While District 3 Representative Drew Dennert rightly brags about his openness and transparency online (posting, for instance, Facebook updates about every vote he makes in the Legislature), the other incumbent in District 3, Senator Al Novstrup, hasn’t posted anything I can see on his political page since over a year ago, when he used his campaign Facebook to promote his Sioux Falls business.

I know, a guy’s got to have his priorities. But when Al Novstrup thinks the most important thing he has to say in an entire year to his Aberdeen voters is to brag about his bumper-cart business in Sioux Falls, maybe his Aberdeen voters should elect someone with priorities a little closer to the public interest.
Comparative Reading: On September 17, 2017, the day of Senator Novstrup’s last online missive to customers—er, constituents, I wrote four blog posts, on Republican candidates speaking at the monthly Brown County GOP lunches, on ways to address the Equifax data breach, on the second Agtegra/North Central merger effort, and on Dusty Johnson’s campaign stop at SDSU. In one day, I provided online readers and voters with more information about events and issues than District 3’s Senator has in a full year. Since that date, I have written another 1,544 blog posts, not all of them profound (a guy needs his recreation, a need on which Al bases his business!), but lots of news, analysis, podcasts, and videos (public forums, candidate interviews and town halls, newsmaking speeches, public protests, local election debates, crackerbarrels) that are relevant to the choices voters here in Aberdeen and statewide will make on their ballots when early voting opens this Friday.
Now sure, I promote my business, Dakota Free Press, and every now and then I even ask you to come spend your money here by ringing the Blog Tip Jar (although I do a poor job of it, burying the ask at the bottom of a blog post instead of floating a blinking Tip Jar image in the middle of every blog post). But a quick look at my lengthy blog record shows that my main motivation is to provide all voters, of all parties and of no party, with useful information… and certainly more information than my current political opponent does.
Tip and vote accordingly!
trump asked how his golf course was doing in North Carolina during the Florence meet and greet. Kelly had to keep him away from the paper towels or sure as hell he would have tossed them to some black survivors. Al and trump both like to promote their own pocketbooks at everyone else’s expense. Sad
I think the best thing I’ve enjoyed is knowing that for two years you’ve had to watch Al be in Pierre. You’ll have to watch again. It will continue to eat at your which shows bright in your blog. Thank you for the enjoyment.
What’s sad, Steve, is that you find personal spite more appealing than honest, evidence-based government.
Steve. Maybe if you tried someone else besides Al things would improve in Pierre.
At least you wouldn’t have a yes-man in Pierre like Al.
He posted today!
Improvement in Pierre isn’t a consideration for wingnuts. Just the Scarlet letter R.
Incredible, DR! Al plans to “be accessible”… in a Republican-owned restaurant instead of in a public, no-fee environment… for one hour, during supper time.
But hey, that’s one event. Two more like that, and he’ll have caught up with me on on public events hosted during this campaign season. As for social media posts and responses to constituents on social media… well, I’m not sure Al stands a chance there.
Curious, DR: will the owners of the Millstone allow videotaping of the event?