Then again, there are still lots of irresponsible Rapid City folks choosing to put their friends and neighbors at risk of coronavirus by ignoring public health guidelines. Consider the Black Hills Association of Realtors’ holiday social and installation event, at which it appears more tha sixty people who’d like to sell you a house gathered indoors, without masks or any other apparent precautions, to dine and chat and maximize their chances of spreading coronavirus [all photos from Black Hills Association of Realtors, public FB post, 2020.12.02]:

If you’re looking to buy a home in the Black Hills to get away from coronavirus, you might want to ask your Black Hills realtor to stand a bit farther away during your visit.
Good visuals, Cory, and THAT is why SD is first in the nation for covid rates.
Germany is described as struggling their states don’t have to do what Merkel says but it’s telling to compare total deaths of these four locations if each shared Germany’s population of 80 million.
Germany: 19,000
South Dakota: 96,600
Vermont: 10,100
Australia: 2,905
“South Dakota took a different path.”
Australia, with 25 million people has only had 908 deaths. South Dakota over 1,100 with only 885,000 people.
Before you lump all realtors together please be advised that there are over 400 realtors in the Black Hills and not all of us ignore safety precautions.
Thanks Cory for exposing adults that should know better than what was demonstrated!!! It is a very sad demonstration by so call professionals!!! Your can’t pick your relatives, but you can pick your realtor!!!
Complete irresponsibility. Never buy anything from these people.
I am a Realtor in the Black Hills and this is not how all 500 of us are!!
here ya go×388.jpg
What can anyone say? Its tragic but just don’t do it folks. Just hang in there for a couple more months. In the meantime we can be entertained by your governor.
I’m sure kristi will mock Biden again to show us how free she is.
In a crowd that size odds are 100% or close to it one or more attendees is carrying the virus.
Be a FSBO. No realtor needed and save lots of money.
Patricia, I’m sure that some realtors show more responsibility than those depicted on the organization’s FB page. But that’s the thing about belonging to an organization: when a bunch of the members gather together and do something bad for the public, their actions make everyone in the group look bad… not to mention putting the general public at greater risk of infection. I hope you direct your comments to your organization’s leadership, which is advertising irresponsible behavior.
drumpf/noem body count starts out another day of needless death and devastation due solely to incompetence and disrespect for science…
Last updated: December 09, 2020, 13:51 GMT
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Sorry Mike from Iowa, but you just proved the old saying about what Iowa stands for is spot on. There is no increase in total deaths for the year, the test for China Flu does not work, it has a 90+% failure rate. You have been duped son. I am afraid it is you who is incompetent and knows nothing about science.
Trust me, I was not happy with the irresponsibility shown and did make my opinion known.
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Nearly another 1k bodies before noon. Might be a paywall.
Hahaha, the Washington Post, Jeff Bezos personal propaganda rag. You just blew what little credibility you had left.
Here are how well your masks work:
iowa adopted federal standards for determining body count.
body count with a half hour to go…
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
If math is correct, looks like just under 3100 today.
drumpf/noem body count today, half day left to go,…
Last updated: December 10, 2020, 19:12 GMT
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Mike from Idiots Out Walking Around keeps posting his lies. Mike, nobody believes you, stop with the lies. Just because you are an easily manipulated chump doesn’t mean the rest of us are.
New body count record today…3347 and CDC says likely to lose a WTC of bodies for the next 60 days.
drumpf/noem body count gets worse with neglect…
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Bill in ILL has posted a great example of how someone looking for reaffirmation of a point of view might find it. The reference to some fellow posting a homemade you tube video deserves, in Bill’s opinion, more credibility than findings by doctors and scientists that have actually studied the effectiveness of masks in peer reviewed published research.
In addition, the you tube home made video relies on sarcasm and the false premise that unless a mask stops all expelled air from leaving the area covered, that mask must be totally useless. Bill gives no thought to the concept of reducing a danger by reducing the air escaping or redirecting the flow of that escaping air.
Nice try Bill, but thinking people like mfi look to more accepted research standards from objective trained medical personnel and scientists for information about the effectiveness of masks. Opening your own mind to this objective information might help you make a decision save someone’s life if that matters to you at all.
Bearcreekbat has posted a fine example of someone who cannot read English for comprehension, makes several assumptions then posts a comment feeling he has proven some kind of point while doing the opposite.
Perhaps you missed it, but the man in the video is a MEDICAL DOCTOR. Neither he nor I ever said masks are completely useless, the doctor showed just how ineffective masks are. As he clearly stated, the only type of mask that would really work filter both the incoming and outgoing air.
Apparently, you are also incapable of doing your own investigation and rely completely on the media to give you your opinion. I can overwhelm you with medical doctors and scientists, filtration engineers, including the doctor who invented the PCR test, that completely disagree with your wild assertions.
As for the matter of me giving no thought to the concept of reducing a danger by reducing the air escaping or redirecting the flow of that escaping air. Any reduction in airflow will only increase your own level of Co2. And, what good, exactly, does it do if the air comes out the side of someone’s face or the front? In a crowded store, absolutely none.
Nice try bearcreek moonbat, but true thinking people do not blindly follow whatever the government lackeys tell them, they do their own research and make their own decisions. Neither you or MFI are really looking at much of anything other than your televisions. Mika Brezinski stated her job is to give you your opinion and I can see she does.
I agree with Bill in ILL that it would be best to “do your own research” when possible to learn about a particular subject matter.
Problem is, most of us do not have the training and skills necessary to do our own research, which means we have to depend on outside sources for information.
I may be wrong, but it seems clear from the video of the “medical dctor” Bill in ILL posted that Bill, like most of us, is also looking to outside resources for “his own” research, but that he prefers different sources than what might be considered mainstream scientists and researchers.
And that was my main point – when someone like Bill from ILL has a particular point of view he will find outlier resources that he thinks support that point of view, and then call that doing “his own research.”
Bottom line, except for the actual scientists and researchers that have the skills be become involved in actual research, it appears we all “do our own research” on issues like mask effectiveness. Whether we seek objective information from generally recognized credible and respected sources that might challenge what we want to believe, or whether we seek outlier information that confirms what we believe, and reject or ignore contradictory findings by mainstream resources, might just be an important factor the helpfulness of the information we rely on after “doing our own research.”
As for the “medical doctor” that posted Bill’s homemade video, there are doctors and there are doctors. For me, I trust peer reviewed research by actual scientists that have been vetted by their peers rather than homemade videos by doctors, even if that mainstream peer reviewed research contradicts what I might prefer to believe. If someone like Bill from ILL thinks that means I deserve to be called degrogative names like “moonbat,” so be it.
On the other hand, it is encouraging that Bill from ILL and his video medical doctor agree that masks are not completely useless. Logically that would mean they will still encourage people to wear masks to reduce the danger of infecting and potentially killing people they come into contact with, even if masks are not 100% effective.
But I am not sure how Bill from ILL sees the comments he is making here might advance that goal, rather than discourage wearing of masks and encouraging endangering those around us.
I posted that as a contrary point of view and we all would be well advised to listen to all points of view, which is my point. I try to evaluate all sources of information, even though I may disagree with the information or have other solid information that contradicts it.
My other point is; there are literally hundreds of highly qualified people out there, from doctors to research scientists, to engineers (like me) on both sides of this issue, so who is the average person supposed to put their trust in? I tend to not trust anything the government says, especially when they want to mandate everyone be injected with an unknown, unproven, and untested vaccine.
I thank Bearcreekbat, and I apologize for calling you a moonbat, for adding to this conversation, which I believe is important and necessary to determine if we are being lied to or if we face a true and present danger. I tend to think this has been overblown, the virus has a 99.8% survival rate, only the elderly and those with underlying conditions and compromised immune systems need to take care. Which, BTW, I really do as my wife is one of the people who is compromised.
Numbers to numb the brains of regular, not wingnut, huma beings, compliments of drumpf/noem body count…
Last updated: December 11, 2020, 17:10 GMT
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
I’m guessing 300k is slightly more than 15 that would disappear anyways.
iowa stands for “land between two rivers.” Bill in Ill is a live one!
Bill in ILL, I appreciate your last comment and it even sounds like we may agree on several points.
As for the viewpoint to “not trust anything the government says,” that is certainly understandable after four years of our current President’s constant documented lying to the public, coupled with his removal of anyone not willing to lie for him on any and all topics, from crowd sizes to the danger of the COVID 19 virus.
Nevertheless, the “government” cannot be so easily categorized since the people who make up the “government” are not only all different individuals but are constantly changing. Hence, for me, while I am comfortable saying I might “not trust anything people like Donald Trump or Stephen Miller says,” I have faith that many, if not most, people who are part of our government act in good faith and attempt to present honest and reliable information to the public. I am much more skeptical about trusting anarchists.
I also am open to reading any linked research questioning the more mainstream research findings about masks from “highly qualified people out there, from doctors to research scientists, to engineers,” whose work has been subject to peer review and deemed credible by people more qualified to judge than me.
One more thought about the “medical doctor” video show escaping air from a mask. Perhaps escaping air particles is one reason it is recommended that people also socially distance by at least 6 feet when feasible even when wearing a mask.
You may be technically correct, but across America, people from Iowa are known as Idiots Out Walking Around. I have heard this from California to New York, Florida to Washington. It is a stereotype I know, but there is always truth behind stereotypes.
For me, it started long before Trump. All it took was watching a few politicians promise one thing when begging for votes and doing the exact opposite once in office. I have not been able to stand any president in my lifetime, all are power-mad megalomaniacs who see the Constitution as an impediment to their nefarious plans of wielding the maximum amount of power they can get away with.
I do not share your faith in government workers. While I have never been employed by the government at any level, I do know people who have worked for the government. All of them say most of the people they work with are incompetent morons who couldn’t hold a job in the private sector. I have to add that anytime I need something from the government, a driver’s license, a permit, whatever, it is a most aggravating and frustrating, and time-consuming nightmare. Maybe the folks working there in rural areas are better, but here in the big city, no one wants to deal with the government for any reason.
I will try to post more articles about qualified people who are against this masking. Although I am not sure why people are so scared of this China flu, other than those with the higher risks.
magat in Ill, please peruse any/all my comments and show me one place where I said masks do or do not work.
I do not advocate to magats they have to wear masks or not. You’d run to the Spotus and whine about yer religious feelers are hurt and they would kiss it and make all better for you.
I wear masks because It is one thing I can do to help prevent the spread of drumpf/noem black death plague. Maybe you can tie in mask wearing to voter fraud. That is one avenue not explored by magats in their quest to steal Biden’s presidency.
Head of New Hampshire’s wingnut congress died from Covid. Why hasn’t this disappeared as drumpf alleged it would months ago? Are you and Qanon keeping the hoax active?
Another almost incomprehensible post. The stereotypes about Iowa are certainly true in your case.
I never said you said anything about masks.
I do not know what a ‘magat” is, I do not know what a Spotus is, nor what religious feelers are. All of these made-up words are the products of a low IQ.
I do not know what “Black Death Plague” you are referring to, the China virus has a 0.2% death rate overall. Hardly a concern, let alone a “Black Death Plague”.
Another thing I noticed you totalitarians refuse to talk about is the damage these lockdowns are doing to people and the economy. Suicides are way up, once thriving businesses are out of business, people, once hard-working members of the middle class are now out of work and are losing their life savings and their homes, people are dying from not getting the medical care they need for other ailments, like cancer treatments, heart surgeries, etc.
As for “stealing Biden’s presidency”, there are all kinds of things wrong with him and his hoe. He has a 47-year record of abject failure and a corrupt criminal pervert for a son. The hoe is a communist who is not qualified to hold either office as she is not a natural-born citizen. She is an anchor baby born to two foreign parents who, to this day, are not American citizens. All that just scratching the surface of their combined corruption and criminality.
As I recall, you have spent the last four years claiming Trump lost, that the Russians interfered in the election, massive voter fraud, and insist no democrat ever contested the presidential election. I will remind you that every election lost by democrats since Bush-Gore 2000 were challenged, including 2016 when Jill Stein challenged Trump’s win.
Now you say elections in the US are fair and honest and cannot be stolen, hacked, cheated, or questioned. Which is it? You have to pick one.
I am all about fair and honest elections and I want them all challenged and proven to be fair and free of interference. If not, I want the people involved charged, tried, and sentenced to prison if convicted. This should be a non-partisan issue, but apparently, democrats don’t agree.
Bill in ILL, I had to laugh when I read:
It sounds if the people you knew “who have worked for the government” are saying they too must be “incompetent morons who couldn’t hold a job in the private sector” since they too “worked for the government.”
If they are “incompetent morons” perhaps their judgment about their own government co-workers might be a bit suspect.
If not, then either they stand alone among the millions of people who work in federal, state and local government, or there just might be millions of folks they have never met or been exposed to that happen to be just as competent, or maybe even more competent, as them.
Ill Bill is full of more stuff than a kristmas goose stuffed in a kristmas turkey with all the trimmings. A true magat’s magat.
How many magats are needed to c hange lightbulbs in Ill Bill’s head? None. They like to keep him in the dark. Besides, like drumpf, he knows everything.
Wow, more childish nonsense, I have come to expect nothing more from you.
Bearcreekbat, I thought we might actually have a good dialogue going here until your last comment. You really are in dire need of a remedial course in reading English for comprehension. For your edification, I said MOST people who work for the government, not all, and I stated here in the big city. I also stated it may be different in rural areas. What is it about my comments that are so difficult for you to understand? I would laugh at your inability to read, but really it is sad, not funny.
Quit calling Kamala Harris a hoe, Bill.
Just ignore Bill, you guys, he’s a racist Trump clan member.
No, I will not Jenny, does the truth hurt your poor little feelings? Too bad.
You obviously know nothing about Kamala, her lack of qualifications, how she got her start, her not being legally qualified to hold the office of vice president or president, her communist beliefs, you know not a thing about her, yet you feel compelled to defend her for some unknown reason. You look like a fool, Jenny.
Poor Jenny, doesn’t have the brainpower to make an argument, simply hurls insults, you poor, poor little dear, bless your heart.
Not a racist little Jenny, not a Trump clan member, whatever that is. From your childish post, I believe it is you who is the racist and a clan member, although not Trump’s clan.
Bill in ILL, Sorry Bill, that you can’t enjoy a laugh about the silliness of a generalization about millions of unknown fellow humans (whether in the entire USA or just in the “big city”) simply based on your experience with the relatively few folks any one person and that person’s acquaintances literally could have known, let alone encountered. Jenny’s advice about you makes complete sense in light of your comments and ought to be followed.
I’m sure you believe that Obama was born in Africa also. You MAGOTS hail to everything Trump says. I’ve never been more embarrassed and ashamed of my country.
The Republicans have become the Party of Racists, Bill. More hate crimes are committed by right wing extremists than by Left wingers. Look up the.stats yourself.
You sound like a miserable pathetic wrinkly old man, go away from this liberal blog. We don’t welcome MAGOTS on here that put down women and call them hoes.
I know thats normal for Trumpies to treat women like that but it isn’t with us.
Sorry Jenny you are wrong now and you are wrong about everything. You can lie all you want, but I see right through them.
You sound like a low IQ, immature, naive fool who knows next to nothing about anything. Sorry your life is so pathetic.
I am also sorry you are so offended by the truth about Kamala the communist, too bad. She is a hoe of the first order and it has shot her to the top. It is very sad and pathetic that you do not even know the definition of a natural born citizen and that Kamala is not one.
And, without doubt, she would be the only first lady to have posed in the buff while lying on a fur blanket handcuffed to a leather briefcase, as she did aboard Trump’s jet for British GQ in 2000.
But, according to Ill magat Bill, Kamala Harris is a hoe, without a shred of evidence. Just like drumpf.
Sorry you can’t understand English, apparently, the people on this blog are just downright stupid.
Again, for the third time since you have the comprehension skills of a rock, I said most of the people IN THAT OFFICE could not hold a job in the private sector. And my experience is not just some friends of mine telling me about their trials at a government job, I have been to the DMV, the tax assessor’s the inspector’s office, literally most departments in government and I have yet to meet anyone who knows what they are doing. You must work for the government and I hit a nerve.
If you all are a good cross section of rural South Dakota, the things city folk say about you is true, you are all dumber than a box of rocks.
Bill in Ill is mentally ill and myopic. With luck he’ll hang out at the trailer park inhaling other folks’ ill and myopic proteins.
Fact check from USA Today….
Harris is a natural-born U.S. citizen
Harris is a citizen of the United States and has been since birth.
She was born in Oakland, California, on Oct. 20, 1964, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. Her parents were both immigrants — her father from Jamaica and her mother from India.
By virtue of her birth in California, Harris is a natural-born U.S. citizen.
The Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment provides that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
Magat Bill is the moron. Starting to sound like a bad Jason redux.
Mike, you really should stop posting I already know you are an uneducated moron.
You are so uninformed, so stupid, so indoctrinated that you do not know Kamala slept with Willie Brown, a man 40 years older than she is. During this affair, Willie gave her her start in California politics and she went from there. Willie also said, as well as her father, that she should not be allowed anywhere near the white house.
You are this stupid and uninformed and you still feel you have the right to vote? No wonder the country os going to hell in a handbasket.
Ill Bill, you are really a drumpf in disguise. Likely Eric, the stoopid one.
Read it and weep, you ignorant magat troll.
drumpf/noem body count gets a good boost today since they still refusew to do anything about it…
Last updated: December 12, 2020, 01:01 GMT
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Started today at 299,595. Another 3100 bodies.
Back off Bill or I’ll have to get my Brothers up in the North Hood to shut you up. Dont get mad at us that the wife left you and don’t take it out on us that Trump lost.
Go play with your guns or go back to Parler. You’re not welcome here.when you start attacking.
Have you ever seriously considered counseling to work through your post election grief? I highly recommend it. You’re hurting man.
drumpf/noem body count starts today at 302,772 and raring to go.
drumpf/noem body count today includes 86 year old Charley Pride…
Last updated: December 13, 2020, 00:59 GMT
United States
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drumpf/noem body count nearly 3k again…
Last updated: December 15, 2020, 01:18 GMT
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Day started at 305,059
Kill Bill from Ill.
SF two term mayor Willie “Brown may have sought to preempt attacks on Harris with his [2019] op-ed, it’s also provided fodder for a slew of conservative websites that are levying misogynistic critiques of her credentials. American Thinker and Red State are among the websites that have seized on the op-ed to suggest that Harris “slept her way to the top….”
Bill insults Bear, Jenny, and mfi because he is a Rupert Murdoch pawn. Then tells us why he is so smart. Pfssstt
This divide is what Biden/Harris will mend. The cost to the nation rent by Bill’s typical single minded savagery. My grandkids will be paying for it for decades. Thanks Bill. (Take it, Uma!)
Kill Bill in Ill w/ this: so we don’t have to read anymore of this drivel.
I suppose AP falls into your whining category of WaPo hate.