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Brown County Democrats Host Ahlers and Friends Thursday at Wylie Park

Brown County Democrats are hosting an outdoor, coronavirus-careful campaign event Thursday after work for U.S. Senate candidate Dan Ahlers and Democratic candidates for Legislature and Brown County Commission:

On Thursday, September 17th, there will be a meet and greet of the Brown County Democrats running for office and U.S. Senate Candidate, Dan Ahlers. The event will be held at Wylie Park Shelter A by the Pavilion from 5 PM to 7 PM.

Walking Taco Supper served 5:00 pm.
Program starts at 5:30 pm.
Freewill donations accepted.

Scheduled Speakers:

    • Dan Ahlers, US Senate Candidate
    • Susan Wismer, D1 State Senate Incumbent Candidate
    • Steven McCleerey, D1 State House Incumbent Candidate
    • Jennifer Keintz, D1 State House Candidate
    • Justin Roemmick, D3 State House Candidate
    • Leslie McLaughlin, D3 State House Candidate
    • Mike Nehls, Brown County Commissioner Candidate

Plenty of room for all! Masks encouraged.

This will be a terrific opportunity to visit with our Democratic candidates and learn where they stand on important issues [Brown County Democratic Party, e-mail, 2020.09.13].

Brown County Democrats are being careful on the campaign trail. Saturday they held a contactless door-to-door canvass, rallying volunteers to place door hangers around town and requiring all volunteers to wear masks while picking up and placing campaign materials.

One Comment

  1. leslie 2020-09-14 07:25

    Sounds great. How do we beat Rounds? Require masks, I would think.

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