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Trump Promotes Conspiracy Theory; America Suffers Lasting Disgrace

Yesterday Donald Trump promoted a baseless conspiracy theory alleging that Bill and Hillary Clinton killed Jeffrey Epstein in jail. The retweet only fans decades of right-wing rumor-mongering that has never borne factual fruit. David Frum offers the proper response to the shame and humiliation our nation faces from Trump’s reckless rhetorical behavior:

Neither the practical impediments to impeachment and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment process, nor the foibles and failings of the candidates running to replace him, efface the fact that this presidency shames and disgraces the office every minute of every hour of every day. And even when it ends, however it ends, the shame will stain it still [David Frum, “The Shame and Disgrace Will Linger,” The Atlantic, 2019.08.10].

Donald Trump is our fault. We Americans will spend the rest of our lives apologizing to our children and to the world for letting Trump happen.


  1. David Newquist 2019-08-11 08:52

    Congress can appoint or assign a committee to investigate fitness for office under the 25th Amendment. It is not dependent on the cabinet or officials. It could be the fastest way to deal with this scourge.

  2. mike from iowa 2019-08-11 10:05

    From Newsweek 21 hours ago…. top official at President Donald Trump’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reacted to the news of Jeffrey Epstein’s apparent suicide on Saturday by suggesting that Epstein, a multi-millionaire financier who may have been able to attest to the involvement of other individuals in the sex-trafficking conspiracy with which he was charged, was murdered by Hillary Clinton.

    Lynne Patton, the highest-ranking official at HUD’s Region II bureau, which covers New York and New Jersey, alleged on her Instagram account Saturday that Epstein had been “Hillary’d,” an apparent reference to one of several conspiracy theories surrounding the Clintons that purport to implicate the couple in the premature deaths of a number of people in their orbit.\

    Only the best people, huh?”

  3. Donald Pay 2019-08-11 12:14

    My first impulse, I have to admit, was to think Trump probably had his small hands in on this. There were a lot of powerful MEN who had far more reason to off Epstein, and Trump is probably at the top. It’s known that Epstein recruited his young girls at Mar-a-lago.

  4. David Newquist 2019-08-11 12:32

    The press is emphasizing Epstein’s dalliances with underage women, but his financial fraud is more extensive and has ruined many more lives. Thousands of people have reasons they would like to throttle him.

  5. Loren 2019-08-11 13:43

    Saw a humorous quip on facebook this a.m. Something about, if Bill and Hillary were able to off anyone that gets in their way, how did trump wind up as president? Food for thought, or maybe, just maybe this is more GOP bovine exhaust!

  6. mike from iowa 2019-08-11 14:19

    Drumpf does have long running, intimate business dealings with Mafia goons. I believe they are well documented, but so is Drumpf’s racism and that doesn’t seem to bother his base.

    Not sure I would trust any autopsy ordered by this DOJ and I would be sure to check for cyanide and Polonium 2-10 poisoning.

  7. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-11 14:31

    Billy Barr, U.S. Attorney General and Trump’s personal fixer now that Cohen is in prison, has to own the Epstein suicide.
    Epstein was a federal prisoner being held in a federal prison monitored by the DOJ.
    If anybody is to be investigated it is Barr.
    Barr’s family has a history with Epstein, it was Barr’s father that launched a teaching career for Epstein even though he hadn’t graduated from college.
    Barr’s father also introduced Epstein to all the big time players in the New York financial world.

  8. Debbo 2019-08-11 23:11

    “this presidency shames and disgraces the office every minute of every hour of every day.”

    David Frum is exactly right about that.

    Petulant Pedophile’s obsessive thinking about the Clintons and Obamas is a clear sign of being mentally unbalanced.

    No question about Epstein and Petulant Pedophile trafficking in girls. (Not “underage women.” Nothing “women” about the victims.) Now that Epstein has been shut up, some of his perv friends may think they’re off the hook, but there are plenty of sources yet to be investigated.

  9. mike from iowa 2019-08-12 07:27

    AG Barr apparently was at Epstein’s prison a couple weeks ago, something no other AG has done from what I read. Epstein was supposed to be checked every thirty minutes and that order was relaxed a day or so before the alleged suicide.

    Not sure how much of this is gospel, but it is not anywhere near as improbable as rumours linking Epstein’s death to Clinton Body Count.

  10. Steve Pearson 2019-08-12 11:02

    19 flights on Epstein’s plane…..

    All of you are morons if you don’t think he was killed by the large political circle that operates child sex trafficking. It happens. Maybe not Bill ordering but him and all of those in that disgusting political circle that can’t keep their dick in their pants are a long standing problem. Both sides of the aisle.

  11. bearcreekbat 2019-08-12 11:16

    Loren raises the funniest issue about the conspiracy theories regarding the Clinton’s unfettered ability to order executions – why haven’t they ordered the murders of Trump and each of the individuals that have attempted to expose their misdeeds? For a couple with so much alleged power and evildoing, their efforts seems a bit misdirected and relatively impotent.

    What do you think Pearson? Why not whack those who are trying to expose them?

  12. Donald Pay 2019-08-12 11:34

    I’m sure the Clinton theory is the righties best bet to take the heat of Trump and Barr. I’m not surprised they are concocting conspiracy theories.

    Have you seen the tape of Trump and Epstein? Trump is the one encouraging whatever mischief was going to happen, like he’s the ringleader. The women appear to be above 18 in that tape, but Trump has bragged about going behind the scenes at the Miss Teen competitions to view the naked girls. Was he trying to recruit them? Trump has lots of reasons to shut up Epstein, and his sidekick, Barr, had the authority over the prison. It’s looking more and more like this was a Trump operation.

  13. mike from iowa 2019-08-12 11:54

    Epstein was found near death from suicide awhile back. Why wasn’t he on suicide watch?

  14. Robin Friday 2019-08-12 12:11

    Has anyone wondered about organized crime, sex trafficking division, as the executioner here, if indeed it was a homicide not suicide? They have the power, the money, the personnel and the motivation to take care of inconvenient potential witnesses. I’m not convinced it was a suicide. I’m not convinced of anything, but I think it should be on the table.

  15. Debbo 2019-08-12 14:04

    Here’s a quote from Axios on Economic Eunuch’s unfitness to improve life for rural people:

    “As an adult, you’re more likely suffer from obesity, mental health issues, diabetes, cancer and opioid addiction.

    “You are more likely to know people who took their own lives.

    “If you keep working in your hometown, your job is more likely to be taken over by AI, according to a Brookings Institution study — especially if you live in Indiana, Kentucky, South Dakota, Arkansas or Iowa.

    “Your community’s economy still hasn’t fully recovered from the 2008 recession, according to Fed data.

    “As you get older, you are more likely to die a preventable death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    “If you do make it into old age, you may not have a place to grow old near your friends, family and the place you called home your whole life.”

  16. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-12 21:56

    If I were Trump I wouldn’t sleep be sleeping well at night knowing the Clinton’s are out there and have such tremendous power.

  17. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-12 21:56

    Please excuse my error.

  18. Debbo 2019-08-12 22:32

    You’re welcome Porter. I think Axios is very well done and I’ve become a fan of Mike Allen.

    Roger, good one about the Clintons and Rancid Racist’s unease! 😆😆😆

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