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Campaign Video Shows Ellis Solid Leader, Veteran, Youth Advocate, Athlete

Friday evening, I mused that Pat Powers’s criticism of independent District 7 House candidate Cory Ann Ellis for one tweet expressing a lack of interest in college football showed a Pat’s and perhaps the GOP’s narrow-minded inability build good relationships despite differing tastes.

But if Pat had done his homework and reviewed a campaign video released by Ellis hours before his blog post (and surely produced well before that), he’d have seen that questioning Ellis’s athletic bona fides, to the extent they matter, makes him look like an idiot:

My favorite line: “It’s o.k. to break the mold, ruffle a few feathers, work hard, and above all, be honest.”

But the most relevant line to this blog post: “Her work ethic led her and relentless fighting spirit led her to become a Hall of Fame athlete and a team player. As a collegiate head coach, Cory Ann taught her players to fight together on the field and to always remain humble in victory and defeat.”

I know Pat’s only exercising his reflexive antipathy toward any non-Republican named Cory. But in this case, his first smear on Ellis, the only blog post he’s written all year on a House candidate in his own district, has turned out to be ridiculously off-base.

Now, if there’s anything left to settle, let’s see Powers and Ellis face off in a fútbol shoot-out, or maybe just a nice simple fifty-yard dash.