Al Novstrup isn’t just racist; he disqualifies himself from the office of Senator by failing to understand and respect the Constitution that he swore an oath to uphold:

The Aberdeen American News was kind enough to print my letter to the editor in Friday’s edition.
In wanting to abridge the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments, Al Novstrup is talking like Donald Trump, who this week declared his desire to annul the Second and Twenty-Second Amendments. Wow—how much of the Constitution can an elected official reject before compelling us to impeach?
Friends and neighbors, keep those letters to the editor coming before Al and Donald tear up the First Amendment.
Lately terrorists in America look remarkably like Novstrup without the goofy glasses. Oh, that’s right. Whiteys can’t be terrorists because……. privilege.
Mikey, you win the interweb tubes today. 😁
Very good letter Cory.