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Rounds Claims to Have Two Liberal Opponents, Fabricates Challengers’ Connection to Impeachment

Meanwhile, in a sign that he’s caught Donald Trump’s detachment from reality, Senator Mike Rounds is claiming in a new fundraising e-mail that he has two liberal challengers in the 2020 election:

On the same day the House Democrats moved closer to impeaching President Trump, a second liberal politician filed paperwork with the Federal Elections Commission to challenge Senator Rounds… so the General Election race has officially started.

Wait a minute: Scyller Borglum? Dan Ahlers? I don’t see any liberals running for Senate in South Dakota yet!

But Rounds takes a page from the Annette Bosworth and Usama Dakdok fearmongering playbook, conflating his actual opponents, who have nothing to do with impeachment and as far as I know have made no public statements in support of impeachment, with the national noise that scares inattentive donors into writing checks.

Oh well—such is the level of discourse we can expect from the Republican side of the 2020 campaign: ignore policies, scream Trumpism, and hope more people vote with their ids than on facts.


  1. grudznick 2019-09-27 07:04

    Young Mr. Ahlers is a Libbie from way back.

  2. Loren 2019-09-27 09:00

    Rounds had nothing to run on the first time around. Like Kristi, who had numerous interactions with the legal system, Marion had his EB5/ Joop Bolen fiasco, use of the state aircraft for personal use…, but he had that “R” by his name. This is what he has this time? He has given the state nothing but GOP drivel and talking points as he continues to back a corrupt administration. Will this make a difference to SD voters this time? Probably not. Very sad, bigly!

  3. Buckobear 2019-09-27 11:10

    Can marion run as a trumpublican (T-SD)? It would eliminate the “r” behind his name on the ballot.

  4. mike from iowa 2019-09-27 12:24

    Any elected official supporting the criminal crime family in the kremlin annex needs to be voted out of office pretty pronto.

    Dems don’t do wingnut style character assassinations like wingnuts did on the Clinton family and have kept at it for 41 years. And they want moar investigations into HRC and Biden and others. The problem is patently obvious and even moar patently offensive. Wingnuts do not know how to investigate, just smear and file false charges and lie through their teeth.

  5. mike from iowa 2019-09-27 12:27

    Do not forget, McCarthy of Califiornia was one of, if not the first wingnut to admit the Benghazi hearings were nothing moar than a hit job on HRC’s credibility to hurt her chances to get elected in 2016. Wingnuts knew before they ever started they had no evidence of any wrongdoing by the White House or Clinton specifically.

  6. Donald Pay 2019-09-27 13:18

    This whole “liberal” label thing Republicans have is pretty stale. The party needs a high-priced consultant, or Vladimir Putin, to figure out how to deal with “progressive,” since that is how many Democrats view themselves these days.

    Most young people (and since I’m 68, young means anyone around my daughter’s mid-30s age), don’t even know what a “liberal” is. They view themselves as “progressive” or “democratic socialists.” Trump, always out front with marketing and lying, at least knows enough to label these young folks “socialists.” That, of course, is meant to scare the old folk, who might have evil connotations about the “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,” back in their day. The youngsters think socialism is more like, oh, Denmark, which, technically it is. Since Trump’s farm policy right now has more in common with a socialist state, than with a free-trading capitalist economy, maybe Democrats should call Trump a “socialist.”

    This all kind of reminds me of Larry Pressler. I voted for Pressler in his first race for Congress. That’s when he was a maverick Republican, and a breath of fresh air after Nixon’s Watergate scandal and resignation. After a while in DC, though, he kind of turned into just another Republican, and one seeking a committee chair, which are the worst kind. He ended up spewing the “liberal” label pretty liberally at anyone who disagreed with him. That is when I decided to take some of his policy positions at the time and turn that label right back on him in a series of devastating, if I must say so myself, letters to the editor. I called him “Liberal Pressler,” since he loved to call Representative Johnson (Tim, not Dusty) “Liberal Johnson.” Tim had a sense of humor about that, saying that he had heard “Liberal Johnson” so much, he thought that was his name. The Pressler folks, though, did not think my letters to the editor labeling him “Liberal Pressler” were funny. Go figure.

    At any rate, it would be nice if the party hacks would stop the labeling are deal with issues. But then they wouldn’t be a “party hack,” which is a label that Rounds is growing into.

  7. Debbo 2019-09-27 15:47

    I think Roundy has been a party hack for a long time. He does whatever Moscow Mitch, Thuneski and the rest of the big boys tell him.

  8. leslie 2019-09-27 16:18

    Much like mfi reminds of weak minded Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy who was one of, if not the first wingnut to admit the Benghazi hearings were nothing moar than a hit job on HRC’s credibility to hurt her chances to get elected in 2016 (Wingnuts knew before they ever started they had no evidence); U.S. Ambassador Wilson, who moved to Santa Fe with his then-wife Valerie Plame after being swept up in a bitter dispute with the administration of President George W. Bush, was 69. In 2003, Bush administration officials exposed Plame as a CIA operative in an effort to discredit Wilson, who had written an opinion piece for the New York Times criticizing Bush’s decision to invade Iraq.

    In early 2002, the CIA had sent Wilson to Niger, where he previously had worked as a diplomat, to investigate a claim that Saddam Hussein had tried to buy enriched “yellow cake” uranium. Wilson concluded the story was false. His New York Times piece … accused the Bush administration of exaggerating the threat of Iraq to justify going to war. ( Sec. Condi Rice agreed eventually.)

    White House officials informed some reporters and right-wing columnist Robert Novak that Wilson’s wife worked for the CIA. Novak publicly identified Plame in a nationally syndicated column shortly after.

    Plame resigned from the CIA in 2005; a year later, she, Wilson and their twins … moved to Santa Fe. The move came “the day after Vice President [Dick] Cheney’s chief aide, Scooter Libby, was convicted for his role in outing my true CIA identity….”

    Rounds is an outspoken and fantastical defender of Trump’s worst. Republicans like him, Bush, Cheney and Trump are fabricators in order to hide activities and hold on to power.

  9. Debbo 2019-09-27 17:15

    Plame is running for Congress now and she has the most kick a$$ political commercial I’ve ever seen.

  10. leslie 2019-09-27 17:18

    yes. I intended to include her candidacy above, Thks Debbo.

  11. Buckobear 2019-09-28 06:42

    Marion has simply joined that new party: the trumpublicans.

  12. Debbo 2019-09-29 00:30

    There is a lot of well deserved complaining about the very mediocre, even milquetoast nature of SD’s representation in DC, and deservedly so. Watch this short video to see what real representation with courage and heart can look and sound like.

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