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Roma Ristorante Italiano Has Positive Coronavirus Test, Shuts Doors

A couple weekends ago, Aberdeen’s Zoo Bar and Lagers complained about being singled out in the press for having had a patron who spent hours at each establishment and then tested positive for covid-19. The Zoo Bar and Lagers stayed open.

Up Main Street this week, Roma Ristorante Italiano (one of the Aberdeen establishments at the top of my list of where to bring visitors for a memorable meal) had “a positive COVID19 test in our facility.” They didn’t wait for the Department of Health to make an announcement. They announced the coronavirus case themselves and closed the restaurant:

Temporarily close due to having a positive COVID19 test in our facility. We want our customers to know we have went above and beyond all guidelines and we are shocked and heartbroken that this is happening. We feel its in our customers best interests to temporarily close until other tests come back and we have time to recover. We hope everyone stay safe and we hope Aberdeen community will continue to support us as they always have [Roma Ristorante Italiano, FB post, 2020.05.29].

I ordered take-out at Roma’s last month. I can attest that then, they were being careful. I can’t speak personally to how well people were observing social distancing through the May reopening of in-house dining. But no one establishment can prevent coronavirus by itself. Everyone has to be careful.


  1. jerry

    I hate to see businesses close like this one in Aberdeen, or Tally’s and Delmonico’s in Rapid City, but they are the real wheel of what business is supposed to be. They take the responsibility of being a public business as professionals that put their customers first. What an encouragement for us all to know that there are business people out there with more on their minds than profits, no matter how many dead bodies they have to step over.

  2. Debbo

    Kudos to Roma for doing the right thing. I hope Aberdonians step up and show their appreciation as soon as the restaurant reopens.

  3. grudznick

    Let us hope that the Ristorante Italiano can open again soon, as it sounds like a nice place to get a heap of pasta and some fancy red wines, and maybe some breads too.

    The reality is that McDonalds and the Dairy Queen are going to have this happen too. It just is.

  4. grudznick

    The the bar at the Aberdeen zoo, too. We should not shame them. grudznick actually thinks it is a pretty good idea for zoos to have bars, and I wish Rapid had a zoo, besides Storybook Island, which does not have a bar.

  5. Alex

    Have we heard from troll Grudznick (Mike Sandborn)? Why do you allow this Corey? It’s your blog of course. But I am guessing you’ve blocked other names I won’t invoke. The U.S. is burning. Why continue to participate in Mr. Sandborn’s smug, troll vanity project?

  6. Alex

    type-o Mike Sanborn

  7. Grudz, the words “shame” and “judge” are misused in contemporary relativist culture. We should know where public health risks exist. We should know who is taking public health seriously and who is not. Roma’s management should judged favorably for taking what appears to be quick action to protect the public. Individuals who put their selfish interests above public health should be shamed.

  8. grudznick

    As a contemporary relativist, I must say you are righter than right, Mr. H.

  9. Clyde

    Grudznick, IMO, grates on the nerves regularly, occasionally, imparts some words of wisdom, but, to me, imparts some levity to often too serious of discussions. Perhaps it is just my sick sense of humor…..

  10. leslie

    Grdz is RC San/dborn is RC Murphy. Drinking buddies. What’s the diff? Thx Alex. Any relation to Milwaukee railroad’s Woonsocket Sanborn or Ft Laramie Sanborn?

  11. Clyde

    BTW, Grudz, though my comment may not have seemed that way it was meant as a compliment.

  12. mike from iowa

    Thanks, John, but your link is hiding behind a paywall.

  13. jerry

    Speaking of food, Dan Ahlers has a very good post up on “The South Dakota Standard”
    check it out

    I hope Mr. Ahlers will put a chink in the armor of the failed senator EB5 Short Rounds, and send him to come back to South Dakota to scam that $1.25 BILLION that the failed Queen NOem is planing on pocketing. Maybe we can catch them both this time in their schemes.

  14. mike from iowa

    drumpf body count keeps on trucking….


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