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Noem Approval Steady, Disapproval Rising

Lisa Kaczke notices a remarkable Morning Consult poll—remarkable in that it shows someone actually bothers to poll South Dakota voters about their elected leaders.

Morning Consult finds that Kristi Noem’s Governoring hasn’t won her any new fans but has gotten a few more people to give her a thumbs-down:

Morning Consult, Governor Approval Rankings, retrieved 2019.07.22.
Morning Consult, Governor Approval Rankings Q2 2019, retrieved 2019.07.22.

The proper Democratic read of these numbers is that Noem is the eighth-least popular governor the United States:

Morning Consult, Governor Approval Rankings Q2 2019, retrieved 2019.07.22.
Morning Consult, Governor Approval Rankings Q2 2019, retrieved 2019.07.22.

The proper Republican read of these numbers looks at the big picture and notes that perennial underachiever Kristi is an outlier: seven of the ten least popular governors are Democrats, and all of the ten most popular are Republicans:

Morning Consult, Governor Approval Rankings Q2 2019, retrieved 2019.07.22.
Morning Consult, Governor Approval Rankings Q2 2019, retrieved 2019.07.22.

But don’t worry, Noemistanis: Governor Noem has another three years to wipe out more varmints (29,300 raccoons dead so far thanks to the Nest Predator Bounty Program) and get her hubby a license to sell hemp insurance.


  1. Debbo 2019-07-22 22:27

    It’s interesting that the first 4 most popular governors, with approvals in the 70-60% range, are very moderate Republicans. Hmmm?

    Also interesting that half the least popular governors are women. Hmmm?

    Pondering . . . . . . 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  2. mike from iowa 2019-07-23 07:11

    A-Butt from Texass is the least powerful guv in America. He is basically the vice prez as the Lt Guv is the power wielder in Texass.

  3. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-07-23 07:14

    Debbo, the possibility of sex discrimination in political approval ratings would be interesting to test. Could Noem be like Hillary Clinton, suffering persistently and unfairly high negatives because of misogyny, because of a gut reaction against women in power?

    And how much of that does Noem counter with her glamour-cowgirl imagery?

  4. Loren 2019-07-23 08:11

    I’m not sure misogyny has a lot to do with Kristi’s approval. Male or female, she had several terms in D.C. to show us that she was an empty suit/pair o’ jeans. Her major accomplishments could be counted on less than one hand. As far as her performance as gov, we could quote Da Donald, “Who knew?” (Well,, anyone paying attention.)

  5. mike from iowa 2019-07-23 08:11

    What has Noem actually done for the state in her political career? How does she claim to accomplish anything when she missed so much time in DC? Why does she not admit the warts that accompany any bill wingnuts pass?

  6. Kal Lis 2019-07-23 11:22

    I’d like to see the breakdown of Noem’s disapproval numbers.

    Democrats don’t make up the entirety of that 40% number. Is she losing the establishment Republican wing or the populist Republican wing?

  7. Debbo 2019-07-23 13:41

    Here’s a way for NoMore to improve her ratings, push the lege to expand Medicaid! She’ll be a literal life saver!

    “Republican opposition to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) appears to have deadly consequences, according to a July study from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

    “’Our estimates suggest that approximately 15,600 deaths would have been averted had the ACA expansions been adopted nationwide as originally intended by the ACA,’ Sarah Miller, Sean Altekruse, Norman Johnson, and Laura R. Wherry wrote in the NBER study.

    “The study examined the mortality rates among low-income people aged 55 to 64 in states that opted to expand Medicaid under the ACA and those that did not.”

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