Instead of talking about raising wages, South Dakota’s corporate-Republican leadership excuses low wages by alleging that it costs less to live here. I’ve regularly explained away that excuse, but for a moment, let’s talk about the cost of living in South Dakota… not just the cost of buying things, but the broader cost of living here.
The Area Deprivation Index is a composite of indicators of economic well-being—among others, median family income, percentage of families in poverty, unemployment, income inequality, households lacking phones or plumbing, household crowding, education levels—that have been shown to predict chronic health conditions and earlier death. According to one study, living in areas with some of the worst ADI scores may put patients at as much risk of a return visit to the hospital as chronic pulmonary disease and more risk of rehospitalization than diabetes.
In other words, living in places with lower income, less work, poorer housing, and less education can be as bad for you as some diseases.
So how does South Dakota do on the ADI? Check out this “Neighborhood Atlas” map from the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Applied Population Lab:

Cool tones are places with Area Deprivation Indices higher than the national median; warm tones show ADI below the national median. In general, the places in South Dakota suffering the least deprivation are clustered within commuting distance of our three biggest towns—Sioux Falls, Rapid City, and Aberdeen. Close your eyes, throw a dart, and more often than not, you’ll hit someplace in South Dakota where there’s more deprivation than in most places in America.
But notice that our big towns are not themselves utopiae of universal prosperity:

More intense deprivation appears to cluster within city limits, leaving the immediately surrounding rural areas in the better (in these maps, bluer) ADI deciles. That seems counterintuitive, since the long-standing trend is that residents leave rural places for our bigger towns in search of greater economic opportunity—more jobs, higher wages, cheaper groceries. Perhaps these ADI maps show lower-income folks gathering at the trailer parks and low-rent apartments in town, leaving the country with a higher proportion of well-off farmers and landowners.
A similar effect appears in New York City, the Twin Cities, and Los Angeles, although those major metros show more of the dark-blue best-decile neighborhoods than do South Dakota’s biggest small towns:

South Dakota appears to be part of a band of neighborhood disadvantage that runs the length of the Great Plains. Deprivation as measured by the ADI also is more prevalent in the South:

In May, I noted that South Dakota’s suicide rate is double New York’s. The ADI does not count suicide rates, but the above maps support my May observations: South Dakota imposes a cost of living that goes beyond a simple comparison of wages and purchasing power. Much of South Dakota, rural and urban, is a hard place to live.
Imagine that. The USA deprivation map looks just like the national election map. The least deprived places are all Democrat. The hardest places to live are all Republican. It’s not a coincidence. Places that aren’t afraid of reasonable taxation and proper investment in the place they live are doing better. When federal taxes get so low that we Dems quit sending the RedPublicans money every month to keep their deprived butts afloat, maybe they’ll change. Naw, stubborn is as stubborn does. When you don’t know how to fix something, just say NO. It creates the illusion of participation.
Do a suicide map. My guess: You will find the reservations disproportionately will have the most if only because of the ghetto the democrats have forced upon the Native Americans.
DEMOCRAT: Slaver then, slavery now
Can you be even more insulting than that? Using Native kids suicides to bolster your low self esteem? Got any more?
OS, that has nothing to do with anything, nor anything beyond a sliver of truth. Moving on.
Life expectancy is shorter in those redder areas. I think Porter’s assessment is very accurate.
When there is very little investment in the lives of the people, they don’t do well. It’s simple common sense.
GOP only invests in the wealthiest, blindly lavishes all kinds of welfare on them, redistributes wealth directly into their accounts and places all the power possible in their hands. Of course the deprivation level is high for everyone else in the politically red states.
Such is not as much the case in the politically blue states, hence they are more blue on the deprivation map.
Nice work, Cory.
Additionally red states are disproportionately hammered by trump’s tariffs.
You know the chorus. Repeat with me: “Give them what they voted for. Give it to them hard and often.”
Why does OldSarge find it necessary to insult me and my fellow tribal members, is that the Trump Party bullying coming out in him?
I doubt that OldSarge can identify the Democrats that have forced the ghetto conditions on the reservations. For the better part of my life living on the reservation there were very few ghetto’s on the reservation and my family always felt safe, for the most part, the people are always welcoming.
Today there were numerous articles reporting that republican red states would feel the impact of Trump’s trade war first, Alabama heads the list, you can’t get any poorer or red then Alabama.
SD’s demographics and economics are so bad that a state-wide or national candidate only need campaign in half a dozen places: SF:RC:SF:AB:SF:PI:SF:BK:SF:RC:SF:WA:SF:MI:SF:YA:SF:ST:SF.
No candidate will tell one that other places are irrelevant. No candidate need to. Other places made themselves election-irrelevant.
John, what’s ST?
OS, quit guessing. Provide evidence, like I do.
Debbo—wow! You tie some good analysis to Porter’s observation about the election map. Places that lean Trump lean toward disadvantage… and that disadvantage may well happen because of policies that favor the rich, ignore or punish the poor, and thus create higher income inequality (one ingredient of the ADI).
The tariff impact that Roger and John note is deliberate: our erstwhile and maybe-someday-after-2020-or-impeachment again trade partners (I’ll go out on this limb and say President Mike Pence would lift the tariffs) know the only way to get Trump to back down is to make the people at his rallies squeal. Shake his base, and he’ll follow. Our allies (please? again? most of us like you) are smarter than we are.
OldSferbrains is like a snot nosed kid that just learned his first cuss word. Now he thinks he is all grown up and wants to test the boundaries of decency to see what he can get away with.
Right, Debbo. Mueller’s hot on the trail. Trump helped the Russians and they both used Cambridge Analytica to target the 80,000 voters needed in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. This illegal cabal created psychological profiles drawn from those voter’s Facebook likes. These personal voter targets included using deceptive Facebook posts, push polling and specious mailers. Trump won those states by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes. Those three wins gave him 46 electoral votes; if Clinton had done one point better in each state, she’d have won the electoral vote, too.
John, I wonder: does population concentration in a few areas inherently signal “bad” demographics and economics? Are states with more spread out population centers inherently stronger economically? Are there basic economic principles that would allow us to deduce that a 50K-sq-mi province with 50K people in each of its 25 2K-sq-mi counties should generally be healthier than a 50K-sq-mi province with the same number of same-sized counties but with one county with 900K residents and another 100K spread out among the other 24 counties?
What’s the metric we would use to measure the “badness” of that population concentration: variance in population density? ratio of largest cities or counties containing 50%+1 of the population to the remaining cities/counties?
Here is a red state’s residents who’ve taken matters into their own hands to lessen their deprivation:
“Reclaim Idaho volunteers collected & submitted over 73,000 valid signatures to Idaho’s Secretary of State to get Medicaid Expansion on the ballot in November. Vote YES Nov. 6 so 62,000 Idahoans can get the healthcare they need. People > Politics.”
That wasn’t Cory’s work. He took the slides from another site, pasted the wording and added his silliness.
Porter give me the reason of the outrageous suicide rates if it is not a culturtual issue on the reservations the democrats forced the Native Americans to live on? In 1851 the Indian Appropriations Act (IAA) was passed creating the Indian reservation. It was passed by the 32nd Congress which was controlled by the democrats, and signed into law by a Whig Party member named Fillmore. The IAA was written and presented to the Congress by the democrat party. Historically the democrat party has ALWAYS been the enslaver of people. Look at the ghettos of Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Detroit, Atlanta, Erie, NY, on and on they are all controlled by the democrats who enslave the poorest of the poor and “yes” including the slavery of the Black man the democrats forced to pick cotton. democrats = socialist/fascist/slavers
This attempt by Dinesh D’souza (and all his parrot hangers on) to deflect the racism of so many Republicans by pronouncing that a hundred years ago Dem’s were different than they are now has fizzled. What you’ve emphasized is that for at least 50 years Democrats have been supported in full by minority voters. Events like President Trump saying white supremacists are equal to civil rights protestors and President Trump locking up immigrant children and not even keeping records of who their parents are has cemented those voters as a vital part of us for another 50 years. In short, minorities aren’t buying your bullsh*t.
~ Not all Republicans are racist but every racist seems to vote Republican.
Corey why keep giving free press to troll olsarge? His job is distraction. The first amendment, formerly a successful Democratic Party tool, has been WEAPONIZED since Scalia’s “unlimited money as speech” farce in Citizens Untd, only rivaled by McConnell’s unconstitutional gambit in stealing Justice Merrick Garland’s SCOTUS nomination from Obama. OS has no right to post Hate Speech here.
“Dem’s were different than they are now” really, how so? Lets see;
Question 1: Tolerant of other’s opinions?
Question 2: Identify others by race?
Question 3: Trying to overthrow our government?
Question 4: Try to bully others?
Question 5: Blame others for your actions?
Question 6: Promote and start needless wars?
Questions 7: Cheat, steal and lie by force of habit?
This isn’t going well for you is it?
leslie; free speech is not hate speech but since we are on that topic lets talk about “free speech”. I say, if you take away free speech to take away the ability to be creative. You would take away free thought. Taking away the ability from someone to express themselves would be tantamount to killing them. It certainly is nothing more than a different form of slavery.
Think about this: Many times all of you only have the same opinion about things. How is that free speech? To me it sounds more like all you have so compromised your integrity you openly profess the views of others as your own to win acceptance. It is as if you cannot have your own thoughts out of fear of not being seen as “one of the boys”. I think it is this thinking that led to lynch mobs, internment camps and the KKK. In many ways it appears you have surrendered your free thought and speech just so you would be accepted by those you perceive as superior to yourself. I see that as a weakness.
“OS has no right to post Hate Speech here.” in a way you are right. Remember, this is only my opinion: This is Cory’s personal site. It is not owned by the government so he could censure me if he wanted. I would even respect that, but can you imagine how whipped up some of the more dangerous posters on this site would be if they only had your view to consider? What if by reading your words of hatred of other’s opinions so excited one of the posters they committed an act of violence against someone different? Would you hold any responsibility for that? Much like the crowd watching the southern preacher, standing at the pulpit, spouting his words of hatred against the Black man, firing up the mob screaming “Hang em! Hang em High!” what you are doing appears no different. From your posts it is my opinion you only use your freedom of speech as a way to repeat what others have posted. I see freedom of speech as my opportunity to confront hate speech. You don’t like what I post because it goes against what you “think” you know. I post my opinion of what you “think” you know. I will openly admit I don’t know everything, or even close, but I am willing to consider other’s opinions while you call for me to be banned. How it is your are the “decider of all things”? “You are not Boss of the World” and I just don’t see the value in recognizing any man as my master. This is why I know your type would accept reeducation camps, internment camps, enslavement of those who’re different. I would not. No, free thought and speech does not mean you go with no harm. Many times saying or thinking differently can get you in trouble but that still doesn’t mean expressing your own thoughts is wrong.
Is free speech worth dying for? Some have thought so and that is what led to the founding of our Nation, freedom from slavery, the civil rights act. It wasn’t “OS has no right to post Hate Speech here” that brought freedom. . . So, should Cory block me? I guess you can “ask” for that but by the simple fact you must ask others to act for you kind of speaks to being a coward in my opinion. This is fundamentally where we differ: You ask others for your rights. I see my rights as my own and are not controlled by others.
Failure to expand medicaid in SD hurts the working poor – depriving them of healthcare. Taxes on food and clothing also hurt the poor, as do low SD wages. The safety net in SD has a lot bigger holes than the safety net across the border in MN. SD has much worse unemployment benefits for those who lose their jobs and much much worse work comp benefits for those injured on the job.
Fortunately Democrats are working constantly to prevent Republican policies designed to inflict more deprivation on people. If Republicans had their way they would eliminate the minimum wage altogether, deprive people of collective bargaining rights for wages and benefits, cut healthcare, housing, education and food assistance, and force more people to live in conditions of deprivation in order to further cut taxes for the rich.
OS drags off topic with recycled, pre-packaged rage. Ignore.
The ADI data here is from 2013, so it doesn’t reflect disparities caused by our failure to expand Medicaid while the majority of states reap the benefits of Barack Obama’s wise policy. That failure on our part will likely show more SD neighborhoods slipping into the worse deciles.
100 years ago wingnuts resurrected the KKK.
Ignored. Hey, there’s another old Sargent who posts on here about himself in thousand word, self-consumed diatribes. He also tries to justify his party’s taking of children from their parents by saying, “A hundred years ago the Dems did bad things so it’s fine that we’re doing it now.” Well, Democrats kicked out the racists 50 years ago and guess where they went?
If Cory blocks OldSferbrains it should be for your despicably, disgusting, deplorable delusional comments about Porter Landsng and kids. That should have brought immediate termination of privileges and branded OldSferbrains as a child abuser for life.
Thin ice, MFI. Snowflake Jones quit posting here because of one of Cory’s offhanded remarks about child abusers. “Big baggage, he has.” ~ Yoda
We need the opposition views. We really do.
Thanks OldSferbrains.
Porter, we don’t need comments like the ones bestowed on you. A suspension means nothing to wingnuts except fodder for their beliefs they are the victims, always the victims.
Sorry folks, the democrats did not kick out any haters and have only added to their ranks. Look at the headlines today: “MAN PUNCHED IN THE FACE OVER TRUMP FLAG IN HIS YARD”, “MAN ARRESTED FOR MAKING ‘TERRORISTIC THREATS’ AGAINST TRUMP SUPPORTERS”, “A Long Island man was arrested Friday for threatening to kill supporters of President Donald Trump”, and it goes on and on!
Look at your own posts: calling to suppress the speech of others: “OS has no right to post Hate Speech here”, working to take away someone’s livelihood “immediate termination of privileges and branded OldSferbrains as a child abuser for life”. See those are THREATS! You are consumed with your hatred for anyone who has thoughts different than your own.
I’ll be honest with you, I have warned Cory of some of you being dangerous and not to provoke your criminal behavior but I’m afraid you are all so gone it may just be too late. I’m just glad I live far enough away from you folks that don’t live in South Dakota. You are seriously dangerous to society. . .
OldSferbrains, I have said this before and I will certainly repeat it in the future. If you think anyone wants to harm you in anyway, other than the mental health problems you create for yourself, you take yourself way too seriously.
I have never threatened you. If i ever do, there will be no doubt, even in a shallow mind like yours, that you have been threatened. Babble on and dig a deeper hole for yourself.
Q ~ Why didn’t OS post where those headlines came from?
A ~ Because they came from invalid sources Breitbart and New York Post (According to a survey conducted by Pace University in 2004, the Post was rated the least-credible major news outlet in New York, and the only news outlet to receive more responses calling it “not credible” than credible (44% not credible to 39% credible).
Google them Portly. Just Google them. The number of hate crimes committed by those aligned with the democrat nazis is all that is in the news. None of them are lies. Here, look at this one:
It’s a video of a grown man, a leftist, attacking a BOY for wearing a hat the leftist didn’t like. You’ve seen this story. It’s in the news. Take a look Portly.
Comparing a “police are reportedly investigating an allegation” of some kid getting his hat stolen and a drink tossed on him with “MAN PUNCHED IN THE FACE OVER TRUMP FLAG IN HIS YARD” – Threatening to kill supporters of President Donald Trump and MAKING TERRORISTIC THREATS’ AGAINST TRUMP SUPPORTERS is a false equivalency when you cite invalid sources Breitbart and NYPost and equate it to only an allegation.
~ Shall we discuss what your Father or Mother’s boyfriend said to you as a boy that made you resort to name calling as an adult? Psychologists agree that adult name callers were abused as children. Tell us about it … it wasn’t your fault.
Here you have classic evidence of one who would receive a Section 8 from the military service, as portrayed in MASH. The chapter under which such cases are now processed is UCMJ 5-13.
OS … You’re little but alarmist. Your falsehoods, unfounded and dangerous innuendo has what value? So you can present yourself as some sort of “protector” of society? Is your self esteem that low that you need to inwardly envision a “super-hero” character of yourself? We don’t need protecting by intolerant and unempathetic people, the likes of you! Go sit in the garage.
Google them. Portly. Did yer video tell you that witnesses claimed the teens were making racist remarks about lynching N—–s? Wouldn’t matter to you if they did, would it, racist?
Did you know Huckabee tweeted that after his daughter was asked to leave restaurant, the owner assembled a crowd and follwed her across the street to protes tat another restaurant? All made up of course.Didn’t happen, tool.
Do you care?
ps the guy that took the Magat hat from racist teens was fired. Just like the racist in the WH should be.
Guy who claims he was punched for having Drumpf flag says the car is silver, might be a 2 door. Great. He claims the driver held his arm and drug him about 30 feet. No witnesses. No video. Not even an accurate description of car an/’or driver. Smells like fake noise to me.
@MFi … That video did look suspiciously edited for no reason. If some kids at 2:00 am were talking lynching they’re lucky to be alive … wearing a hat or bare headed.
OldSarge, simply put, is a Trump clone. They both lack reasoning and logic and spout whatever thought comes into their head.
OldSarge and Trump both accuse, blame and can’t offer a solution to any given problem. The two of them don’t know much more then how to call names and insult those they think are beneath them. I will give credit to OldSarge for one thing, he does spell better then Trump, but whos doesn’t spell better then Trump?
OldSarge’s purpose in coming to Dakota Free Press is not to contribute but distract and make every single thread about him.
Right on, Roger. And Porter and everyone else other than OldSferbrains.
Thanks Mike,
As OldClone shows his outrage over a kid and his Trump hat, 5 journalists were killed in Maryland just a few weeks ago because Trump had declared open season on the media, the death of the journalists aren’t “fake news” they are dead and Trump has said nothing about it.
Trump did try to prevent the flag being raised over the capital in their honor but was overruled.
That Magat hat taker got charged with grand theft over a piece of cloth likely made in China. Drumpf’s goons wanted him charged with assault.
Plus the victim was 16. What is a 16 year old doing out at 2 am? More family values?
This article refutes OS’s assertion. He DOES have a “Jason History” of not always telling the truth.
I noticed OS has suddenly gone silent after I called him out on his lying. Maybe he’ll respond to my questions over here:
So you don’t live in SD either OS. That’s good. It gives you an opportunity to experience first hand that there are other ways for a state to govern itself.
Have you Ever lived in SD? I did for the first 56 years of my life, with 4 years off for school and an opportunity to broaden my horizons. What state do you live in?
So you have been lying when you’ve mentioned spending time on a particular evening at “Murphy’s Bar?” Or you were being deliberately deceitful, fully expecting us to think you were referring to Murphy’s in Rapid City?
What else have you been lying about OS? Most everything?
You should expect lies from OldClone, just as Trump has a propensity for lying so does OldClone.
Since Trump declared war on Mexicans there is hardly a day that goes by where social media doesn’t report a Mexican or an entire Mexican family being insulted by a Trump supporter and that is to say nothing about the insults Mexican children received everyday in their cages.
Now OldClone wants us to be outraged by a mouthy 16 year old kid for losing a Trump hat.
So Debbo neither you are dumb cluck from iowa live here yet you feel free to impart your wisdom on us?
Roge, please quote one of my “lies” and then we can discuss. Otherwise you may want to shut that urinal you claim as your pie hole.
Watch it to the end so you know they type of people you surround yourself with:
“Us?” But Lying OS, you don’t live in SD, as you said yourself. I live in Minnesota now. Answer my questions.
1. Have you Ever lived in SD?
2. Where do you live?
3. What else are you lying about?
If that little bass was Black he would have been, at the very least, arrested for loitering (standing there taking pics of himself) and more probably shot in the back and the officer screams he was afraid for his life. Bratty white privilege brought to you by Drumpf and OldSferbrains.
OlSarg – so – uh what color is your hypothetical democrat? Just wondering, when you look in your own mind’s eye – what you see.
Geez, why would anyone attack little grifter Eric Drumpf for lying his arse off about free use of his golf course (1.2 mill ain’t free and is way above what expenses should have been) and the claims that all proceeds go to kids at St Judes.
OldClone is just like Trump, he doesn’t even know when he is lying.
Answer Debbo questions and we’ll see if you are a liar or not.
Say it ain’t so, OldSferbrains.
Damn, OS. You post this sob story from a radio show host lady belittling people who criticized Eric Trump for helping St.Jude when the truth is the Trumps took some of the money for themselves. Is everything you post just bullsh*t? Every story you’ve put up today has been proven a lie.
Go sit in the garage!!
OldSferbrains place in reality- floating down a drainage ditch on his back with wood yelling for someone to raise the drawbridge.
Doc told OldSferbrains he is impotent so OldS has taken to wearing business suits.
“wingnuts….their beliefs they are the victims, always the victims.” This ties nicely into the topic at hand – as displayed on the map – and into political rhetoric used to influence voters. The red state voters have been conditioned to believe that the blue staters (them danged liberals and their tax-payer paid for programs) are the CAUSE for their disadvantage. they are told the ;liberals “steal” their tax dollars and give it away to n’er do wells. Never bothering to do the research to discover that the blue states (which are obviously to them the home of the better off) contribute more tax dollars to their red states which they themselves are the recipients of. The victim mentality requires a set of actual victim. republican policy CREATES those victims – which they ten HARVEST as voters. Clever.
Be a hoot to cozy around a fire ring in the Black Hills with a dozen of my friends and fellow posters and roast OldSferbrains in effigy.
bcb mentioned S’mores.
Thanks, Richard. This thread is about how Republican states aren’t as good a place to live as Democrat states. Somehow, OS got the post commenting about himself. *It started with his thousand word screed about being afraid for his safety around liberals.
We can return to talking about how blue states send money to red states (except Texas) and red states live on “low taxation” while not paying their way.
Things is getting worse in America as Drumpf and OldSferbrains take another whack at the ACA just before major market decisions need be made.
Thank you for bringing us out of the Twilight Zone, Richard.
Your comment is precisely what this thread is about and reflects on the financial status we are in.
Yesterday China launched a response to Trump’s trade war by promising to quit buying American soybeans and placed tariffs on 1300 other products.
Note that the first states to be affected by the soybean tariff is red state South Dakota. South Dakota not only loses their soybean sales, but can expect to pay higher prices for other products. Even with the trade war leading into the 2018 mid-terms we can still expect republicans to support Trump.
The one thing South Dakota republicans are adept at is voting against their own best interests.
Drumpf family clothing lines are not on the tariff list for some unfathomable reason. Hmmmmm.
Good thing Drumpf and OldSferbrains hate immigrants…wait, what?
Gotta love winning.
The Liar is silent. Too bad this doesn’t work on the Liar-in-Chief. Wouldn’t that be sweet? 😁
Does anyone know what Faux Noise tells their guppies about the route of taxes from blue to red? Do they mention it at all? Just lie about it? Totally invert it?
The thing is, cutting most anything does not help an economy. Well, cutting taxes on the lower 50% or so does. But cutting spending, cutting taxes on the top half? Really bad ideas.
Minnesota’s GOP governor Tim Pawlenty, 2002-10, was big on cutting everything. He ran up our structural deficit by cutting state income taxes on the upper incomes, cutting on education, taking money from other parts of our government programs, etc. All that was before the Great Recession. The GOP governor trashed our economy.
2010 election rolls around and Minnesotans have gotten smarter, elected Democratic Governor Mark Dayton who campaigned on “making the wealthy pay their fair share,” raising education spending, taking care of health care and other basic bread and butter issues.
Oh no! the GOP cried! Everyone with money will leave the state! (They didn’t.) Our economy will totally crash! (It’s much better now.) We cant afford it! (Yes we can and have.)
Austerity does not work to revitalize the economy. Taking care of the rank and file citizens via health care, education, labor rights and so forth makes all the difference.
That’s why red states are failing and blue states are doing much better. Democratic philosophy v. GOP backwardness and greed.
Look at yourselves. You are so filled with hatred for everyone else you can no longer control yourselves! You folks need professional help.
I think Cory put a “nut magnet for leftist” on his site and all of you are stuck to it. You are truly the freaks of society. Scary stuff guys. . .
And the answers to my questions that you’re so desperately and transparently trying to avoid? Scary stuff indeed!
Debbo asks pertinent questions to the point of the article. OS, defeated, repeats his same old insults. Don’t bite, people. OS’s goal is to make you follow him toward his talking points instead of further investigating the new, factual, and useful information I present.
On ag: yes, the tariffs are going to hurt South Dakota. Every non-partisan and even some partisans admit it. Cutting South Dakota off from global trade will push more of South Dakota into ADI orange and red zones.
Notice that ag by itself doesn’t make counties great. There are lots of ag counties with bad ADI; ag only appears to correlate with broader prosperity when it is close to our big towns. Why is that?
Oldsarg has commented 9 times on this thread and not once mentioned the deprivation index. Not once. He’s trolling, folks. Why is everyone feeding the troll?
Basically because it is fun and he is so easily disturbed. Other times I can’t help myself. But, then, I am the dumb one according to OldSferbrains. :)
I’ll try restraint next time.
The only rural, Republican area whose people aren’t deprived of quality of life is Wyoming. Why? Wyoming is close to the urban areas of Colorado for recreation and shopping. Wyoming has large reserves of very high quality coal and Wyoming has very good land for cattle. People are scarce and wages are high. From personal experience living in Wyoming the people are mostly apolitical and very independent. The unofficial state motto is do whatever you want, just don’t interfere with what I want to do. It’s a Republican state with people who don’t see themselves as Republican.
Porter @ 18:11, your lead post. Spot on. The CA economy, the anti-trump economy grew twice as fast as did the trump-US economy. Higher taxes be damned. It’s higher investment in people and infrastructure.
The proof is in the profits.
The South Dakota and red state economies and deprivation is going to get far worse as the tariffs and their retaliation take hold.
The lead is precious: “Trump’s declaration that “trade wars are good, and easy to win” is an instant classic, right up there with Herbert Hoover’s “prosperity is just around the corner.””
I believe I posted a few years ago the majority of South Dakota produced wheat went East, by rail, to ports in Minnesota for shipment.
Louisiana ships massive amounts of their and everyone else’s grains overseas, but with tariffs in place, much less shipping to China will occur. It will cost all ag producing states beaucoup bucks, thanks to Drumpf and OldSferbrains.
I read his post. I went to the ADI University of Wisconsin information. I entered my name and so forth so I could download the data early this morning. Then I went on the Horse thief trail hike. Now I am home and have some things to do before sit down to digest information that is 5 years out of date and no longer applicable since Trump turned our economy around.
Cory do you ever wonder why, if the data is useful, they have never updated it since that time? It would be easy. Once the model is developed you just run a new set of data. . . Maybe it wasn’t of value or maybe the “government” is hiding the information from us! Oh, this is spooky!!
Folks, the data is old data. Out of date data. Of so little value they no longer update the data. Of course none of you other than Cory read any of it and you are just looking at the pretty pictures to draw your outdated conclusions.
Hate window is now open:
WAIT! I have run my errands yet and I read this “Wyoming has very good land for cattle”. What a rube. . . You would think Portly would have visited Wyoming at some point in the past. . .
“Wyoming has very good land for cattle”
Here, ya want to read who has good cattle land between Wyoming and South Dakota?
OMG! Wyoming is one third of South Dakota so far as cattle go for raising beef. We are more than twice the size of Wyoming. Look at the milk production between the states! Wyoming cows are dried up!!! Wait, don’t bother. You guys wouldn’t understand the reports much less even read them. In every area of ag production South Dakota is far far ahead of Wyoming there is no point of you even looking.
Clueless and Portly is a sad way of going through life.
OS … In case you think I’m ignoring your opinions, I am.
Ignore the Troll.
What troll? Old Liar? 😄😄😄😄😄😄
When I was on the farm that was mostly pre-irrigation and wheat was our cash crop. Don’t see it very often now.
If pres Child Abuser’s lousy trade wars destroy the bean and corn markets for US farmers, more diversity in crops might return and that would be a good thing in a number of ways.
To add to an even further decline of main street, check out the new boy on the street, Family Dollar stores. If main street thought it hard to offer much if anything, it just got a whole lot tougher with the introduction of the small town Walmart. Buh bye main street.
Here is more on the general US deprivation. US workers rank right up there with Greeks.
Here is more data or in the CDC case, lack on agriculture, this one having to do with suicide.
“A widely cited study on high suicide rates among agricultural workers may be inaccurate, according to a retraction issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week. The report had been the subject of news articles across national media, including at least two in Mother Jones.
The study, from 2012, was a survey of 17 states that estimated there were 84.5 self-inflicted deaths per 100,000 workers in the “farming, fishing, and forestry” occupational group—easily the highest of any group. However, last week, the CDC published a notice in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report that the study’s authors would conduct a “thorough reanalysis” because of coding errors that could invalidate the six-year-old statistics:”
Wonder why trump doesn’t want anyone to know that his supporters are blowing their brains out at a higher rate than we ever thought possible.
Even when he tries to get on topic, OldSarg fails.
ADI is valid data. OS presents no newer data to refute it. ADI presents accurate data based on the 2013 release of the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Many researchers and policy makers continue to use the data.
OS would probably also say that Census figures in general are obsolete and “of very little value.” However, OS exaggerates. Census data are of great value.
OS’s failed critique also does nothing to indict conclusions we may draw about the state of affairs in South Dakota at the time the data was collected. Nor does it give any reason to suspect that the state of affairs has changed since the data was collected.
Once again, OS wants to argue his personal wishful thinking instead of verified empirical facts.
Various researchers have created similar ADIs from different data sets in many countries. The ADI from University of Wisconsin is just one example of a well-recognized and well-tasted model of socio-economic research.
Here is a fairly current ASI from a teaching hospital on the risks of readmission,
From Jan, 2018.
You guys could be a little nicer to Old Sarge. If you paid attention, maybe you could learn something.
Sorry, Timoteo. It’s hard to learn from the guy who barges into the conversation and starts swinging insults instead of offering solid data to compete with the data already presented. I made clear the lack of of substance to his response in my 7/9 07:43 comment.
I learn from lots of interactions. My interactions with OS have taught me that he doesn’t have much but denialism, distraction, anger, and insult to our conversations. The bulk of his injections into this comment section indicate a desire not to educate but to harm.
South Dakota is hard to live in for some areas, but not as bad as no go areas of the US, like Dallas, Texas
“If you think that’s an embarrassingly insignificant — or easy — first step, you don’t know J’s Food Mart, or similar establishments in crime-ridden pockets all over Dallas.
The parking lot at 10041 Whitehurst Drive has long been littered with people up to no good. Loitering. Open-air drug sales. Prostitution. High-stakes dice games late into the night. Shootings and armed robberies as the games break up.” Dallas News 07/19/2018
So there ya go, we have ICE catching and releasing immigrants while taking their children to who knows where because bullying people makes more sense than going up against real crime. We have open areas of actual crime and what? crickets…