Senator Al Novstrup (R-3/Aberdeen) has no challenger for his position as the GOP caucus’s best yes-man this year. Yet a couple dozen political action committees have still poured $5,900 into his campaign fund since his last campaign finance report at the end of 2018 to make sure he remembers to whom he needs to be saying Yes in Pierre:

Novstrup doesn’t report any direct contributions to his District 3 House pals Drew Dennert and Carl Perry, who face Democratic challengers Justin Roemmick and Leslie McLaughlin. He has however spent $2,703.02 on advertising, likely the joint ads he’s running with his GOP pals. Novstrup has also funneled $2,205.01 to other candidates, including local “non-partisan” mayor Travis Schaunaman, Aberdeen councilman Josh Rife, and unsuccessful city council candidate David Welling.
My hope is that someone like Howard Dean gets back into the idea of a 50 state strategy. These self serving boneheads like little Al and the rest of the cabal that ruins this state, need to be challenged with serious resources.
Agreed, Jerry. The PACs giving to Novstrup are committed to using their resources to preserve their easy votes in Pierre; we need to fight that fire with fire. If we can win the attention and support of voters without big corporate money, that’s great, but we need to be willing to use whatever legal resources are available to eradicate this deeply-rooted corruption.
People love Mr. Novstrup, the elder. His little brother, not as much.
Little Al is like a corn borer, gotta get the Democratic spray to get him out of the corn field cabal of Pierre. Little Al, should be asked by whoever runs against him, why he has kept his pie hold shut about the trump virus and it’s dangers. Little Al is also responsible for the deaths here in our state. Speaking of how Little Al operates, look at his gal pal, GNOem. She has raised a million bucks shagging around the country for trump and her own pockets.
Sutton shouldn’t be spooked if wants to tangle with her again, no amount of money can take the stench off this failure. Ask the thousands who have been sickened by her lack of leadership and also ask the families of the hundreds she has killed. A couple of thousand bucks along with testimonials of the blood on her hands, should overcome that million or two she has taken from outside interests.
Al runs bumper cars and smokes cheap cigars, but he’s been voted the best haircut in Aberdeen these past many years. It just irks you libbies beyond rage he keeps on winning. Perhaps he’ll soon step down to enjoy the fruits of his labors.
Little Al’s pocketbook sure looks like the fruits of his labors in Pierre have done quite well. What do you think he has done to rake in the fruit of the loom loot Mr. grudznick? As you note, it isn’t his Moe Howard haircut.
You should look into Sen. Heinert’s campaign finance. Nearly $7,000 in travel in an Coronavirus year. Somebody is being crooked.