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Haeder Defies Political Shaving Advice, Barnstorms à la Barbe

Tom Cool is a friend, fellow Democrat, sponsor of this humble blog, and superior non-machine candidate for state auditor. But permit me a brief cheer for fellow bearded barnstormer Josh Haeder, who against most consultancy embraces hirsuteness on the campaign trail:

Haeder finds Republican whisker company with Brown County State’s Attorney Chris White:

Josh Haeder and Chris White, Gypsy Day Parade, Aberdeen, SD, 2018.09.29.
Josh Haeder and Chris White, Gypsy Day Parade, Aberdeen, SD, 2018.09.29.

White, of course, is well-known as the next Republican Attorney General. White will have time to burnish his prosecutorial skills here in Brown County so he can take the baton in 2026 from Randy Seiler, whose campaign bag appears in this photo at White’s feet.


  1. Debbo 2018-10-08 23:39

    Okay, this is just my personal thing, but it always seems weird to me when a guy has zero hair on his head, but does have it on his face. I just think it looks odd. However, I may be a minority because I see that look often, including on friends.

    Jes’ sayin’.

  2. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-10-09 05:45

    Debbo, do you find it strange when a guy has zero hair on his face but does have it on his head? #:-)

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