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Poor Booker: Mom Increases His Debt 64% to $66K

The national deficit under the first full year of Noem-Trump budgeting rose 17% to $779 billion. The federal government took in $14 billion more than last fiscal year but spent $127 billion more.

Ah, what a difference eight years makes:

Booker: “Mom, I don’t have $42,000.”

Kristi: “I’ll work on it.”

Booker’s share of the national debt is now $65,782. Once again, Kristi shows he has a funny definition of “work.”

Faintly Related: It occurs to me that an easy way for Noem and her fellow Republicans to lower Booker’s share of the debt would be to stop attacking immigrants. Let more people into the country, and the per-person debt goes down automatically, without changing a single fiscal policy. Plus, unlike Booker and the rest of us red-staters, immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits, so Roberto’s your uncle….


  1. Rorschach 2018-10-16 08:38

    “We need to cut spending and lower the debt.” Since Kristi Noem went to Washington, Congress is spending more than ever – and Booker’s share of the national debt is up to $65,000. And Kristi just voted for tax cuts that went to big corporations and east coast real estate speculators like Donald Trump – putting those tax cuts on Booker’s tab. Now Kristi Noem wants to bring her Washington budgeting expertise home to South Dakota. Booker is going to need a bigger allowance.

    “I’m Billie Sutton, and I approve this message because our kids shouldn’t be paying for [Kristi Noem’s] mistakes.”

  2. chris 2018-10-16 17:48

    This new Noem joint is just a tired re-tread of Dusty Johnson’s whiny restaurant ad.

  3. jerry 2018-10-16 23:18

    LMAO Noah, “trump that up” is gonna be my saying. When something is so screwed up it can’t get any worse, that is way trumped up. And you can get by with it, so everyone laughs.

  4. John Kennedy Claussen, Sr., 2018-10-16 23:54

    Do you think he gets an allowance for “trash day?” If so, he’ll need to find more trash, and hopefully thus, a greater allowance, to pay his part of the growing national debt thanks to his mother and her political friends…..Who are “trashing” our future…. ;-)

  5. Jason 2018-10-17 07:01

    The US Treasury maintains an inventory of the daily amount of US Debt outstanding. The US Debt since President Trump was inaugurated on January 20th, 2017 through October 12, 2018, has increased by $1.6 trillion. On inauguration day the debt was at $19.9 trillion and on October 12, 2018 the debt stood at $21.6 trillion.

    Although $1.6 trillion is a lot of money added to the debt, it is half of what President Obama added during the same time frame in office.

    Where President Trump has increased the US Debt to date by only 8.3% , Obama increased the debt by 28.6% at this time in his Presidency or by $3.0 trillion!

    President Obama inherited a US Debt amount of $10.6 trillion on his inauguration and increased it $3.0 trillion by October 15, 2010. Obama increased the US Debt amount by $1.4 trillion more than President Trump in the same respective time in office.

    In addition Obama benefited from all-time low interest rates. Right after Barack Obama was elected President, on December 16, 2008, the Federal Reserve (The Fed) lowered the Fed Funds rate by an entire percent, from 1% down to 0% . The Fed had not lowered the Fed Funds rate by such a large amount (1% ) since at least before 1990, if ever. The Fed kept this 0% rate for most of Obama’s eight years in office.

  6. Darin Larson 2018-10-17 08:08


    So you are just going to ignore the fact that Obama took over in the middle of the Great Recession and needed to save our country from economic ruin while Trump took over in the midst of the longest sustained economic expansion in the history of our country?

  7. Jenny 2018-10-17 09:10

    I remember this Krist Noem ad about herbeing so worried and disgusted about the nation’s debt. Sutton have at it! Noem and the pubs are never ever worried about the debt when there is a big old greedy tax cut to be had! Hypocrites!
    Noem and those pubs made the debt much much worse, the rich didn’t really need a tax cut. They have money we could only dream of.
    The job creation is just a farce also, the only “jobs” they create are more wars to make money on.

  8. Jenny 2018-10-17 09:21

    Jason, your girl, Kristi increased the debt, do you not believe that? Are you going to lie to us and say she didn’t?
    Every time a republican president gets into office he makes sure that a big huge unneeded tax cut that clearly benefits the wealthy gets passed and signed. Admit it, Jason. Admit it.

    That money that is lost in taxes could go towards Medicare expansion. Instead, it goes to benefit the very rich.
    I didn’t get excited about a tax cut, I hardly got any of my taxes lowered. I would actually pay more in taxes to get that Medicare expansion that we need.

  9. Jenny 2018-10-17 09:25

    Trump just sits there laughing about how stupid his supporters are.
    He’s thinking it’s just too easy, just too easy. Just play up the patriotism and show some racism. Don’t forget the freedom, baby, let it roll……

  10. 96Tears 2018-10-17 11:16

    Lazy Dirtball Kristi Noem’s new attack ad is proof she’s losing. Check it out for a good laugh. It uses echo effects and picture distortions from something taken out of context that Billie said. I wonder if the crew that does special effects for “Ghost Adventures” is handling Noem’s ad account. Same kind of schlock.

    C’mon Lazy Dirtball Kristi! You can do better than looking desperate.

  11. John Kennedy Claussen, Sr., 2018-10-17 15:21


    You have identified Keynesian economics, and in so doing, you have shown how it works….. And when a car doesn’t start, often, mechanics get a little liberal with the gasoline and pour it into the old carburetor. These mechanics don’t know it in most cases, but they are Keynesian in nature and proving that it works as well…..

  12. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-10-17 20:14

    Obama outperformed Trump on every level. Fols saying otherwise are part of the Trump Newspeak corps, determined to revise history from fact to fiction about the greatness of old entitled white men.

  13. Debbo 2018-10-17 21:14

    Pootiepublicans are totally incompetent with money. Have been since Nixon. GOP president trashes the economy, Democratic president comes in and fixes it– again and again and again. 2020 will be the biggest economic fix yet for the Democratic president.

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