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Russell Leaves Oakes as Only Conservative Candidate in District 30 Senate Race

Reasonable Libertarian Gideon Oakes jumps on Senator Lance Russell’s ambitious withdrawal from the District 30 Senate race to tout his own bona fides as “the only conservative voice remaining in the District 30 race for state senator”:

Back in March when I first heard that Mr. Russell was running for both the state senate and for A.G., I knew he would ultimately have to choose between them. Since then, I have been running a consistent, grassroots campaign based on principle instead of politics. Tonight, I want the voters of District 30 to know that I am ready, willing and able to serve as your next state senator.

While the local GOP central committee will likely replace Sen. Russell with another candidate on the November ballot, I invite all District 30 Republicans to take a look at my campaign platform and pledges at

Once you’ve examined my 12 campaign pledges, I humbly ask you to put principle above partisan politics and join these former elected officials in supporting me:

• Mike Verchio, Former District 30 Representative
• Jared Carson, Former Mayor of Custer
• Sandi McLain, Former Town Board President of Keystone
• Keith Carlyle, Former Mayor of Rapid City
• Alan Aker, Former District 35 Senator and Meade County Commissioner
• Steve Hickey, Former District 9 Representative
• And more to come…

My campaign platform is simple: Life, Liberty and Limited Government, and if elected, I will serve my community always with an eye to these principles [Gideon Oakes, campaign Facebook post, 2018.06.22].

Oakes and Democratic candidate Kristine Ina Winter will face whomever District 30 Republicans choose to substitute for Russell on the November ballot.


  1. Debbo 2018-06-23

    Is there a likely GOP choice, a favored one?

  2. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-06-24

    Hard to say, Debbo. I’d have suggested they might bring a wingnut like Verchio back, but there he is endorsing Oakes. One thing is for sure: per SDCL 12-6-55, they can’t put Russell back on the ballot for the Senate seat.

    How about this for a likely scenario: Russell swaps slots with Rep. Tim Goodwin? Goodwin withdraws from D-30 House race, then party officials fill the House vacancy with Russell and the Senate vacancy with Goodwin.

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