I’m still dubious about the merits of buying gift cards to support businesses affected by the coronavirus shutdown. If, brother, you can spare a dime, you might do better to donate directly to your local hospital or food pantry to meet the immediate physical needs of the community. You could buy a gift card to your favorite closed café for use when we get vaccines, or you could buy a couple frozen lasagnas at Kessler’s and give them (after washing your hands) to a nurse who’s been working double shifts.
But hey, small business owners have to eat and pay rent, too, so what’s wrong with offering some charity to your neighbor who happens to run a business rendered unviable by our sensible staying at home?
Baseline Financial of Aberdeen is launching a campaign to prop up small businesses during our statewide state of emergency. Mayor Travis Schaunaman rushed over to be the first donor… and which business did he show deserves to be first in line for his charity?

Allevity Entertainment, his political pal Senator Al Novstrup’s new indoor bumper-car palace.
People are free to do with their charity what they want. But Al and his business partner/son David Novstrup have already gotten help from the Aberdeen Development Corporation with handling their building permit and recruiting a new movie theater to move in next door. Before any small business gets thirds, shouldn’t every small business get firsts?
With the Nostraps and Schaunaman, Aberdeen gets the trifecta of SD small time corruption and creepiness. I suppose they’re eager to move up to the EB5 Rounds level of rottenness so they can rip off their neighbors for lots more $$$. This is just practice.
This is not “practice.” This is showing everyone that this is how we do it and it doesn’t matter whether or not you give a damn. Here’s $40.00. It’s just a token, to show you we don’t give a damn.
Aberdeen seems to be the epicenter of the creepy virus these days.
Rhoden laughing.
Rhoden laughing.
Rhoden laughing.
Rhoden laughing.
You fellows realize Mr. Nelson will challenge all actions the Senate does after midnight as unconstitutional, and all those insaner than most who bang that gong cannot vote AYE for any action taken after the ball drops. Mr. Haugaard has single-handedly created the chaotic Armageddon he has wished for. Let the end of the Overgodders begin…