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Noem Show Goes on in Sioux Falls Today with New Singers, No Masks Required

So how many South Dakotans will die of coronavirus today while Kristi Noem hawks tickets to a packed and maskless concert? Pop-country singer Chris Young backed out of performing at the Governor’s vanity hunter show in Sioux Falls today, saying that it would be unsafe to perform in Sioux Falls given the spread of coronavirus… and he said that back on September 21, when South Dakota’s new daily covid-19 deaths were averaging 37% of their current level.

But our deplorable Governor ran out and recruited a less responsible country singer to headline her “Sportsmen’s Showcase” today. Sanford “Health” continues to sponsor this chance to catch coronavirus, and they still have not added any information about pandemic precautions to the concert FAQ page.

The Sanford Premier Center boss does say staff will be wearing masks for today’s Noemfest, but attendees are free to choose whether they want to behave responsibly or not:

The safe handling of events is important because indoor events can contribute to the spread of COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control. CDC guidelines for indoor events include: wear a mask when social distancing is not possible, maintaining six feet of distance between people who are not in your household, washing hands and others.

Denny Sanford PREMIER Center General Manager Mike Krewson said in an Oct. 22 KELOLAND News story by Kelli Volk that protocols such as social distancing and hand sanitizer stations will be in place for the weekend Sportsmen’s Show. The staff will be required to wear face coverings.

Krewson said attendees to events at the PREMIER Center complex will be encouraged to wear masks [Rae Yost, “Mask Encouragement Not in Conflict with Local Indoor Events, According to Sioux Falls Mayor’s Office,” KELO-TV, updated 2020.10.24].

You can bet Kristi Noem will be there, and you can bet the only mask she’ll be wearing is the mask of uncomprehending denial of the surging suffering of South Dakotans in this pandemic.


  1. Jenny 2020-10-24 10:12

    It’s actually quite disturbing that Sanford Health would be okay with sponsoring a maskless concert, but then nothing really surprises me that much with SD anymore.
    Maybe Sanford thinks a superspreader is good for the hospital business?

  2. Buckobear 2020-10-24 10:52

    Next “spike” will be election day, eh?

  3. leslie 2020-10-24 11:23

    SD is very much a Fox, Rush Limbaugh cesspool—thx KOTA

    The GOP, with media partners like Fox & Rush, has manufactured one pseudo-scandal after another:

    Vince Foster suicide, Whitewater, Mena airport, Kerry’s Swift Boats, Obama’s birth certificate, Clinton Foundation, Hillary’s emails—and now Hunter’s laptop.

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2020-10-24 11:57

    The doctors at Sanford have saved the lives of both my wife and my daughter. The corporate honchos at Sanford seem willing to undo that work.

  5. Donald Pay 2020-10-24 12:00

    Let’s rename it “Sanford Death.” What a joke of a health care organization. “Bloodletting is our specialty.”

  6. chris 2020-10-24 12:48

    Unfortunately, we have a longer wait to vote her out than we have for her master.

  7. Chris S. 2020-10-24 13:43

    So the workers need to wear masks to protect attendees, but the attendees don’t have to wear masks to protect the workers (or each other)? If that makes any sense, I can’t suss it out. I guess it’s for a tiny pretend show of safety measures (only by the servants, of course).

  8. Jake 2020-10-24 14:38

    Having the servants wear masks while the guests revel in each other’s (possibly) Covid company seems par for the course for the Noem/Trump mental midget minority! They seem to consider themselves to be superior beings that are immune from the taint of normal consideration of other’s welfare. Were they “of the people” they would do the right thing by not making a golden calf of celebrating themselves and celebrating by the thousands packed together for the $$$$, Doing this relieves her or rewards her of her hard work in office that she’s not doing, it seems.

  9. Ed 2020-10-24 19:04

    While in Congress, Noem told us there would be death panels if the Affordable Care Act was passed. She was lying to us then, but now with the Trump Covid virus ravaging our state and country, her imaginary death panels have become a reality staffed by Trump, Noem, and the Republican Party.

  10. leslie 2020-10-24 20:13

    More Iowans are now hospitalized with coronavirus than at any point of the pandemic.” Iowa on Tuesday reported 727 new Covid-19 cases and 14 additional deaths.” That brought the total number of positive cases for the state to 108,297 total positive cases, the total number of deaths to 1,548.
    Trump has misjudged everything about Covid-19, practically and politically. That desperate rally he held in Des Moines last week, where he tried to pack in as many supporters as possible for another Iowa photo-op. ***

    Iowa might well back Biden and send a Democrat to the Senate. The epicenter of the Republican surge of 2016 could become the epicenter of a Democratic comeback. It’s true that Iowa is a small state in terms of population, with just six electoral votes. Yet it looms large in the thinking of Biden strategists. If the former vice president wins Iowa, it is hard to imagine that he doesn’t win the neighboring battleground states of Minnesota and Wisconsin, which are essential to Trump’s reelection strategy—and where polls now have the Republican trailing, as do polls from the equally essential states of Michigan and Pennsylvania.…_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&__twitter_impression=true

  11. ds 2020-10-24 20:49

    Not to worry…if you contact that contagious plague, a U.S. Army helicopter will fly you to Walter Reed Hospital where a team of the best Physicians will diagnose you. They will inject you with a miracle cocktail drug that is only available for you. Yo will immediately recover and feel 20 years younger. You will jog out of the hospital the very next day and immediately go on a speaking tour ridiculing masks and disavowing the virus that got you and your family sick.

  12. jerry 2020-10-25 10:13

    Of all the things GNOem/EB5 Short Rounds/Vladimir Thune and Dirty Johnson have killed, their murder of the republican party has been, without a doubt, their most masterful. This event today, really shows their contempt for themselves and their party. Meanwhile, the protection’s granted to the citizens being exposed to the trump virus menace are regarded as secondary to these politico’s blood lust. Death panels indeed.

    “Of all the things President Trump has destroyed, the Republican Party is among the most dismaying.

    “Destroyed” is perhaps too simplistic, though. It would be more precise to say that Mr. Trump accelerated his party’s demise, exposing the rot that has been eating at its core for decades and leaving it a hollowed-out shell devoid of ideas, values or integrity, committed solely to preserving its own power even at the expense of democratic norms, institutions and ideals.

    Tomato, tomahto. However you characterize it, the Republican Party’s dissolution under Mr. Trump is bad for American democracy.” New York Times Editorial 10.25.20

    I would add our own 4 horsemen of the apocalypse to the mix. The treachery of these
    4 has been proven over and over again. None are fit for office and all are a clear and present danger to us all.

  13. Detroit Lewis 2020-10-25 14:14

    I guess this event was poorly attended. Shocker, I know. I wonder if Maggie Seidel will ever release attendance numbers. Remember Magpie, Democracy dies in Darkness.

  14. o 2020-10-25 15:22

    Jerry, that what is what surprised me so much when I saw “integrity” as a cornerstone of Senator Round’s campaign. I assumed he had just spelled “support for whatever Mitch McConnell dictates the GOP needs” incorrectly. Even before the election of President Trump, Senate Leader McConnell has set aside any semblance of national duty or honor for brazen partisanship. I point specifically to the Merrick Garland fiasco and the larger disruption of appointing federal judges order Obama.

  15. leslie 2020-10-25 17:46

    Planet of the Apes. We capitalists cook and eat our young (growth economy). We manipulate psychology and biology. Addiction sells!

    Sundays in front of tv football on the couch: guests, sweets, fat, salt, alcohol in the belly, sativa on the patio. Commercials taut diabetic therapeutics. Life insurance. Masks that don’t filter out anything but look good!

    Frogs slowly cooking; keep the pot simmering. Don’t teach critical thinking at voc-tech. Write a paper and quote Bill O’Reilly. Geez

    Ignore the pandemic. Keep the grinder grinding!

  16. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2020-10-25 18:12

    You got it, Chris: bassackwards. We have known from the beginning that masks do more to protect other people than to protect ourselves. So Sanford and the Governor order the workers to go into a space where lots more people are not required to wear masks and thus are putting those workers at unavoidable risk.

  17. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2020-10-25 18:13

    Detroit, I was wondering why Noem didn’t tweet any pictures from her brilliant idea. She must not have wanted to show pix of an empty convention center. Do you have any pix from inside, or from the parking lot? Did anyone attend the concert?

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