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More Socialism to Save South Dakota: ARP Gives $974M to State, $172M to Counties

South Dakota state government will not get as much from the American Rescue Plan as it did from last year’s CARES Act. While we got $1.25 billion in coronavirus relief money last year, the ARP will only pour $974 million into our state coffers, just a half a percentage point of the $195.3 billion in total direct aid to states in this year’s big pandemic relief and stimulus package.

Now don’t go thinking President Biden is shorting South Dakota. Every state gets $500 million, and the additional payments are based on the number of unemployed workers in each state. And the state getting the least from ARP, $925 million, is President Biden’s home state of Delaware.

But hang in there, South Dakota socialists (and that means all of us South Dakotans). We’ll get over the billion mark again thanks to another $171.8 million in direct aid to counties, just 0.26% of the $65.1 billion ARP allocates to counties nationwide. If the Legislature doesn’t find a way to skinflinterize them again, every county in South Dakota, from Minnehaha at $37.5 million to Jones at $175,397, will get some extra money to maintain county services and boost their local economies:

County ARP direct aid
Aurora $534,349
Beadle $3,584,279
Bennett $653,612
Bon Homme $1,340,438
Brookings $6,813,296
Brown $7,544,020
Brule $1,028,880
Buffalo $381,095
Butte $2,025,711
Campbell $267,272
Charles Mix $1,804,862
Clark $725,674
Clay $2,732,933
Codington $5,440,420
Corson $793,658
Custer $1,742,706
Davison $3,841,062
Day $1,053,548
Deuel $845,131
Dewey $1,144,452
Douglas $567,370
Edmunds $743,738
Fall River $1,303,922
Faulk $446,554
Grant $1,369,768
Gregory $812,887
Haakon $368,858
Hamlin $1,197,285
Hand $619,814
Hanson $670,705
Harding $252,121
Hughes $3,404,220
Hutchinson $1,416,191
Hyde $252,704
Jackson $649,533
Jerauld $391,002
Jones $175,397
Kingsbury $959,343
Lake $2,485,667
Lawrence $5,019,894
Lincoln $11,873,397
Lyman $734,415
Marshall $958,566
McCook $1,085,015
McPherson $462,093
Meade $5,503,159
Mellette $400,325
Miner $430,432
Minnehaha $37,514,015
Moody $1,277,311
Oglala Lakota $2,753,716
Pennington $22,099,460
Perkins $556,493
Potter $418,195
Roberts $2,018,913
Sanborn $455,295
Spink $1,238,463
Stanley $601,750
Sully $270,185
Todd $1,976,763
Tripp $1,056,850
Turner $1,628,494
Union $3,094,604
Walworth $1,055,685
Yankton $4,431,352
Ziebach $535,321

The Bureau of Finance and Management doesn’t have a table up yet breaking down how much direct aid South Dakota towns will get from the $45.6 billion the American Rescue Plan sets aside for metro governments.

But we know government assistance is bad for South Dakota, so the Republicans in Pierre will surely tell Governor Noem to send all that socialist money back, right?


  1. Vi Kingman

    From what I understand the counties will get half this year and the other half next year.
    I’m not sure if the counties know yet what the money can be spent on.

  2. Well you know, it could be like the end of Chistmas for Shacktown, that wonderful Carl Barks story where the boys were trying to raise fifty bucks for a party for the kids of Shacktown. They used their toy train to back into a hole in a cave that was connected to Uncle Scrooge’s money bin which had fallen into a deep hole just above quicksand. Uncle Scrooge heard it fill with money and gave it to the boys and fainted when it came out with thousands of dollars. It was a great party for the poor kids of Shacktown. Hyde County get a quarter of a million dollars. The alumni party at next year’s Old Settlers Day would be a great place for it.

  3. Arlo Blundt

    well…its a good time to be in the culvert business.

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