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Aberdeen City Council Exempts the Pious from Mere Recommendation to Mask Up

The Aberdeen City Council will not consider a requirement that citizens wear mask to stop the spread of coronavirus in Aberdeen, because, by God, we’ve got beer and hot wings to sell!

Even the toothless recommending resolution that will struggle to pass at tonight’s denial meeting includes an exemption for those crying out to their gods. Exemption #8 says the gentle urging to wear a mask would not apply to “persons engaged in religious worship activities; however, face coverings are strongly encouraged.”

Well, as a disciple of Black Elk, every step I take is a prayer, and I thus always walk in a sacred manner, so take your strong encouragement and shove it. Hoka key! It is a good day to die!

Lakota, Christian, or Pastafarian (wait, they’re smarter than Aberdeen), your preferred mode of worship does not excuse you from looking out for public health. The churches in which most Aberdonians engage in worship are among the places with highest risk of spreading coroanvirus and killing neighbors. Older population, vulnerable people, singing, peace-hugs—exempting worship activities from a mask recommendation is like saying the recommendation to use a condom doesn’t apply to hookers and johns.

Public health matters, no matter what prayers you say or to whom. The religions I’m familiar generally suggest your various pieties should make you even more sensitive to your obligations to take care of your fellow humans. Church gatherings in particular are places where you need to put on your mask. There’s no infringement of the freedom of religion in requiring citizens to wear masks while engaged in activities that endanger public health.

But let’s not exert ourselves too hard. The Aberdeen City Council isn’t debating anything they plan to enforce; it’s just a resolution, not an ordinance. So tonight’s debating society meeting will be a chance for our city councilors to speechify (say, there’s another high-risk factor: y’all gonna mask up, council members, the way Mayor Schaunaman said we should last month?) about their commitment to public safety and real liberty or, alternatively, commerce and Kristi Noem’s Freedom™., but it won’t produce any serious community action to combat the increasing sickness and death around us.

Hosanna in ex-hot wings! Amen!


  1. sx123

    Buckobear, the deer was carrying a flashlight…

    But back on topic, viruses don’t believe in god and could care less if you’re in church or not. Why do religions always get a free pass?

  2. Even surgical masks require proper handling, frequent changing, and proper disposal. All masks will concentrate viral load and rebreathe infectious material increasing the probability of pneumonia.

    — this from nature dot com —

    “Yes, by all means let’s examine the science on immunity. “. . .17 years after the 2003 [SARS] outbreak, [recovered patients] still possess long-lasting memory T cells . . ., which displayed robust cross-reactivity to” COVID.

    Also, scientists found a specific T cell response to COVID “in individuals with no history of SARS, COVID-19 or contact with SARS/COVID-19 patients” . . .likely explained by previous infection with coronavirus colds.” —

  3. mike from iowa

    Thanks Buckobear, now maybe the Nemec family can be assured justice will be done and can look forward to closure.

    Driving on the shoulder, what many of us suspected all along, right KE?

  4. Scott

    Beer and wings seems to be what it is about. Where do you want to go for wings is what Americans talk about.

    As a society we are not capable of giving up anything. We are so spoiled with having what we want when we want it. Americans in general are too rich and only concerned with making more money. Americans are just not able to make any sacrifices.

  5. mike from iowa

    Fake Noize and WSJ had the opportunity to peruse all the alleged “Smoking Gun” emails and both stated, without a doubt, Joe Biden did not profit from any of these allegations.

  6. John

    My family cancelled a funeral forever and deferred a burial for months thanks to Aberdeen’s trump/noem virus. It’s amazing how selfish, ignorant, arrogant folks are unable to control a simple virus. It’s amazing these same folks are able to control brucellosis, IBR-among a hundred livestock viruses. Thanks.

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