Johnson Boys Say, Mask Up! (Dusty Says, Gear Up for 2022 Primary, Kristi!)
Published 2020-10-26 by
Cory Allen Heidelberger
The second-biggest nerd (a word I use with affection and solidarity) in South Dakota politics (first is Tony Venhuizen) posted this adorable and appropriate safety video Saturday:
The boys and I geared up for a day of hunting. Don’t forget your gear when you’re indoors, too!
Rep. Dusty Johnson, on the job as substitute teacher at Mitchell Middle School, tweet, 2020.10.19.Rep. Dusty Johnson, on the job as substitute teacher at Mitchell Middle School, tweet, 2020.10.19.Rep. Dusty Johnson, on the job as substitute teacher at Mitchell Middle School, tweet, 2020.10.19.
A Congressman showing basic good sense and urging his constituents to help protect public health should have no political component. These reminders to wear a mask simply show that our man Dusty is a good dad and a good neighbor.
But in a political environment in which other members of his party are treating coronavirus as a political opportunity and casting doubt on basic science, we can’t help but wonder if Congressman Johnson’s cute family video (and when you’re talking about the Johnson boys, Dusty included, “cute” goes without saying) isn’t also a political signal to the SDGOP that it’s time to get their poop back in a group.
Consider the optics in full context: on a snowy Saturday when Governor Kristi Noem struggles to get people to attend her risky, maskless repurposing of the traditional Governor’s Hunt into a big-city image-building concert, and when she continues to parade around indoors without a mask with travelers from out of state, Congressman Johnson dons the same camouflage accoutrements of South Dakota authenticity and equates the widely accepted wisdom of wearing a fruity color while pursuing the wily pheasant to the necessary wisdom of wearing a mask while interacting with neighbors indoors.
Congressman Johnson is directly challenging the scientific and moral authority of Governor Noem. Congressman Johnson could be one more sensible video away from announcing that he will challenge Governor Noem in the 2022 primary.
Why would Dusty give up Congress to enter a bruising primary battle against a tough campaigner who will say anything to destroy her opponents, even/especially a fellow Republican? Because Dusty is a nerd—a policy nerd who loves to design and execute policy to solve problems. He’s watching Kristi Noem do the opposite of that—ignore problems and issue slogans instead of solutions—to the detriment of his home state, and it’s driving him crazy. Meanwhile, his problem-solving skills are going to waste in Washington, where he is one voice among 535 members of Congress who have to spend at least half the day on the phone raising money instead of crafting actual solutions to actual problems and where he is about to become part of an even smaller and chastened GOP minority. The Governor of South Dakota gets to do far more real policy than any member of Congress, and Dusty will get to do far more Republican policy in the big chair in Pierre than he will under Speaker Pelosi.
Now more than most times, South Dakota needs a Governor focused on crafting and executing real policy, not a national campaign for the Presidency or a job on Fox News. And the Republican Party needs to hold as many Governor’s chairs as it can to provide effective counterexamples to the coming Democratic dominance of federal lawmaking.
Governor Noem is doing the kind of job that loses elections. GOP insiders were chafing at her poor performance even before she went into full pandemic denial. Put her poor performance up against Billie Sutton again in 2022, and her failure to lead against the pandemic and her self-serving absenteeism will flip voters to Sutton 60–40.
Dusty can see Kristi’s failure as clearly as the voters and other members of his party. They can’t take a chance on giving South Dakota voters the chance to register their disapproval of her performance in another general election. Dusty will come to the party as the voice of reason and practical problem-solving in the 2022 primary. He’ll come to the voters as the voice of correction and science who takes the pandemic away from Democrats as an issue in 2022 and preserves the Republican hold on power in Pierre.
When the Johnson family shows its masks on Twitter, they are promoting public health first and foremost. I commend the Congressman and his kids for doing so and urge everyone to follow their example.
But in the current political context, those Johnson masks may also have stitched on them, “Dusty for Governor 2022.”
Just out of morbid curiosity, is Johnson certified to teach in South Dakota public schools?
Richard Schriever
mfi – Certification is not required for substitute teachers in SD. Any degree will do.
Richard Schriever
Meanwhile – Noem has never really been interested in governing. She “hates” government in general and having to be part of it to achieve her real interest – FAME. Unlike Catherine Bachman, and not being able to act a part, and I am imagining, unable to hold a true musical tune (literally being tone deaf), unwilling to cheerily read celebrity gossip from a teleprompter like a 2nd fiddle, ala Mary Hart, politics was the only avenue open to her on that path.
I’ve just posted the clip to both Dusty’s and Kristi’s Twitter feeds…with thanks to Dusty & Sons.
Having Dusty as Governor would represent the state far more accurately than Kristi. Presidents, Governors and Mayors have, in the past, tended to govern as moderates even if they have to campaign to their base in primary elections. I realize that is changing in our polarized political climate, but it’s a general principle that I’d love to see us go back to.
Dusty’s intelligence is probably a better representation of our state as well. Maybe he would campaign as a supporter of our teachers and schools, as Billie did? I’d love for Dusty to go the independent route, as his party is descending into Q-Anon madness around him.
mike from iowa
Thanks for the info, Richard. Gotta keep things on the up and up.
Donald Porter
A common sense and very clever way to deliver a safety message to all South Dakotans – thanks to Congressman Dusty Johnson. Much appreciated.
TAG, Dusty’s tendency toward practical moderation and problem-solving probably separates him further from his party leaders in Washington, who demand fealty to whatever momentary objective or tyrant presents itself. Dusty could bail out of the House, run for Governor here, take the reins, and do more establish his bona fides as a Presidential candidate than Kristi is doing now with her inaction at home and tour for Trump on Fox and at the rinky-dink rallies.
We shouldn’t underestimate Dusty’s role as our sole representative in the House. According to recent analysis, he could become the fellow who actually picks the next President of the U.S.
From what I have read recently, Trumpist Republicans are making a dangerous, bad faith effort to undermine the upcoming vote with bogus complaints and fear mongering about the unreliability of mail in voting. If they manage to to create enough doubt about the counting of mail in ballots in some swing states, it is entirely possible that neither Biden nor Trump will end up with the 270 votes needed to win the electoral college. Trumpist Republican controlled State legislatures apparently have the power to refuse to seat the electoral college electors chosen by a majority of voters if these Trumpist Republicans decide the count is inaccurate due to a delay in counting mail in votes and fraud. In such a case those same Trumpist Republican controlled legislatures have the power to name their own different pro-Trump electors.
Without either candidate reaching the needed 270 votes, the decision then would fall to the House of Representatives. The Democratic majority would be helpless to pick Biden because each State gets only one vote, so a State like SD with only Dusty as a Representative has an equal vote to California, New York, or any other State in the union. And apparently, 26 of the 50 states have a majority of Republican representatives in the House.
Assuming the 25 other Republican controlled State representatives vote for Trump, Dusty’s vote could give Trump the 26 votes he needs. The fact that he is only “one voice” in Washington should not obscure the fact that his “one voice” could end up being the loudest in the Nation.
I credit this analysis to a link to an Atlantic article referenced by one of my favorite, bright, timely and highly perceptive DFP contributors:
Not that I’m saying his plan to primary Kristi out of the Governor’s Office would have to be about positioning him for a Presidential run. I just want someone to replace Noem and give South Dakota the effective government it needs. If his efforts as Governor here would position him to save the GOP from the national wilderness to which Trump has condemned them, and if he really wants to challenge President Harris or President Buttigieg in 2032, that’s his business.
Sutton would be much better than this yahoo. Take a look at Dirty’s voting record while in the House, Dirty ain’t no friend to anything that resembles help for the average Joe. Speaking of Joe, get out there and vote for him.
Where is Sutton he should be speaking on failure she has done with Covid.Also the half dusty the ole switcheroo guy who cant stay in a job long enough to know he is there.But by gosh I am a problem solver.
When Dusty first went to D.C., I had hopes for him. Can’t recall the issue off the top of my head, but he actually spoke up about some of the bull roar the GOP was putting out. Evidently, his big brothers, John and Mike, took him aside and ‘splained things to him, how it works in D.C. You keep your mouth shut and only speak the daily talking points. Hey, it’s worked wonders for those 2 bozos. !@#%^&*
I will take a policy nerd anyday over the totally clueless and inept Governor we have now.
Kristi Noem spoke to the Argus Leader today. They asked her how she squares her opposition to marijuana with her stand supporting “personal responsibility” and freedom on issues surrounding the virus.
Kristi declared that “There are consequences to people that are smoking marijuana, especially recreationally.”
Pot rarely causes death. But we now have about ten South Dakotans dying from COVID on an average day.
You know. Consequences.
Mr. H is outing what is probably already well known in the GOP innards circles: Mr. Dusty wants to be the Governor.
That’s grudznick’s take on this. What’s your take? Give me your take.
As a retired teacher in SD I can tell you that there are no requirements at all to be a substitute teacher. Subs are very hard to find, especially in small towns. If you are willing to show up, you are gold!!
Mr. jerry, don’t vote Joe, vote Jo.
She’s the ticket.
As a toker of the demon weed, you should be all over that.
Bob Newland
The mere announcement of running for office , followed up by some visibility, attracts a segment of people who think you’re SOMEBODY because you got your name on a ballot. Some close friends laughed at the very idea that I thought I could fulfill even a modest amount of the duties for which I had announced. Some others said, yeah, I think you’ll do just fine. Some of them gave me money.
The peripheral fiends and acquaintances showed far much more enthusiasm (and money, although campaign contributions were laughable in the general context of politics. After I got popped for DUIs during two campaigns for statwide office, I noticed a downturn of enthusiasm for any further runs for office.
But when, for a period of six months or so, one is being approached by potential constituents who are mostly friendly, supportive, and seemingly genuinely appreciative of both your skills and your willingness to run for office, one can start to believe (s)he is special.
Dusty has accumulated a significant resume’. He also seems to be growing into the position. He annoyed me for a while with his support for Trump’s obviously venal positions and acts. It is starting to appear that he may be beginning to be (actually, I always thought he had it in him) a somewhat righteous human being rather than a sycophant.
I have earned a right to be skeptical of anyone’s political presentation.
It would be great if SD could get a real governor who works for the best for South Dakotans. I mean ALL South Dakotans, any employment level, any skin color, any location within the state, any anything.
Elect a governor who cares. Kruel Kristi does not care about you, not even a little bit.
PS. Cory, you’re right. There is a high level of cuteness in that photo of the 3 Johnsons. 😊
Dirty is still just like the rest of them. Nothing changes with these autocrats. Remember that when you heap praise on those who seek to destroy you. trump is only part of the problem, the rest is from Dirty and his cronies, nothing changes with their lockstep approach to grind you into powder.
“The Republican party has become dramatically more illiberal in the past two decades and now more closely resembles ruling parties in autocratic societies than its former centre-right equivalents in Europe, according to a new international study.
In a significant shift since 2000, the GOP has taken to demonizing and encouraging violence against its opponents, adopting attitudes and tactics comparable to ruling nationalist parties in Hungary, India, Poland and Turkey.
The 3 Johnsons plus my close personal friend Bob constitute the cutest quartet of little fellows anybody has ever seen this side of the Wyoming border.
Bob, of course, has run for Governor, and Dusty wants to be Governor, and one of those little ones, probably the middle one, will be Governor.
Richard Schriever
james, “Pot rarely causes death.”
This is entirely inaccurate. It is not even “rarely” – there is NO known case of death by pot. Not one – unless, that is, you count those people killed by violence related to the involvement of criminals – or the cops – in the trade, because, and ONLY because – it is illegal.
I love it when conservatives actually act like conservatives.
Just out of morbid curiosity, is Johnson certified to teach in South Dakota public schools?
mfi – Certification is not required for substitute teachers in SD. Any degree will do.
Meanwhile – Noem has never really been interested in governing. She “hates” government in general and having to be part of it to achieve her real interest – FAME. Unlike Catherine Bachman, and not being able to act a part, and I am imagining, unable to hold a true musical tune (literally being tone deaf), unwilling to cheerily read celebrity gossip from a teleprompter like a 2nd fiddle, ala Mary Hart, politics was the only avenue open to her on that path.
I’ve just posted the clip to both Dusty’s and Kristi’s Twitter feeds…with thanks to Dusty & Sons.
1000 new cases today. here we go again
Having Dusty as Governor would represent the state far more accurately than Kristi. Presidents, Governors and Mayors have, in the past, tended to govern as moderates even if they have to campaign to their base in primary elections. I realize that is changing in our polarized political climate, but it’s a general principle that I’d love to see us go back to.
Dusty’s intelligence is probably a better representation of our state as well. Maybe he would campaign as a supporter of our teachers and schools, as Billie did? I’d love for Dusty to go the independent route, as his party is descending into Q-Anon madness around him.
Thanks for the info, Richard. Gotta keep things on the up and up.
A common sense and very clever way to deliver a safety message to all South Dakotans – thanks to Congressman Dusty Johnson. Much appreciated.
TAG, Dusty’s tendency toward practical moderation and problem-solving probably separates him further from his party leaders in Washington, who demand fealty to whatever momentary objective or tyrant presents itself. Dusty could bail out of the House, run for Governor here, take the reins, and do more establish his bona fides as a Presidential candidate than Kristi is doing now with her inaction at home and tour for Trump on Fox and at the rinky-dink rallies.
We shouldn’t underestimate Dusty’s role as our sole representative in the House. According to recent analysis, he could become the fellow who actually picks the next President of the U.S.
From what I have read recently, Trumpist Republicans are making a dangerous, bad faith effort to undermine the upcoming vote with bogus complaints and fear mongering about the unreliability of mail in voting. If they manage to to create enough doubt about the counting of mail in ballots in some swing states, it is entirely possible that neither Biden nor Trump will end up with the 270 votes needed to win the electoral college. Trumpist Republican controlled State legislatures apparently have the power to refuse to seat the electoral college electors chosen by a majority of voters if these Trumpist Republicans decide the count is inaccurate due to a delay in counting mail in votes and fraud. In such a case those same Trumpist Republican controlled legislatures have the power to name their own different pro-Trump electors.
Without either candidate reaching the needed 270 votes, the decision then would fall to the House of Representatives. The Democratic majority would be helpless to pick Biden because each State gets only one vote, so a State like SD with only Dusty as a Representative has an equal vote to California, New York, or any other State in the union. And apparently, 26 of the 50 states have a majority of Republican representatives in the House.
Assuming the 25 other Republican controlled State representatives vote for Trump, Dusty’s vote could give Trump the 26 votes he needs. The fact that he is only “one voice” in Washington should not obscure the fact that his “one voice” could end up being the loudest in the Nation.
I credit this analysis to a link to an Atlantic article referenced by one of my favorite, bright, timely and highly perceptive DFP contributors:
Not that I’m saying his plan to primary Kristi out of the Governor’s Office would have to be about positioning him for a Presidential run. I just want someone to replace Noem and give South Dakota the effective government it needs. If his efforts as Governor here would position him to save the GOP from the national wilderness to which Trump has condemned them, and if he really wants to challenge President Harris or President Buttigieg in 2032, that’s his business.
Sutton would be much better than this yahoo. Take a look at Dirty’s voting record while in the House, Dirty ain’t no friend to anything that resembles help for the average Joe. Speaking of Joe, get out there and vote for him.
Where is Sutton he should be speaking on failure she has done with Covid.
Where is Sutton he should be speaking on failure she has done with Covid.Also the half dusty the ole switcheroo guy who cant stay in a job long enough to know he is there.But by gosh I am a problem solver.
When Dusty first went to D.C., I had hopes for him. Can’t recall the issue off the top of my head, but he actually spoke up about some of the bull roar the GOP was putting out. Evidently, his big brothers, John and Mike, took him aside and ‘splained things to him, how it works in D.C. You keep your mouth shut and only speak the daily talking points. Hey, it’s worked wonders for those 2 bozos. !@#%^&*
I will take a policy nerd anyday over the totally clueless and inept Governor we have now.
Kristi Noem spoke to the Argus Leader today. They asked her how she squares her opposition to marijuana with her stand supporting “personal responsibility” and freedom on issues surrounding the virus.
Kristi declared that “There are consequences to people that are smoking marijuana, especially recreationally.”
Pot rarely causes death. But we now have about ten South Dakotans dying from COVID on an average day.
You know. Consequences.
Mr. H is outing what is probably already well known in the GOP innards circles: Mr. Dusty wants to be the Governor.
That’s grudznick’s take on this. What’s your take? Give me your take.
As a retired teacher in SD I can tell you that there are no requirements at all to be a substitute teacher. Subs are very hard to find, especially in small towns. If you are willing to show up, you are gold!!
Mr. jerry, don’t vote Joe, vote Jo.
She’s the ticket.
As a toker of the demon weed, you should be all over that.
The mere announcement of running for office , followed up by some visibility, attracts a segment of people who think you’re SOMEBODY because you got your name on a ballot. Some close friends laughed at the very idea that I thought I could fulfill even a modest amount of the duties for which I had announced. Some others said, yeah, I think you’ll do just fine. Some of them gave me money.
The peripheral fiends and acquaintances showed far much more enthusiasm (and money, although campaign contributions were laughable in the general context of politics. After I got popped for DUIs during two campaigns for statwide office, I noticed a downturn of enthusiasm for any further runs for office.
But when, for a period of six months or so, one is being approached by potential constituents who are mostly friendly, supportive, and seemingly genuinely appreciative of both your skills and your willingness to run for office, one can start to believe (s)he is special.
Dusty has accumulated a significant resume’. He also seems to be growing into the position. He annoyed me for a while with his support for Trump’s obviously venal positions and acts. It is starting to appear that he may be beginning to be (actually, I always thought he had it in him) a somewhat righteous human being rather than a sycophant.
I have earned a right to be skeptical of anyone’s political presentation.
It would be great if SD could get a real governor who works for the best for South Dakotans. I mean ALL South Dakotans, any employment level, any skin color, any location within the state, any anything.
Elect a governor who cares. Kruel Kristi does not care about you, not even a little bit.
PS. Cory, you’re right. There is a high level of cuteness in that photo of the 3 Johnsons. 😊
Dirty is still just like the rest of them. Nothing changes with these autocrats. Remember that when you heap praise on those who seek to destroy you. trump is only part of the problem, the rest is from Dirty and his cronies, nothing changes with their lockstep approach to grind you into powder.
“The Republican party has become dramatically more illiberal in the past two decades and now more closely resembles ruling parties in autocratic societies than its former centre-right equivalents in Europe, according to a new international study.
In a significant shift since 2000, the GOP has taken to demonizing and encouraging violence against its opponents, adopting attitudes and tactics comparable to ruling nationalist parties in Hungary, India, Poland and Turkey.
The shift has both led to and been driven by the rise of Donald Trump.”
The 3 Johnsons plus my close personal friend Bob constitute the cutest quartet of little fellows anybody has ever seen this side of the Wyoming border.
Bob, of course, has run for Governor, and Dusty wants to be Governor, and one of those little ones, probably the middle one, will be Governor.
james, “Pot rarely causes death.”
This is entirely inaccurate. It is not even “rarely” – there is NO known case of death by pot. Not one – unless, that is, you count those people killed by violence related to the involvement of criminals – or the cops – in the trade, because, and ONLY because – it is illegal.
I love it when conservatives actually act like conservatives.