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Naughty Computer Behavior Draws Anti-Pornography Policy at Aberdeen Senior Center

Don’t tell me Aberdeen’s senior citizens don’t know how to get around on the Internet. Jackie Witlock, our city’s Senior Center director, has discovered she needs to write up a no-porn policy:

Inappropriate internet use at the Aberdeen Area Senior Center has led to the city drafting a policy prohibiting access to pornographic material.

…Under it, members are prohibited from accessing, viewing, storing, printing or transmitting pornographic material on any equipment or devices at the senior center, public or private. The policy also prohibits altering the setup of computers or devices, copying software, stealing equipment and downloading or saving files on computers [Elisa Sand, “Pornographic Material Banned by New Senior Center Policy,” Aberdeen American News, 2018.06.16].

Now if we could just get our elders to stop Googling xenophobic propaganda….

Keep it clean, grannies and grampies—use your online time to read good wholesome material, like Dakota Free Press.


  1. Nick Nemec 2018-06-16 08:20

    STDs are a problem in some retirement homes.

  2. mike from iowa 2018-06-16 10:43

    From Pro Publica- Since releasing this information on its website this summer, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has added details of historical violations found in nursing homes. The agency now releases narrative reports of these problems from a home’s last three inspection cycles — or about three years.

    ProPublica created Nursing Home Inspect to allow users to easily search through the reams of reports, looking for trends or particular problems. Earlier this month, we used the tool to find examples of homes that had been cited for violating residents’ voting rights. We also came up with a tipsheet for how to best search the records.

    Nursing homes are inspected annually, called a standard survey, and when there is a complaint. Inspectors typically work for state agencies paid by Medicare. If they find problems, known as deficiencies, they rank them on a scale of A to L, the most severe. The vast majority are either labeled D or E.

    Of the 262,500 deficiencies in our database, here are the 10 regulations most commonly violated by nursing homes:

    Facility is Free of Accident Hazards: 17,331

    Facility Establishes Infection Control Program: 14,186

    Provide Necessary Care for Highest Practicable Well-Being: 13,401

    Store/Prepare/ Distribute Food Under Sanitary Conditions: 11,746

    Develop Comprehensive Care Plans: 9,070

    Services Provided Meet Professional Standards: 8,986

    Clinical Records Meet Professional Standards: 7,962

    Not Employ Persons Guilty of Abuse: 7,288

    Drug Regimen is Free from Unnecessary Drugs: 7,040

    Dignity: 6,605

    Sorry, I’m not seeing porn or access to porn as a real problem here.

  3. T 2018-06-16 22:37

    I disagree with the ban
    If they are made to live there, they should have access to anything they would at their home. What else do they have to do at that age, stare at the wall street and take medications, that’s real eventful or make them play bingo on Wednesday’s

  4. T 2018-06-16 22:46

    Mike from Iowa
    Thanks for info
    Sad…… dignity and abuse
    Yet porn is even an issue?

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-06-17 07:51

    Ah, T, correction: the Senior Center isn’t a nursing home; it’s the public, city-run clubhouse where old folks can go play cards, work out, etc. If it were a nursing home or some other permanent residence, that would be a different question.

    Nick’s point about STDs becoming a problem in nursing homes is an interesting reminder that old folks get horny, too. I wonder: should we be more worried about the old horndogs who are going to the Senior Center to check out nudie pics, then heading out into the wild again where they can ogle and grope the general public?

    I also have to wonder about the judgment of anyone, elderly or young, who thinks viewing porn in a public place is a good idea. One has as much right to view graphic images as one has to engage in actual sexual activity, but neither is appropriate in a public place.

    Finally, I would be curious to see how many of these senior citizens using public resources to check out nudie pics also grumble about their low-income neighbors who use public resources to get groceries and health care for their children.

  6. mike from iowa 2018-06-17 07:56

    Master, morally speaking, what’s the diff between watching porn in public or the corruption in your state’s governance? Either bith are offensive to the eyes of some beholders.

    My apologies, I thought we were talking about nursing homes.

  7. T 2018-06-17 08:26

    Oh my bad…..
    I was led astray by cohorts lol
    Nice article CH
    Interesting debate, “using public to get groceries and healthcare”
    Perhaps to be fair to the tax payer and the elderly that need the porn
    Resources should be available just as the assistance for food and healthcare, they could sign up and get dvds. Tha5 way it would be controlled (sarcasm)..,..interesting enough there are studies out there of increased “viewing” with the elderly because of the internet however is there data that it is an increased detriment to society? I don’t know……

  8. mike from iowa 2018-06-17 08:57

    LYNCHBURG, Va. ( – A new study is revealing startling statistics concerning pornography use among both men and women, including those who identify as Christian.

    The nationwide study conducted by Proven Men Ministries, a non-profit Christian organization aimed at helping men with an addiction to pornography, highlights concerning trends involving both young men and women, Christian and non-Christian, and their confessed porn habits.

    According to the research approximately 64 percent, or two thirds, of U.S. men admit to viewing porn at least monthly, with the number of Christian men nearly equaling the national average. When divided by age “eight out of ten (79%) men between the ages of 18 and 30 view pornography at least monthly, and two thirds (67%) of men between the ages of 31 and 49 view pornography at least monthly. One half of men between 50 and 68 looks at porn monthly.”

    The study claims three out of every 10 men between the ages of 18 and 30 are daily viewers of porn; three percent of women in the same age group purportedly access pornography daily.

    One adult site does an annual survey of customer locations and Americans visit the site the most and have for numerous years.

  9. T 2018-06-17 09:19

    Mike from Iowa
    Interesting we know it has increased and the statistics are probably low as it is still taboo to admit it. Studies show the detriment to teenagers and sexual abuse however u come across anything
    Statistical with the elderly? Just curious

  10. Debbo 2018-06-18 00:21

    Look, I hate to break this to you kids, but oldies such as myself find that sex is better than EVER! Your parents are probably having more fun now than when you rotten kids interrupted by rushing into the bedroom for some dumb kid reason.

    When you’re old, the baggage that accompanied younger sex is no longer there and you care much less about what anyone else thinks.

    I’m not a porn fan, nor am I surprised that numbers are much lower for women. Pretty much every study shows that for women great sex is about a relationship. For men it’s about the sexual act. It’s mostly a hormonal difference, somewhat cultural.

    I wouldn’t mind porn so much if the woman was regularly the active participant, rather than the object, the one acted upon. Certainly not the unwilling, terrified, injured victim. Those are the porn videos that damage young males understanding of dating relationships.

  11. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-06-18 08:04

    Fewer interruptions, less baggage—can’t wait to get there!

    Debbo’s last two paragraphs are important for young and old readers. Porn objectifies sex, feeding into the narrower, arguably less healthy male conception of sex as an act separate from a relationship.

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