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Noem Montana Fundraiser Falsely Advertises Reba McEntire as Guest

While Kristi Noem spent yesterday telling everyone to go fish, her rich Montana fundraisers must have spent the day fishing for a musical guest who actually agreed to sing for the Snow Queen. Mike and Sheila Ingram promoted Reba McEntire as a special guest at today’s barbecue for 2024 Presidential aspirant Noem:

Kristi Noem Montana fundraiser poster falsely listing Reba McEntire as special guest (highlight and stars around McEntire added by DFP), posted by Steve Sanchez to Twitter 2021.06.10.
Kristi Noem Montana fundraiser poster falsely listing Reba McEntire as special guest (highlight and stars around McEntire added by DFP), posted by Steve Sanchez to Twitter 2021.06.10.

…but even though McEntire has partied with corrupt Trumpist environmental exploiter Mike Ingram and his wife Sheila before, the country music chanteuse and Tremors icon said Friday she’ll have no truck with political worms:

Reba McEntire, tweets disavowing advertised Noem fundraiser appearance, 2021.06.11.
Reba McEntire, tweets disavowing advertised Noem fundraiser appearance, 2021.06.11.

Team Noem insists they followed standard operating procedure in confirming “hosts” for the fundraiser, but spokesboy Ian Fury sidesteps the question of the campaign’s involvement in falsely listing McEntire as a “guest”:

“The Kristi for Governor campaign follows standard operating procedure when it comes to confirming and listing hosts for the governor’s events,” he said. “That includes written confirmation. The procedures were followed in this instance. I’d add that the governor is a huge fan of Reba.”

Fury declined to explain why McEntire announced her name was used without her permission.

“I’m not going to speak for Reba,” he said.

A text to McEntire’s community phone number, which she shares with the public — 615-436-8697 — was not immediately returned [Tom Lawrence, “Noem Headed to Montana for Big-Money Barbnecue, But Country Icon Reba McEntire Says Her Name Was Wrongly Included,” South Dakota Standard, 2021.06.11].

McEntire is still on for her concert in Sioux Falls on July 17. Dang—Ted Nugent isn’t touring this year, so who’s left? Sherwin Linton isn’t booked… or maybe Kristi can get Brulé to fly up to Bozeman with her today to have a blast in Mike and Sheila Ingram’s rec room.



  1. mike from iowa 2021-06-13

    Tremors worms have surfaced and look/act like magats. Noem’s entry into rodeo arena with flag she was announced as Miss. Surprised me, unless I misheard the announcer.

    Making up a guest list falls in line with a lot of the making up stuff magats are noted for. You do what you gotta do since the Soviet Sparrow redhead is unlikely to ever hunt pheasants in South Dakota again. Reba is a victim of circumstance and hair color.

  2. Guy 2021-06-13

    Meanwhile…many people continue to live great lives here in South Dakota. There is a whole big state to explore right here. Isn’t it a great life when you’re not constantly caught up chasing power and fame?

  3. Donald Pay 2021-06-13

    Somebody effed up bigly. McEntire has a history of NOT being political. Some of her songs are definitely friendly to strong women, which is strange that Noem likes her, because Noem is weak in all ways, intellectually, morally and psychologically.

  4. John Dale 2021-06-13

    When reading between the lines, it is apparent that Reba is a conservative, supports Noem, and supports Trump.

    Likely, someone close to Reba confirmed her attendance because “oh she loves you I’m sure she’ll do it”.

    Not really a fan of Reba personally, but I respect that she is a Trump/Noem supporter.


    Epstein didn’t kill himself. #azaudit

  5. Mark Anderson 2021-06-13

    John, Reba isn’t a lying loser, you try reading the line first before you get your racoon head stuck in the grate. I still think kristi sould offer Reba a bid on her jet. Thank the lord Epstein didn’t off himself, he can spend time in heaven with all the lovely angels.

  6. Donald Pay 2021-06-13

    Reading between the lines of cocaine are you, John Dale? I checked political donations and she’s been clean since 2003, when she gave $2,000 to Bush-Cheney. That’s it. Trump wasn’t too enamored of Bush/Cheney, or Liz Cheney, so that may be a strike against her for the Trumpistas. Her charitable donations don’t indicate any sort of political slant, and, if anything, she looks to be much more empathetic toward those with limited income, access to healthcare, etc. She’s been entertaining US troops overseas for a long time, along with such well- known conservatives as Whoopi Goldberg and Robin Williams. She played Nellie Forbush in South Pacific, and cried because of how powerful the play attacked discrmination. The lines I read is she keeps her political leanings to herself, is probably a moderate with a heart.

  7. O 2021-06-13

    Richard, I presume these are the lot that use catchphrases like “God-given right to carry a gun.” Everything is conflated to their version of glossing over Bible (mostly Old Testament) passages.

  8. grudznick 2021-06-13

    Few like that twang music anyway. Now, those Brulé fellows play a mean flute and drum, for those of you who have not watched them in Vegas or Hillyo. grudznick has seen them in both venues.

  9. 96Tears 2021-06-13

    Ian Furry: “The Kristi for Governor campaign follows standard operating procedure when it comes to confirming and listing hosts for the governor’s events. That includes written confirmation. The procedures were followed in this instance.”

    While there is plenty of evidence that lying and doubling down on lies is the “standard operating procedure” for Noem and her national campaign staff, this could be resolved easily. Proof. Produce the written document for confirmation Furry claims he has, give it to the press and get confirmation from Reba.

    Easy, Ian?

  10. mike from iowa 2021-06-13

    What likely happened was Noem asked if anybody who is some body signed on and he probably confirmed it by making up Reba’s name to make the queen happy, A lot oi people say she….. Old drumpf standby.

  11. Arlo Blundt 2021-06-13

    Well…nobody there will be from South Dakota except the Gov and her entourage. Its quite a drive out to the Gallatin from anywhere in SoDak even the hills. The admit at $500 a plate isn’t a “South Dakota price”. Its a “little spendy” especially during a drought. Who’s going??? Will be interesting to see how many attend other than the “neighbors” of the sponsors. Hope Cory can obtain a list of corporate sponsors, at least.

  12. grudznick 2021-06-13

    An old fellow I knew, he’s passed on now, name was Stebbins, has a son who I heard was going to attend this shindig today. If we get word back at next week’s Conservatives with Common Sense breakfast of anything I shall report it here.

  13. Gwen 2021-06-13

    Is it normal campaign procedure to have a fundraiser in another state for the governor of another state? This particular governor does not want to stay home…..

  14. leslie 2021-06-14

    I grew up on the sage prairie, in the dirt, playing with ants, and admiring the fleet prong horn, and rattlers of South Eastern Montana, and the central Missouri breaks. Noem would not know what spine means. Montana has been the next big thing for decades. Bison. On thousands of square miles. Despite the Montana Fish and Game and an independent Department of Natural Resources.

    But no, Noem, nobody.

  15. SuFu Matt 2021-06-14

    Thank goodness we have the smarter states like Montana and Florida to come to our aid to elect us a gov’ner. Man, I’d hate to think it’d up to us uneducated prairie folk to decide who to run us. Imagine, if you will, this happening on a national level — President XYZ to hold XYZ for President fundraiser in Canada.

  16. bearcreekbat 2021-06-15

    I would have liked to see the poster list celebrity Kathy Griffin. Now there is a match made in heaven.

  17. mike from iowa 2021-06-27

    Has anybody seen any reference to Noem’s fundraiser in Montana after the fact? I can’t find a single word about it. Did it really happen?

  18. grudznick 2021-06-27

    If a plate full of gravy taters is dropped upside down in the kitchen but nobody hears it in the dining room, did it really happen?

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