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Sutton and Other Democrats Join NSU Gypsy Day Parade

40 degrees, rain… and I hardly noticed until the parade was done.

Naturally, as an entrant in the Northern State University Gypsy Day Parade, I was too busy tossing candy, handing out cards, and keeping up with the rest of the Democratic juggernaut that marched down Hub City’s Main Street to be fiddling with my phone and tweeting pictures. But before we got going, I got one keeper:

Billie Sutton and supporters, NSU Gypsy Day Parade, Aberdeen, SD, 2018.09.29.
Senator Billie Sutton and supporters, NSU Gypsy Day Parade, Aberdeen, SD, 2018.09.29.

That’s Billie Sutton, making sure his son Liam and a little niece were ready for the big stagecoach ride down Main Street. Sutton drove his own wheels, the ones you see him sitting on, down the mile and a half parade route, zipping back and forth to both sides of the streets to shake hands with a lot of people calling his name.


  1. Porter Lansing 2018-09-29 14:17

    Great photo. Proud of you, Cory.

  2. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-09-29 20:30

    One block from my house.

    That little guy is getting to see more of the state than I have. And I don’t remember riding in a parade until I was a dad myself. Liam’s a lucky dude.

  3. grudznick 2018-09-30 13:47

    A “dude”, in the cowboy sense, is considered a derogatory term. A “dude”, in the “urban bro” sense, is acceptable use when applied to a small cowboy.

  4. Debbo 2018-09-30 20:55

    Very cute.

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