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Aberdeen Hosts Candidate Forums on Zoom Sep. 14–16

On the downside, Brown County Democrats failed to find anyone willing to challenge Al Novstrup and the GOP slime machine for the District 3 Senate seat. Nor did Democrats find anyone to challenge public drunk Brock Greenfield for his District 2 Senate seat.

On the upside, the public won’t have to listen to either Novstrup’s or Greenfield’s mushmouth horsehockey at the Aberdeen fall candidate forum. The League of Women Voters and the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce are hosting the candidates in contested races on September 14, 15, and 16 via Zoom:

Most of us will be working when the Chamber hosts these forums, but we can hope they’ll archive the video online so we can check them out in the evening before we all start early-voting on September 18!


  1. Joseph Nelson 2020-08-31 13:41

    You’re not running?

  2. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2020-09-01 20:40

    Nope—my skills are better applied in other ways… and there is no way I would go campaigning amidst a pandemic.

  3. grudznick 2020-09-02 07:50

    It is fine that young Messrs. Greenfield and Novstrup can serve fellow citizens without having to campaign at all during the pandemic, and swell of the Dems to let them do so. Truly an act of compassion to not make those fellows find a way to safely campaign during the covid bug infestation. It is, however, disappointing to be deprived of the entertainment provided when Mr. H runs for office.

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