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South Dakotans’ Support for Trump Suffers from Contradictions

The Fox News midterm demographic survey includes some interesting data about South Dakotans’ opinion of the murder-excusing idiot in the White House.

Trump’s favorable ratings have slid in our state: 50% of South Dakotans view him very or somewhat favorably; 49% view him unfavorably, with “very” outnumbering “somewhat” almost 3 to 1. Good to know some people in this state have a moral conscience left.

51% say Trump lacks the right temperament to serve effectively as President, and only 52% say the country is headed in the right direction, yet, contradictorily, 61% of South Dakotans come to the incredible conclusion that Trump is doing a good job. He gets majority support on every policy issue surveyed—strongest on the economy (67%), weakest on health care (54%).

And 51% of South Dakotans think Trump is “honest and trustworthy.” (Please, point me to those folks and let me start selling them bridges in Brooklyn.)


  1. mike from iowa 2018-11-21 07:30

    What was it P T Barnum said about there being a bunch of Drumpf supporting South Dakotans born every day?

    Wonder what Drumpf’s reaction would be if the murdered Muslim Arab had been a pastey white phony kristian journalist in a country where Drumpf had no business interests.

  2. Donald Pay 2018-11-21 08:00

    People have a hard time letting go of their delusions. At the end of Nixon’s Presidency a quarter of Americans still believed in him. Jim Jone’s cult followed him into the grave. Trump benefits from his ability to con the gullible.

  3. o 2018-11-21 08:08

    . . . and he would win SD again in a three-to-one landslide against any candidate with a “D” after his or her name.

  4. cibvet 2018-11-21 09:32

    Trump’s a con man, years of practice.Like Jim Jones followers, if he would ask them to drink poison, at least half of them would. Good thing or bad thing? You decide.

  5. David Hubbard 2018-11-21 10:15

    “… strongest on the economy (67%), …”

    Have these people been watching the stock market this past few weeks? I read yesterday all his previous gains have disappeared.

    Regardless, Trump is an idiot and a con man. All any South Dakotan needs to know is Trump thinks he has the right to grab women by the “pussy” (his word, not mine) and regularly stiffs vendors on construction contracts. If any Democrat did the same they would be crucified in a heartbeat. Trump is the worst thing to ever have happened to our country and those who disagree are in for a rude awakening.

  6. Loren 2018-11-21 10:53

    “Strong on the economy” must not include his business acumen thru a half dozen bankruptcies, his understanding of the global oil markets, how tariffs influence trade, how the Fed works, spending $200 million on troops to the Southern front, paper towels for hurricanes and rakes for forest fires. I may not be the brightest bulb, but I am willing to learn. Trump supporters, not so much.

  7. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-11-21 12:26

    Mike! Quit trying to get in the way of a good sale. Step right up, check out this fine product, yours for a low low price, but today only….

  8. David Newquist 2018-11-21 13:40

    Donald Pay cites some historical points about how some Americans maintain a fierce loyalty to proven crooks, such as Nixon. A former congressman in my district in Illinois fell victim to that perverted fascination. He was a contemporary and neighborhood playmate of mine who made a name as a Republican in the state legislature and then served eight terms in the U.S. House, for two of which he ran unopposed. He had a classic Midwestern education at Grinnell College in Iowa and then law school at Northwestern U. He was definitely a Lincoln Republican who served in a district of heavy industry and agriculture, and his politics were of a service oriented brand that you can’t find in the Republican Party of today.

    He was on the House Judiciary Committee and cast a deciding vote to impeach Nixon. Those conservatives who regard criminal enterprise as an intrinsic part of the American Way never forgave him, and defeated him in the Republican primary. The candidate who defeated him lost to the Democrat that year, and the district has been held by Democrats ever since, except for one term held by a Tea Party Republican, who then lost to a very savvy Democratic woman.

    South Dakota has been thoroughly infiltrated by those worship the making of money no matter how criminal and the exercise of power no matter how oppressive and destructive. They cling to the feudal idea of being rewarded for their loyalty through their support and obedience to the corrupt and conniving lords pf the manors. I have observed over the years our brightest and most aspiring students leave the state and be replaced by those who look for some corrupt lord to attach themselves to. They hope that there is an EB-5 or a Gear Up in their future. And therein lies the future of South Dakota.

  9. Debbo 2018-11-21 15:11

    Sad. Very sad.

  10. jerry 2018-11-21 17:07

    “Stocks end mostly higher, but notch worst pre-Thanksgiving performance in 7 years” What a headline. With the knuckle head in Washington we see mumbling and fumbling about, makes me miss President Obama even more.

  11. OldSarg 2018-11-21 17:19

    “Stocks end mostly higher, but notch worst pre-Thanksgiving performance in 7 years” says the hourly wage earner who has never invested. . .

  12. jerry 2018-11-21 17:33

    Sorry that you have not Russian troll, but lucky for you as all the gains in 2018 are in the crapper you fool. Don’t cry, you still get your paytroll check every week. Thanksgiving is not a holiday in Russia so you will be expected to work, serf.

  13. Debbo 2018-11-21 22:42

    The plot thickens. 2 years ao Kashoggi was banned from Saudi Arabia for, get this, criticizing then candidate trump. Yeah. Read it for yourself.

  14. grudznick 2018-11-21 22:46

    Ms. Geelsdottir, I am saving my hunger up for tomorrow, for the gluttony of the day. I wish you the happiest day and hope you get to feast on gallons of pumpkin pudding and those little kosher breads you like.

  15. Debbo 2018-11-21 23:29

    Happy Thanksgiving to you Grudz, and I don’t like either of those.

  16. Rorschach 2018-11-22 11:47

    Trump is doing such a great job with foreign policy (N. Korea, Saudi Arabia, Russia, maintaining great relations with our allies, making Mexico pay for a wall). And he’s doing such a great job with the trade war for our farmers. And he’s doing such a great job reducing the national debt. And he’s doing such a great job making healthcare affordable and covering everyone. And he’s doing such a great job bringing people together and championing civility. Is it any wonder this honest and trustworthy statesman is so popular in SD?

  17. mike from iowa 2018-11-22 12:31

    China apparently is not all that enthused about buying US furs either with tariffs and whatnot going on. Fur sales have been poor in recent years and Drumpf isn’t helping that market,either.

  18. mike from iowa 2018-11-23 12:40

    Drumpf lies. 6,420 over 649 days, according to the Washington Post!

  19. jerry 2018-11-23 17:38

    Come tax time, we should be thinking and doing more with state income tax.

    “Though President Donald Trump signed the Republican tax bill into law at the end of December, new federal tax brackets will affect only income earned starting January 1, 2018. You’ll see those changes when you file your 2018 taxes next year.

    When it comes to state income tax, the amount you pay varies depending on where you live. Seven US states have no state income tax — Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. New Hampshire and Tennessee don’t have a state income tax either, but they do tax interest and dividends at 5% and 6%.” We have one more month to go before the joke on us for the year kicks in. South Dakota, one of the proud 7.

  20. jerry 2018-11-24 08:23

    Here is a trump contradiction. What kind of idiot holds a phone to his ear during a teleconference? Dude, you can put the phone down while on speaker phone. Check this out when a Flag Naval Officer has had enough of his stupidity. The world laughs, (me too) at the dumbness of Americans as do all of us who are not racists. Mueller time cannot come fast enough to stop the hemorrhaging of what used to be, our standing in the world.

  21. mike from iowa 2018-11-24 09:07

    Jerry, you know darn good and well Drumpf is smarter than Einstein and lowly Naval Admirables and stuff. Just ask him.

  22. Rorschach 2018-11-24 10:26

    Trump is thankful for himself on Thanksgiving. Who would have guessed that? Stable genius, that one.

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