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Biden Already on the Job; Trumpists Derelict in Duty

Back to work—Monday brings an excellent example of why the American electorate chose Joe Biden to replace Donald Trump. While Biden is getting to work fighting the coronavirus pandemic, Trump is still hiding and planning campaign rallies for a campaign that is over:

Biden is due to meet with an advisory board led by former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner David Kessler to examine how best to tame a pandemic that has killed here more than 237,000 Americans.

The Democratic former vice president will then give remarks in Wilmington, Delaware, about his plans for tackling COVID-19 and rebuilding the economy. He spent much of the campaign criticizing Trump’s handling of the crises and has vowed to listen to scientists to guide his own approach.

…Trump has no public events scheduled for Monday, and he has not spoken in public since Thursday. As part of a public campaign to question the election results, he is planning to hold rallies to build support for his fight over the outcome, campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh said [Kristin Hergert, “Biden to Launch Covid-19 Task Force, Trump Plans Rallies to Protest Election,” KELO Radio, 2020.11.09].

The election is over. Joe Biden is ready to move on and get to work. So is most of the country, especially as it suffers five straight days of over 100,000 new cases of coronavirus. Any elected officials still wallowing in the baseless charges of election rigging are neglecting their duty to get back to the office and work to fight the coronavirus pandemic, the pandemic recession, and the other serious crises facing this country.


  1. mike livingston 2020-11-09 08:12

    Sniveling, whining, and pouting, all are classic symptoms of a sore loser.

  2. Dicta 2020-11-09 08:33

    One thing I am angry about: I get people are happy Biden won. I am too. But how about we avoid superspreader block parties and not behave like total hypocrites?

    I am going to enjoy watching the next month of watching Trump’s legal claims get crushed one by one, however.

  3. mike from iowa 2020-11-09 08:45

    drumpf’s clown in charge of transition won’t write appropriate letter so Biden can get millions of dollars and offices for his incoming administration.

  4. jerry 2020-11-09 08:46

    True that, Democrats work, Republicans don’t. This is a known fact. Biden hits the ground running, as did his past boss, Obama, working for the people. trump hit the ground with a big fat thud to join the rest of the do nothing senate to steal from the people. Working is hard, stealing is easy.

  5. John 2020-11-09 09:32

    The COVID horse is out of the barn. The Utah republicant governor closes the barn door with a statewide mask mandate.
    Why do people elect these incompetent fools.

  6. leslie 2020-11-09 10:54

    Steve Vladeck
    Let’s not overreact to the GSA story.

    Yes, refusing to recognize Biden as the President-Elect for now will hamstring the transition in some logistical respects, but (1) it’ll happen eventually; and (2) it has no legal effect *beyond* that.

    It’s petty and dumb, not dispositive.

  7. Mark Anderson 2020-11-09 10:56

    Come on, Rudy was hard at work at the Four Seasons, total landscaping not the hotel, right next to an adult bookstore with a convicted pedophile the first speaker. Trump was busy golfing. Just a typical day in trumpland

  8. Bob Newland 2020-11-09 11:22

    It’s time Biden/Harris announce their intent to repeal federal civil forfeiture laws. Then, maybe we can start to apply the adjective “progressive.”

  9. Moses6 2020-11-09 12:02

    Bunker JOE did well the Orange menace imploded, on the campaign trail.People have had enough of this.Joe while being ridiculed for following rules beat him from his basement.Trump now impeached and defeated will go down for ridiculing Joe who watched it all from the bunker.

  10. Jake 2020-11-09 12:14

    Anyone else notice that the Covid virus didn’t automatically go away the day after the election?

  11. bearcreekbat 2020-11-09 13:26

    Trump fired Defense Secretary Esper today for some reason. Is it feasible for Trump to find a sufficiently malleable sycophant to replace Esper such that Trump can engage the military to stop what he will declare to be Biden’s rebellious attempt at a coup?

    Spooky. . . .

  12. Dicta 2020-11-09 13:44

    FWIW, bcb, Esper had already prepped his resignation and this was supposedly happening regardless of election outcome. Much of it was centered around petty infighting re: renaming military bases. Small comfort, I know, but I do not think it should be read into too much.

  13. jerry 2020-11-09 14:11

    There are two senate races going on now in Georgia. Democrats and Independents should muster together to send money to both campaigns.

  14. Jenny 2020-11-09 14:17

    There’s a decent chance that Trump will run in 2024. People need to realize Trumpism is not an aberration, he actually gained ground with voters.
    This was way too close of an election, I don’t understand the appeal and never will. If Trump doesn’t run someone in his family will. That’s kind of the American way these days.

    The progressive Democrat Rep Omar of MN, had a great response on Trump being asked why he thought he could win MN because of Omar being a ‘horrible person’ (he brought up her name at every MN rally there), she replied “he f’d around and found out” Now that’s the way to say it to a racist, Go Omar!

  15. bearcreekbat 2020-11-09 14:21

    Thanks Dicta. That’s a bit calming.

  16. jerry 2020-11-09 14:24

    I hope trump gets the nod for 2024 and we put other important measures on that same ticket. We will defeat him just like we’re doing now and we will get those initiative measures passed as well. Run chubby run!!

    “The report showed 907 new infections in the state, bringing the total to 56,311 with 16,266 of those cases still active. Only 1,768 people were tested so the state’s positivity rate is over 50% again at 51.3%.” Rapid City Journal 11.09.20

  17. W R Old Guy 2020-11-09 15:15

    CNN is reporting that Trump has told the White House personnel office to immediately fire any current employee that is looking for another job.

    Apparently he considers job hunting as being disloyal to him.

  18. o 2020-11-09 15:30

    W R Old Guy – isn’t President Trump looking for a another job?

  19. jerry 2020-11-09 16:11

    They’re just waiting for their pardons.

  20. W R Old Guy 2020-11-09 16:13


    He’s still trying to rake in cash with his Trump Defense Fund emails. The fine print also says a”portion” of the donation will be used to pay off Trump campaign expenses.

  21. leslie 2020-11-09 16:18

    Nick Nemeck:

    Amici are the States of Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas….

    The U.S. Constitution’s Election Clauses reflect a carefully calibrated balance of power among state actors, and they assign specific functions to the “Legislature thereof” in each State. Id. Our system of federalism relies on separation of powers to preserve liberty at every level of government [SCOTUS?]….

    Several Republican Attorney Generals (RAGA) are “suing” as Amicus “friends of the court” over the Pennsylvania post mark decision to overturn the election. Ravnsborg likely has a role. Whether he signed it or not. SD tax dollars, and billionaires dark money, at work.

  22. leslie 2020-11-09 16:22

    Pardon. Nemec

  23. Mark Anderson 2020-11-09 16:35

    Ditca, the petty infighting is renaming bases that were named after Confederare generals. The firing is appealing to white supremacists. Just another trumpism.

  24. John 2020-11-09 18:16

    The national republicants and their state sycophants annoying tip at windmills trying to make up for their flawed campaign that stood for nothing, had no platform and flawed candidate – the worst president in history. Clinton lost by a far narrower margin, yet wore her big girls pants, quickly conceded, and did not drag out dozens of superfluous lawsuits.

    Both parties have big challenges ahead. Literally the republicant party is dying out. They appeal to a shrinking demographic. They need to improve their character, broaden their values, and support new policies that would appeal beyond their narrow and shrinking base. The party core is based in whites 40-50 years old, so it’s unlikely they will timely adapt. They have no evidence of adapting and have last won a presidential election by over 50% back in 2004.

    The democrat’s party will show the greater change in the next few years. The democratic party core has 2 sub-groups: those over 65 whom are quickly passing, and a group 20-40 years old. Any thought that the future democratic party will be more moderate is wishful thinking.

  25. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2020-11-09 18:50

    Delay, delay, the GSA delays… you’d almost think the current Administration’s greatest fear is that government might actually start functioning again.

  26. Richard Schriever 2020-11-09 20:06

    Heard a report on that 2nd Democratic cohort this AM. 60% of the 38 MM under 30 voters in this election voted for Biden/Harris. That is the future of politics in the US right there in one data point.

  27. jerry 2020-11-09 20:50

    We had 9/11 because of the delay in 2000. What gift will trumpian republicans give us this time? Our national security is just a joke to these trumpian clowns.

  28. mike livingston 2020-11-09 21:01

    Beware the smoke and mirrors, surrounding the vaccination, suddenly, miraculously, making headway, days after the LOSER got his ass kicked and all the other LOSERS Are ready to support the white supremacy. 60% of those who don’t mind if THE BIGGEST Loser’ Doesn’t lose s this one!

    Democrats have a terrible record when it come to confronting ridiculous maneuvers at the last minute and amazingly can’t recognize the error of their ways until it’s too late! Please extract your cranium from your rectum and be vigilant ant not vigilantes.

    The next generation deserve’s better and while we can’t contribute much more than basic needs and encouragement, it is astounding that so many with so little are willing to sacrifice’
    It is shameful that so few with so much can think of nothing but what’s in it for them.

    When the Pius gather to celebrate whatever it is they celebrate? Do they bless themselves and bathe them themselves in the aurora of the massive orange orb?

  29. cibvet 2020-11-10 23:44

    What a bunch of piss-poor losers.Apparently ,this is what happens when these ner-do-wells grow up getting trophies even when they lose.

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