 an hour.
Or you could just take up private detection, solve Monica Bercier Wickre’s murder, and make $10K without having to move.
As far as SD worker shortages are concerned, this might come under the heading of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic or squeezing one end of a balloon or just one end of the canoe sinking… Problem solving 101 is NOT our forte. ;-)
You got that right, Loren.
SD is near the bottom in innovation skills rating, which is puzzling. Farmers are highly innovative. If there wasn’t a deep seeded fear of change, y’all might use what you have to get where you could be.
But, forget it. SD is too stubborn to help itself.
America needs a state like SD, though.
But, not nearly as much as SD needs Washington handouts, from us liberal states, just to pay it’s bills.
SD’s like a museum of what used to be but ain’t no more.
You’re welcome, grudznick. Your lazy, do nothing lifestyle is courtesy of Colorado pot taxes.