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Women Leading Activism to Save Democracy from Trump

Twelve score and two years ago, 56 men approved the Declaration of Independence, launching the era of modern democracy. Now countless American women are engaging in political activism to prevent the end of that era:

It’s too soon to tell whether America will survive Trump in any recognizable form. But if it does, it will be because women like Gabriel have realized that no one is coming to save democracy for us, and they have set out to rescue it themselves. It’s no secret that American women dislike Trump; a recent poll showed that 57 percent of all female voters disapprove of him, 43 percent strongly. But polls can’t capture the way gut-churning revulsion toward Trump is changing some women’s whole way of being in the world. You see it in the large number of women running for political office and winning. But you also see it in the women, many of them suburban, middle-aged and not particularly radical, who are making political activism the center of their lives [Michelle Goldberg, “Women Might Save America Yet,” New York Times, 2018.07.02].

This hopeful NYT column came to me via the organizers of Saturday’s Families Belong Together rally in Aberdeen, who came away from Saturday’s event with so much positive energy that they have changed the name and mission of their Facebook organizing page to Activate South Dakota to promote ongoing activism beyond protesting the federal government’s abuse of human rights at the southern border.

The majority of participants in Saturday’s rally and in Activate South Dakota’s discussions are women. Women also appear to be the driving forces behind similar activist groups based in Britton and Sisseton who have joined us for Aberdeen rallies. This increasing activism by women may show that I’m not the only one who believes women have the most to lose if we do not immediately and thoroughly repudiate Donald Trump’s effort to knock down our democracy.


  1. MaryD

    It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out that a lot of men…even in South Dakota…think we should be wearing Burkas. White male supremacy is alive and well all over. Thank goodness there a lot of men that think otherwise, but they have to speak up loudly over the voices that say otherwise and these women are going to make it known we are free and independent women and aim to stay that way!

  2. Anne Beal

    Sure, women are TERRIFIED that Trump’s economic policies might result in more jobs for the men in their lives and they might actually get their husbands off the couches and their sons out of the basements.
    Full employment for men would mean working outside the home would be a choice for women, not a necessity, and women could have all the babies they want, and not have to console themselves with cats.
    Bad news for the cats, though.

  3. mike from iowa

    If women got jobs by choice and kids got out of the basement, Blacks would be calling the cops to report suspicious activities.

    I can’t believe I heard a staunch right winger mention choice and women in the same sentence and not cuss godless Libs.

  4. mike from iowa

    ×From the Washington Post article hidden behind paywall.

    Wonkblog Analysis
    Is it great to be a worker in the U.S.? Not compared with the rest of the developed world.

  5. Debbo

    MaryD, you’re right, I fear. There’s been a common factor behind nearly every one of the American terrorists who’ve slaughtered their fellow Americans. They’re all males who hate women. They all have violence against women on their records. Many became stalkers when the women wouldn’t bow to their wishes. They became enraged when women didn’t respond to them as the males felt they deserved to be responded too. So they took their rage and slaughtered innocent people.

    Women know the danger. We know our real freedom is at risk. We know this isn’t just talk. It isn’t a joke. We remember the politicians who, in the very recent past, want to force us to have ultrasound wands shoved up our vaginas as part of an unnecessary, Republican ordered medical procedure.

    If by some crooked means, the GOP continues to own government and collude with Russia, we women know our lives will very likely be curtailed.

    We. Will. Not. Let. That. Happen.

  6. CLCJM

    You are so right, Cory! And there are lots of Republicans, yes, Republicans that are supporting, mentoring and donating to Democratic candidates! Even many Republicans have realized that South Dakota being one of the most corrupt states and THE most gerrymandered state in the country, is not good for economic growth, tourism or even keeping our own children to staying in the state! Repealing anti-corruption laws passed overwhelmingly by we, the people, is shameful and the epidomy of corruption! Passing repressive laws to prevent the voters from putting reasonable laws on the books is the just as corrupt as repealing laws the voters passed!

    The Japanese wondered if they awakened a sleeping giant after Pearl Harbor! Yes, they had and so have the Republicans!

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