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Ravnsborg Trial August 26–27—Good Days for Protesting Lack of Accountability in South Dakota Government

Expect a few more cameras in Pierre August 26 and 27—that’s when Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg will finally go on trial for his three traffic misdemeanors which only incidentally killed a man:

Ravnsborg–who is charged with three driving-related misdemeanors but no felonies or homicide charges–is scheduled for trial on Aug. 26 and 27 at the Hughes County Court in Pierre, according to online court records. He has a motions hearing before Judge John Brown on July 27.

The attorney general is charged with unsafely driving outside a lane and careless driving in relation to the crash. He’s also charged with using his phone while driving before the accident.

All charges are Class 2 misdemeanors, each punishable by up to 30 days in jail and/or up to a $500 fine [Arielle Zionts, “Attorney General Ravnsborg Scheduled for Two-Day Trial in August for Fatal Crash,” Rapid City Journal, updated 2021.05.26].

Two days in court, nearly a year after the crash, to resolve an open-and-shut misdemeanor case? Talk about a waste of the court’s resources.

Even if Ravnsborg is found guilty and slapped with the stiffest penalty possible, he’s still getting off easy compared to Joe Boever, the man he killed, and Boever’s family.

But at least we have a date certain for Ravnsborg’s trial. Perhaps conscientious citizens can organize a picket line for those two summer days to ring the courthouse, heckle Ravnsborg as he enters the courthouse to fight even the slightest bit of justice, and demand his resignation. Maybe protestors could invite Governor Kristi Noem herself to come down and join the public demonstration and reiterate her opposition to a killer and lawbreaker’s continuing to serve as South Dakota’s top law enforcement official. Noem might come for such a show—after all, there will be cameras.


  1. Nick Nemec 2021-05-27 09:14

    I will be attending both the motions hearing and the trial. I obviously don’t know but wouldn’t be surprised if he asks for a bench trial rather than a jury trial. I also expect Ravnsborg to request the suppression of some of the evidence.

  2. mike from iowa 2021-05-27 10:49

    Suppression of evidence? Would that be the evidence he and the sheriff contaminated within minutes of your cousin’s death?

    FWIW, I am with you all the way, Mr Nemec. I hope this will bring closure for your family. But, having observed the poor quality of Attorneys General and inferior attempts at prosecuting high profile criminals your state produces, my hope level is low.

  3. Loren 2021-05-27 11:39

    Are we sure this is the same treatment each and every one of us would receive? !@#$%^&*!

  4. bearcreekbat 2021-05-27 11:54

    Is there a civil lawsuit pending against Ravnsborg for wrongful death? If so, maybe that is one reason he is defending against the traffic offense charges, as perhaps he thinks a conviction on those charges would be devastating evidence in a civil suit against him. Damages in such a suit could easily exceed his personal liability coverage, especially if he neglected to obtain an umbrella policy to cover a damage award exceeding his auto liability coverage, or if his insurance company comes up with a way to deny coverage. Just as with OJ, if Ravnsborg succeeds in dodging a criminal homicide conviction, a civil judgment against him in excess of a million dollars could at least hold him somewhat accountable for this unjustified homicide.

  5. Mark Anderson 2021-05-27 13:28

    I’m sure we would all receive this treatment for killing someone. After all he was reading Cory’s comment section on his phone at the time, so it was really liberals fault that it happened right? I’m just using trumpie reasoning here folks. That SOB should be shamed for the rest of his life, he literally killed someone and the state should be shamed for allowing this farce to go on in this way. Protest folks as much as you can, but don’t block a road since trumpies are making it legal around the country to run you over for doing that.

  6. grudznick 2021-05-27 17:25

    Mr. bat from bear creek is indeed righter than right. Mr. Ravnsborg is playing a longer game than his $500 fines or his failure to be re-selected by the insaner ones at the next Republican Convention.

  7. grudznick 2021-05-27 20:13

    If any of you are driving from Rapid to Pierre to do the heckling, please blog it here so people who want to can catch a ride. grudznick does like heckling and hopes there is much media coverage of it.

  8. leslie 2021-05-28 09:45

    Scope of employment? State pays?

  9. leslie 2021-05-28 09:51

    This is merely a part of the white privilege insurrection taking place at this moment in America. Ravnsborg is a part of the 10 or so Red states now suing the government on behalf of SD. That is his role, i suppose.

  10. LCJ 2021-05-29 19:58

    Has anyone in SD been charged with distracted driving besides the AG?
    I have asked many in law enforcement ,and they act like I am an idiot.
    You are sworn to uphold all the laws. It is not a pick and choose.
    Leslie, put down your crack pipe. You have no idea what you are talking about and you sound like a racist.

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