Maybe this event was in the works before Pam Cole’s job change, but the former Democratic Party exec may be out earning her money as the new grassroots organizer for Dakotans for Health tomorrow at a petition signing event in downtown Sioux Falls:

If you’d like to the chance to vote in 2022 on expanding Medicaid in South Dakota, go to the Icon Event Hall in downtown Sioux Falls tomorrow (Saturday!), March 6, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Bring your mask, bring your friends, and sign the initiative petition!
Ler’s hope she does the same out here in West River!
Jake, I’ll get Pam would love to help organize such an event in Rapid City.
Dems are offering to cover 90% of the Medicare costs if red states sign on, plus the new stimulus plan offers states another 5% bump to cover residents..
Oh, by the way, has anyone heard or seen a republican disclose that “nice healthcare plan” what’s his name was yappin’ about being “2 weeks away” 6 or 8 months ago?
Mike, that’s a huge point. Democrats in Washington are willing to forgive us our stubborn resistance and reopen the good fiscal deal the feds offered at the beginning of Medicaid expansion years ago under President Obama. Kristi Noem leaps at the chance to take federal money to help her brothers pay for their health insurance (and four-wheelers, and Yeti coolers, and…); how can she not jump at this opportunity to get federal dollars to help thousands of South Dakotans get health care?
Not a “peep” from any GOP in SD about the possibility of expanding Medicaid in the state with Federal Covid funds…. But, the governor’s family got over $700,000.00
given them! Mullions to special interest but the ones at the bottom of the economic scale that would benefit most and stir the economy with the added dollars get squat.
Our 40 year reign of conservatism in SD by the GOP has been under one driving mantra: “Federal funds, whenever or wherever possible, are to be funneled first through our friends that donate to our campaigns and support us in our efforts to govern. Those opposing this approach to governing (mostly Democrats) will be tolerated in a ‘token way’ under our state’s Constitution.
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