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Spearfish Man Circulates Petitions on Bicycle Trailer

I don’t know why I didn’t think of this.

After a less-than-successful home-based petition drive in 2017, Spearfish ballot question sponsor John Dale has taken his petition effort on the road with an awesome mobile petition signing station on his bicycle trailer!

John Dale, mobile petition station, Spearfish, South Dakota, 2019.06.14.
John Dale, mobile petition station, Spearfish, South Dakota, 2019.06.14.

Look at that! Nice wooden war wagon, able to carry all sorts of petition supplies, topped with a nice sloping desktop where one can hook three clipboards at standing writing height for folks to sign petitions. (I suspect that sloping desktop also improves aerodynamics on the ride home, with air behind the rider rolling smoothly off that incline instead of creating dragging turbulence from the more sudden drop-off of a squared back.) Plus sidewall to promote one’s web presence!

Dale is circulating three petitions: his marijuana legalization petition and both of the SD Voice People Power Petitions. He doesn’t look like an “out-of-state liberal ally” to me. John Dale just looks like another guy who believes in People Power. If you see that petition wagon in Spearfish, stop and say hi to John and sign those petitions!


  1. happy camper 2019-06-19

    A three-wheel bicycle would be more practical. Two hundred and 88 bucks at Walmart for a Chinese Schwinn. Hey, they have folding bikes too!!!

  2. grudznick 2022-11-13

    Where did Mr. Dale go wrong?

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