Last updated on 2023-04-30
On Thursday, the Christian Worship Hour posted a letter from Pastor Harold Salem, dated December 8, in which the Aberdeen TV preacher said he had been hospitalized on Thursday, December 3, with pneumonia and covid-19.

Yesterday the Christian Worship Hour announced that Salem died at home on Friday, December 18, at 5:30 a.m.
The local media, strangely, chose not to mention the salient fact that coronavirus had stricken this prominent public figure:
The Rev. Harold Salem, a longtime pastor and voice of the Christian Worship Hour, died Friday morning.
Salem had been in the hospital about 2 1/2 weeks receiving treatment for pneumonia, according to Bill Edwards, president of the Christian Worship Hour.
Salem, who turned 99 this summer, started as a pastor at 23 [Elisa Sand, “Long-Time Pastor, Rev. Harold Salem Dies,” Aberdeen American News via Hub City Radio, 2020.12.18].
As the pandemic persists, it is important that we emphasize to our community the ongoing danger coronavirus poses. Reminding the community that this disease has taken a well-known and well-loved pastor may help persuade a few more of our neighbors to mask up, or stay home, or take other precautions that would help contain the pandemic and save us from the loss of more of our friends and neighbors.
Yeah, the KSFY news only called it “pneumonia” last night. NO mention of “Covid”.
At his tender age pneumonia likely would have been his downfall, but, adding covid to the mix guaranteed his demise.
In a healthy person pneumonia is iffy, damaging your lungs, but, not always fatal. Covid 19 destroys your lungs.
My mother, Lucia Tysdal, told this story about Harold Salem. The drought in the 1930s forced her family off the Belle Fourche Irrigation district for several years and they lived for a while in the stone house near the Wyoming border on Highway 34. She was about 10. Several of the older boys climbed onto the roof of the nearby country school and placed a board over the chimney to smoke out the teacher. According to my mother, my two aunts, Betty and Peggy, sat on Harold to keep him from warning the teacher. Mom and Harold remained friends until her passing in 2006 and talked occasionally on the telephone
Fun story, Ray!
I’m intrigued by the image of naughty children sitting on a classmate who wanted to prevent smoke inhalation. I’m just as intrigued by the image of “the stone house near the Wyoming border”. Is that house still there?
The Stone House Saloon is still there and caters to motorcyclists during Rally time.. We took Mom there when she was in her early eighties and she made a big hit with the bikers, even drank a beer.
On the day of the Hulett Jamming of the Ham, Mr. H, many of those biker fellows swill beer around the old stone house. It was the epicenter of the covid bug spreaders during the Rally this year, I am pretty sure.
And who among you has not done a harmless prank like that to your teachers?
grudz continues to labor under the premise he is witty and clever. Who is placing these notions in his head?
Condolences to the family, friends and community of the good pastor!
The best encourager to live for Jesus.
I am left in shock of Harolds passing. I have attended many Christian Churches and put up with all the Super Stars. Mr. Salems Sunday broadcast of 3 year old episodes spoke more to me than worshiping bright lights, lattice and coffee bars. Time for this Buster to get serving Jesus.
Bittersweet news.
I discovered this incredible man of God about 4-5 yrs ago on D-Star. Loved his way of teaching a good, old fashioned Salvation message w/o all the drama & hype. Many a minister should take a lesson.
Was so impressed at his age & how young he looked! God kept him well.
I’m glad they will keep his ministry running. I look forward to spending some heavenly time with him.
Many crowns for preacher Salem, I’m sure. Well done, good and Faithful servant!
Can we refer to death as “sweet” when it is a victory, even if temporary, of the corruption introduced into Creation by sin?
This is so sad. I’m Native American from the Crow Reservation and have watched him for over 15 years, and look forward to seeing him on Sundays.. after the Chris Wallace program. I will miss you pastor Harold, you have taught me so much about the Lord and Savior. You fought the good fight, rest in peace, until we meet in Haven someday.. Condolences to Pastor Salem and his Family… God Bless America
I love you, Pastor Salem, hope to meet you in Heaven. Bless your heart and thanks for teaching us so much! Your preaching was outstanding! Praise the Lord for your life. Sending condolences to your family.
Linda Smith, Idaho
I discovered Pastor Salem a few years ago while flipping the channels one Sunday morning. I really do believe the Lord wanted me to listen in on what Pastor Salem had to say. He spoke the truth from God’s Holy Word. Thank you Pastor Salem. You are missed by many. Rest in peace good and faithful servant. My condolences to the family.
My Dad loved Pastor Salem. When he moved in with me in 2013, it was one of the first things he said to me – “Pastor Salem is on Saturday. Watch with me.” So I did, and I love the way he preached – just like Jesus did – simple, to the point, and easily understood. Perfect! My Dad passed away December 2016, and I know he is talking that man’s ear off in heaven! Prayers & peace for Pastor Salem’s family and friends. Much love to all of you.
I just heard the Pastor for the first time today saying that some of us may not ever die when Christ returns then come to find out after the program he’s gone to be with the Lord Jesus. I was surprised that he was 99, he looked much younger. See you later in the new Jerusalem on the new earth pastor!
I just discovered Pastor Salem TODAY! I loved his teaching and was searching to see what I could learn of him, and sadly this is what I found. My condolences to all who knew and loved him and/or followed his teachings.
My husband and I have watched Pastor Salem for a couple years now. We just love him and his sweet way of delivering the Good News. I just realized, today, that Pastor Salem had passed. Was watching his Sunday sermon and he was talking about being 96 years old. Knowing this was an old sermon, I went to the internet and realized he died on December 18, 2020 – my birthday none the less:) Found it incredible that his own mother had also lived to be 99 1/2 years old.
What a great man – we will miss you.
God will use Covid… it’s because of Covid that my husband I were compelled to stay home for a time, for our worship of God. As we searched online and on our local tv channels, we were led to the CWH, along with several other pastors who preach the truth from God’s word. We praise God for Pastor Harold and the ministry he was called to. Our condolences to the family and congregation.
I, also, just this morning found out that the sermon I just heard from Pastor Salem was recorded – and that he had “passed over” a few months ago.
I love his message and the (sometimes) halting way he talks. He seems “real”! I look forward to getting up from bed early just to hear him on Sunday morning.
I am almost 85 and each day I look forward to meeting my loved ones (and pastor Salem) when I go Home to be with Jesus.
Dennis A. Hooker
Condolances to a great man and Pastor.I love watching and listening to him.RIP with the lord.
I just found out yesterday that Pastor Salem passed away. I only caught it because of a letter he was reading that said “have a happy 2018” I immediately looked on line to see what had happened. I m glad that he ended his labor well, but I will miss his msgs and common sense approach to the gospel. He will rest well, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ should.. I’ve been watching CWH for over 6 yrs and have always enjoyed listening as I prepared to go to my local church.
Today was the first sermon I heard from Pastor Salem and was curious to see what literature he had out. Unfortunately, this is when I found out that he had passed. I will continue to listen to his sermons on Sunday. I understood everything he spoke on. Hopefully his messages will continue into the future.
So sorry to hear this. He was a much loved minister. May Gods comfort his family.
On days we cannot make it to our own church we so enjoy watching Dr. Salem. I noticed todays was from 2017 so decided to look him up online and noticed his passing this past December. I am so sorry for the loss of this dear man. God Bless his family. I thought it funny when he said he was 97 and should be a year older but was sick one year. My mother (96 years old) also had a chuckle.
I am saddened to hear of Pastor Harold Salem’s passing. I’ve had the pleasure of being blessed by his ministry. I watched him on two networks, one immediately preceding the other.. He spoke with such clarity and power. Thank God for re-runs. The gospel never changes and Pastor Harold Salem never lost his power. Thank you, Lord for sending us, this man of God, Pastor Harold Salem.
So sad to find today that Pastor Salem passed last December. I’m an early riser so spend Sunday mornings reading Gods word and listening to some good sermons on TV before attending late morning church service. There’s dozens of televangelists and sadly they’re not all in it for the right reasons. I know there are more but I’ve found 3 that I feel are truly called and are truly committed to saving souls to Christ. Gladly Pastor Salem is one of them.Sadly,his new sermons have stopped but thankfully his taped sermons are rerunning,I just finished his sermon on Angels and need to purchase it for my wife. Well done good and faithful servant.
What a sweet and sincere man of God Almighty! This morning we discovered that Pastor Salem passed away in December of 2020. So much appreciated his informative open letter (we discovered online) explaining he had been stricken with pheumonia as a result of covid. Our tears are flowing this morning while watching this dearest of ministers who speaks truth that pierces our hearts with Truth and ultimate sincerity. We know he’s with Jesus that he spoke of continuously! Our goal is to listen to your words as never before, clinging to the Truth you spoke of. Victorious In Him Alone. Hope to meet you there soon!
Sad to learn of Pastor’s passing in 2020! He was a great speaker & witness for Jesus & will be missed. Thankful his messages are being replayed.
Pastor Salem preached the simple love and redemption for all folks through belief in Jesus Christ!
I give thanks for his life long ministry to us.
Be sure to honor Pastor Salem’s memory and help other followers live and serve by getting your covid shots.
My heart is broken as I will miss Pastor Salem greatly. He had a heart of gold! I looked forward to his message every week and loved and appreciated his quick wit. I did not realize he had passed in December as it was within days of my own father’s passing from cancer. We were faithful viewers and part of his flock. I love and will miss you greatly, Pastor!
Only a few weeks ago I discovered Dr. Salem ‘s broadcast on a local channel in Northern Michigan. What a wonderful teacher. As others have mentioned , I too decided to find more about him on the net. While I am saddened to learn that his physical presence on earth has been concluded we have to know from his teachings that he is now with God. His legacy remains and I fully intend to watch for him on my television every Sunday as long as his broadcasts continue . Thank you Jesus for giving him to us and thank you Dr. Salem for the difference you have made in so many lives.
I only heard him through his broadcasts. I always felt I was listening to the real deal.I wrote to him once and he replied, I very much appreciated that. Till we meet in heaven .
Love listening to Dr. Salem. Pray that more of his caliber appear everywhere!
When depression comes I want to listen to Harold tell me we have Jesus and to have faith regardless. His sweetness and faith help me.
I found Pastor Salam on tv a few years ago because I am unable to make it to church. I love all his sermons and him too! We will miss you but are so happy that you are finally with the Lord and your dear wife! God bless you all of you and thank you for continuing to air his messages!
It was so sad learning about Pastor Salem’s passing. His unique way of teaching the gospel made it so easy to comprehend. The way he displayed compassion for his fellow man is to be admired. He wanted to ensure that his mission of leading souls to Christ was always main goal. I still watch his broadcast and it is relevant and almost makes you forget that he is no longer with us. Pastor Salem, you have ran your race, you have finished your course. I’m certain you heard those words that we all long to hear one day, well done thou good and faithful servant. From your followers in the Bahamas. May you continue to sleep in perfect peace and rise in glory.
My Dad Loved Pastor Salem the first time that he watched Church on D-Star TV. In 2018 Dad came to live with me his age was 97yrs. I prayed to my Saviour Jesus Christ for Dad to receive salvation. I read the Bible daily out loud as always and on Sunday turned on D-Star. That’s when he saw Rev. Salem, a God send help, and enjoyed his age, his preaching of the gospel, and I’m sure he related with age and began to hear the Word of God for the first time. Dad went home too at 99yrs. I know he made it to Heaven and Thank God Our Father for Rev. Harold Salem a very blessed minister of Christ Jesus and his many years’ service and helping me to save another soul for Christ Jesus. Amen and Amen