I am pleased that the South Dakota Republican Party is encouraging early voting. I am doubled over laughing at the graphic design choices:

Yes, please, remind us what happens when someone tries to perch America’s mascot on Donald Trump:
Trump manages a bald eagle about as well as he manages affairs of state.
As for the slogan… “When” Trump releases freedom? What does that mean? Is he planning to reverse himself and stop locking up children and subjecting them to psychological trauma? Is he going to reverse course, replace Kavanaugh, and give up on taking away women’s freedom to control their bodies? Is he going to drop Twitter and free us all from his daily, damaging outbursts? Is he going to release free markets by ending the tariffs?
Finally, notice the little elephant: blue is the head; red is the rump. Think about that when you decide whether you’re voting for the Republicans’ Red Wave or new Blue management to clean up Pierre.
I’m trying to figure out what the parts of that photoshopped mess is. I guess that’s supposed to be AF1, but it looks more like the doorway of a porta potty. Of course the eagle is photoshopped. As we could see in the video, it was smart enough to want him to keep his filthy hands away.
I do like the elephant silhouette. Blue Democrats are the head and brain. Pootiepublicans are the ass. Perfect. 😁
In The Interest of Fairness: There’s an alternative explanation to the Trump/Putin collusion theory: The Trump aides, far from certain their candidate would win, were happy to meet the Russians because they thought it might lead to moneymaking deals after the election.
This theory is Trump’s final card to play, once Mueller lowers the hammer (and sickle) on the President. It’s Trump’s “elephantitis balls” ego that’ll come into play, though. Admitting that he couldn’t beat Hillary without Putin is admitting that he cheated. Even Tom Brady wouldn’t go that far.
Finally some honesty in advertising. Trump is holding our freedom hostage.
Is that a port-a-potty with the presidential seal on it?
That’s what I thought Grudz. See the first comment.
Early voting indeed, this bunch needs to go, they have broken us in fiscally and spiritually. Now we are destroying our children to keep other children in concentration camps.
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Exclusive: With more immigrant children in detention, HHS cuts funds for other programs — like cancer research
Caitlin DicksonReporter,Yahoo News•September 19, 2018
A shelter used to house unaccompanied children in Tornillo, Texas., shown in an undated photo. (Photo: HHS Administration for Children and Families via AP)
The Department of Health and Human Services is diverting millions of dollars in funding from a number of programs, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health, to pay for housing for the growing population of detained immigrant children.
“In a letter sent to Sen. Patty Murray, D.-Wash., and obtained by Yahoo News, HHS Secretary Alex Azar outlined his plan to reallocate up to $266 million in funding for the current fiscal year, which ends on Sept. 30, to the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program in the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).
Nearly $80 million of that money will come from other refugee support programs within ORR, which have seen their needs significantly diminished as the Trump administration makes drastic cuts to the annual refugee numbers. The rest is being taken from other programs, including $16.7 million from Head Start, $5.7 million from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program and $13.3 million from the National Cancer Institute. Money is also being diverted from programs dedicated to mental and maternal health, women’s shelters and substance abuse.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-immigrant-children-detention-hhs-cuts-funds-programs-like-cancer-research-230259583.html
This is who NOem subscribes to. This is also who Dusty wants to be like. Out with them both.
Is anyone surprised that they’re stealing from women and children so they can steal more children from women?
They’re a bunch of heinous, heartless hyenas. No, wait. Hyenas take good care of their pups and the pups’ mother. I insulted hyenas.
Hyenas are a matriarchal society and any male cubs are basically ignored if their is a girl cub born.
Sorry I didn’t read your post more closely Debbo.
Oh, and I’m not the coward, grudznick,
Okay, Mr. Nutz.
Debbo, they’re stealing from all of us. They’re stealing from cancer research outfits; they’re stealing from HIV programs; they’re stealing from mental health facilities and educational programs; they’re stealing from head start. But sure, make it about gender – again.
So here’s Ryan, yipping and yapping about gender again. Note other male commenters not joining in, just Ryan.
Why would I think it was about gender Ryan? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the GOP’s fight to put a misogynist sexual assaulter of women on SCOTUS? Maybe because they also constantly yip and yap about wanting to control women’s and girls’ bodies? Maybe because they write and pass laws ordering docs to performs invasive, uneccessary medical procedures on us? Maybe because they say that its okay for teenage boys to sexually assault and rape teenage girls because its just horseplay, just boys being boys?
Maybe I’m all wrong about that, since they’re working just as hard to control male bodies and male reproduction and male autonomy. Right Yipper Yapper?
Thanks for your wise, thoughtful and important contribution to this issue. It gave me an excellent opportunity to practice my snark.
Maybe that was overly snarkful. I apologize. My dearest friend, closer-than-a-sister, died unexpectedly Saturday and I’m probably not very patient. She was 66 and I hate this.
Her funeral is in RC Friday. I really hate this.
Ms. Geelsdottire, my deepest sympathies regarding your dear friend. It is always terrible when someone so young passes. My hat is off in honor of your friend.
I’m sure Bob’s is too.
Thank you. 🙂
“…yipping and yapping about gender again…” Oblivious pot, meet kettle.
I have lost close friends and choose not to kick you while you are down.
Your post, however, is wrong like usual.
Thank you for your compassion Ryan. You are a true gentleman.
Always the gentleman, Ryan. Are you sending her a bill for not kicking her while she is down? It only seems appropriate coming from you.
mike, I have a small square rock that my wife painted and stuck googly eyes on sitting on my desk. It’s sort of cute. It is almost as dense as you.
Dense is a Gomer who is too stoopid to know he has deliberately insulted a woman or knows and doesn’t care.
Debbo insults Men and Republicans (Men and Women) everyday Mike. What was your point again?
How can somebody not know what they have done deliberately? That’s an oxymoron, moron.
Do you think women need to be treated differently than men because they are weak or something?
How can somebody not know what they have done deliberately? That’s an oxymoron, moron.
Look in the mirror and see the moron staring back at you, moron.
Very derivative, mike. I take your mimicry as a compliment.
I know Debbo. On the rare occasions (usually only here, when an argument is being lost) that I hear rare individuals (less than a handful of commenters here) claim that Debbo is insulting anyone, I can usually be sure that those individuals are thin-skinned distraction artists who are not speaking the truth.
The GOP Trump ad is still a poorly designed, poorly chosen image.