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Novstrup Masks Up, Still Needs Fauci Reminder on Social Distance

Well, ignorant Senator Al Novstrup (R-3/Aberdeen) isn’t completely incorrigible. After violating Board of Regents rules and speechifying without a mask at Northern State University last weekend, the elder Novstrup kept his mask on for the second Aberdeen crackerbarrel yesterday.

Sen. Al Novstrup, properly masked in compliance with CDC guidelines and BOR policy, second Aberdeen crackerbarrel, Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD, 2021.02.06; screen cap from Dakota Broadcasting video.
Sen. Al Novstrup, properly masked in compliance with CDC guidelines and BOR policy, second Aberdeen crackerbarrel, Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD, 2021.02.06; screen cap from Dakota Broadcasting video.

Alas, Vector Al still went around handing out papers instead of providing virus-free electronic documents online, the way I harmlessly do every day with Dakota Free Press, where the only thing infectious is the fever for democracy:

Sen. Al Novstrup, spreading papers and infection risk, second Aberdeen crackerbarrel, Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD, 2021.02.06; screen cap from Dakota Broadcasting video.
Sen. Al Novstrup, spreading papers and infection risk, second Aberdeen crackerbarrel, Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD, 2021.02.06; screen cap from Dakota Broadcasting video.

It’s not so much the paper we have to worry about as it is the unnecessary proximity, with Al huffing and puffing around the auditorium struggling to carry all those heavy missives. Al, listen to Chief Medical Advisor to the President Dr. Anthony Fauci: you still need to wear your mask in public and keep your distance:

As we can see from Dr. Fauci’s ebullient manner and trim physique, Al might also do well to follow good doctor’s example and take up running every day.


  1. grudznick 2021-02-07 11:32

    I expect it’s tougher than usual to understand Mr. Novstrup, the elder, mumbling through a mask.

  2. Steve H 2021-02-07 12:10

    ” ignorant Senator Al Novstrup (R-3/Aberdeen)”

    Wasn’t he the guy who handed you your ass….twice? LOL! YOU may not want to label him as ignorant.

    Is it true that your wife posted on Facebook a while back that the both of you tested positive for Covid? How did that happen?

  3. RST Tribal Member at 57572 2021-02-07 13:04

    Yep Novstrup is a classical example of inbreeding happening in Pierre and Washington. Nov 8, 2022 cannot come soon enough…

  4. Mark Anderson 2021-02-07 15:46

    Ignorant is nice, stupid is as stupid does. Everyone seems to think we’re at the end of this. Maskless people are killing people, why not just tell the truth. Its going to be a long time before we are over this, pretending everything is OK and claiming victory is just silly and very stupid. My wife and I realized this a long time ago. We are pretty much staying put, enjoying our walks, bad tv, hit publix early and masked up.. My older brother has it right, he’s from Iowa and texted me that they are being treated like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed sh–. The last word seems to have kept me off before so I hope that –works. For my older brother to have texted it rather shocked me but everywhere its true.

  5. grudznick 2021-02-07 19:27

    Mr. Novstrup, the elder, is a gentleman, and polite.

  6. DaveFN 2021-02-07 22:46

    From what I’ve seen here west river, those who mask are oblivious to concomitant social distancing guidelines, as though those masking were now excepted and exempt from other measures. A very naive lack of understanding how multiple preventative measures are mutually reinforcing.

  7. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2021-02-08 05:41

    Steve, does AL’s vote margin have any impact on his understanding of or obligation to follow pandemic precautions and Regental rules?

  8. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2021-02-08 05:43

    Steve, responsible citizens who take precautions still get coronavirus because they are surrounded by people like Kristi Noem who refuse to take precautions, thus imposing their beliefs and the consequences of their risky behavior on the entire community.

  9. DaveFN 2021-02-08 06:35

    Correct you are, Cory.
    A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
    Ironic that in the chain of South Dakota COVID defense the weakest link happens to be Governor Noem.

  10. mike from iowa 2021-02-08 08:24

    Last updated: February 08, 2021, 14:13 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Only 1301 bodies joined the count on Super bowl Sunday.

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